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A member registered Mar 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice 😁 👍

rated :)

Good game, i like the cartoon-ish graphics of the game, as well as the overall of gameplay, i also liked the music. Only thing for me are hit indicators, whitch the game was lacking, besides that, i like this game 


thx for the feedback on my game :D

i have played it, and it was ok, platformer aspects were alright, and the goal was realy clear, altrough graphic style were unconsistent and description of you're theme realisation does not quite match actual theme 

rated :)

game is good imo, has some realy cool graphics, and well made ai as for game jam game. But i have two things i personaly did not liked. The hard capping ammo at 120, it would be cooler if you could store more ammo than that, and that the health bar did not qute matched the style of that kind of pixelated game.

rated :D

ok, i'll try to find a bug

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have you tried going to the task menager, and disactivating it manualy? idk realy what could caused this thing to happen. Maybye you have runned the game on diffrient operative system than windows, since game is build for windows and not other platform

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good game, i know what pain is to make roguelike game (that all random generating stuff etc.)

so that's realy impressive. Overally gaame was realy fun, and had some good replayability value. only thing that i did not liked is that enemies sometimes spawn too near doors, giving player too little reaction time. also i've found a bug, sometimes those little things that give you life don't spawn, making game unbeatable

rated :)

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Realy good game idea, same vith executing it. physic engine makes you're game realy fun, and graphics are realy good :) one thing that the game lacks is quit button.

Ok guys, i will probably will not be able to rate every game you have send me, since well, i have parents and they don't let me use my pc 24/7. Althrough i tried, i just simply could not rate every game send here to the end of the vote. Deeply apologise from my side

am Epic gamer 😎

yeah, i forgot about adding the info about pressing space for this minigame. Thx for the feedback tho

Yeah, i will rate Ur game when i'm gonna be on my pc. Also thank you for feedback :)

rated :D

realy fun, the addition of shared health bar makes theme more present in you're game. 2 player mode is done good, but i managed to play it alone, sine i don't had anybody to play with at the time. My high score was 590 :)

rated, altrough i completly did not knew what i was doing :P

i completely don't know what i'm doing but it was fun :P

rated :)

Realy good game imo, i realy liked the idea of actualy swinging the sword you're self in order to use it, altrough i think it was too op when fighting with the boss. and i also realy liked idea of having two alternate realities

Thanks for feedback :)

very good game, well designed. Game was very intuitive, and had a high repleyability. i don't have any complains about it

rated :)

rated this game :)

rated ur game :)

(1 edit)

i could not rate you're game cuz technical problems, you have that under game comment

i rated it :) have nice day

Ok, i know you worked realy hard on this game, and it is not like very bad, but i would like to give some critique opinion on it.

but first things i considered were good about this game:

-Models, altrough basic, they keep up with the same theme whith i realy like

-There is some gameplay customization which is always welcome and helps with replayability 

-The music is actualy good, and realy appealing

- The theme realization was original, and creative imo

and things i did not realy liked about this game:

-the rotation speed is realy slow, so it was kinda hard to hit monsters sometimes

-the arena was kinda too basic for me (or maybye it was like first level or smth, but i did not noticed any other), what i mean it was lacking some things that players could use tacticaly; adding some pilars, hill with bridge or something like that could make a lot of diffrience (especialy that it is a 3d game)

-there was no inddication of youre attacks path or no indication when you have hit or not. you could simply make enemie change color whenever it's hit, or play a little animation. 

-Smaller thing, but kinda painfull to me was some elements of ui, in my opinion they don't quite match the style of the game

and i guess that's all i had to say, and remember this is only my personal opinion, and i'm only rating a game itself without any further context, so if some person from the team could not work on a project for some reason, i completly understand lack of some features. in summary, the game was not that bad, but it would need some extra fixes. Anyways, have a good day :)

OH MY GOD this game is a masterpiece, i fell for it's graphic design, it's just perfect :) the phases of the dream were realy good designed, altrough i had a little bit problem with operating since my keabord is kinda broken, but you know, it's not you're fault. W sumie, nie musze pisać oceny w języku angielskim, skoro grę stworzyła para polaków :) Niezła robota, i aż smutno że tak mało ocen wam dali jak na taką świetną gre :) oby tak dalej 

good game, aaltrough i'm not a fan of the graphics, the platformer and phisic system woerks well. Only complain is that game screen could be bigger allowing to see more game space. Still good game


I'll check out you're games. 

If you are interested, here is my game:

here is my game:

And i'll check yours when i'm gonna have Access to my pc

realy thank u for the feedback, and yes i forgot to mention that you need to use space bar for this minigame