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A member registered Oct 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Bought this from the catalogue and just finished it this minute - a wonderful, evocative experience. The use of fractured tiles in the environment is inspired, creates such a great dream/memory atmospher

Really cool atmosphere and love the minimalist style!

Really cool idea and well tuned rules - this could work as a physical card game! Online/local multiplayer would be the cherry on top of a really neat game. Great stuff

The design of this reminds me of old FMV advnture games from the 90's, it's a cool vibe. This has potential, the inevitable outcome is quite fun but I'd like to be able to explore more with different options and outcomes. The world feels interesting enough to want to explore it more, hope you keep working on it!

Wow, presentation is off the charts here. Game feels great and story is very intriguing! Excited to see where this goes!

Love the presentation, and these sorts of games are always fun to explore. "Accompanied Miner" really made me laugh too. I'd have liked to see more drastic repercussions for my decisions, but the overall feel of this is so charming and well put together. Well done!  

Cute little lemming-like with a dark twist! Some sound would add a lot to this, but I was rooting for these little guys even when they started acting a bit...unsavoury. Nice work :)

Really liked this, genuinely pretty creepy at the start, gave me a good laugh later on and then goes some really creative places, the WASD advice voice line really got me giggling. Nice work!

Corporate cosmic horror is a brilliant vibe, and I really like your take on theme. The motivational messages and the office environment gave me a bit of Aperture Science feelings too - nice work!

Very creative type of horror, not outwardly "scary" but quietly horrifying. Touch controls worked really well too, well done!

I love this, great writing and atmosphere!

The font choices add so much, the way certain words are 'misbehaving' in the documents add so much atmosphere and directs your imagination in interesting ways, and the options being embedded in the text gives a real sense of confusion and exploration; stumbling about in a strange place. 

I got ending 3 my first time and I'm going to try exploring for the other endings!

Well done!

Thank you so much for playing and such lovely feedback!

I really enjoyed the core mechanic in this, planning out attacks in advance to make sure you have the mana you need to perform a stronger attack or heal a couple of turns away is really satisfying. The bosses are very tough and it can feel a little repetitive at times, but this really only happens once a party member has died and it feels like a losing battle already. It's a really nice well thought out and well realised system, and I'd love to see it expanded out into a full fledged RPG. The egg of doom is also a lovely boss design. Well done!

Great UI, really polished feel, and the visuals in game are really charming. Having to wait to try again is a bit annoying, the coins thing does give it a fun arcadey feel but it would be nice if we were exchanging something other than time :) Overall though this is really impressive, especially with all the different controller support. Would love to see the rest of the planned bosses after the jam!

Cool atmosphere and impressive visuals! I like the switching from first to third person for shooting and using melee attacks. I wasn't sure if I was switching between power ups or gaining new ones, and sometimes was a bit difficult to tell if I was hitting the boss or not. This has a very cool vibe though and feels quite unique. Well done!

Lovely look and feel, great music, loads of charm and character, the light mechanic is cool and nicely animated I love it! I found it very difficult, it was hard to deal damage with my sword without taking a hit in return, but I want to go back and have another turn :) Well done

Really cool entry! Liked the story and setting, the switching mechanic is fast and feels fun, I like how you have to use it to avoid enemy attacks and survive as well as just switching weapons, and speaking of weapons I really enjoyed the variety here! Only thing it needs in some music. Well done!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! Yes the controls need some polishing, I'm working on improving them for the next version.

Not sure why the load game didn't work, sorry about that, I'll investigate for the next build and make sure it's more reliable 

Thank you for playing and the lovely feedback!

Thank you very much!

There was a lot of time pressure with this jam! I think a lot of people have been experimenting with ideas to expand on later :)

Amazing presentation, nice take on the boss equipment swapping mechanic, although it lost something for me because the equipment I could pick up before the first fight are the same pieces I got offered after beating the boss.

As others have said, the hitboxes for the boss are a bit hard to work out so it's tricky to know when to dodge and when to attack, and it ran a bit slow (on my extremely budget computer so I can't necessarily count that against the game) 

Really though, I can't overstate how strong the presentation is here. The graphics are really impressive and the game's overall look and feel is super cool as well. And the fact you've put in multiplayer is awesome too. Really incredible effort, I hope you continue working on this because the potential is amazing.

Very cool idea and a nice aesthetic. You should definitely keep working on adding more bosses to this, and would be cool if you could get other types of turrets that attack in different ways. Some sound effect and a lick of polish is al this really needs; though, great concept and use of theme and a cool boss design. Good entry!

Really cool mechanic, would feel a bit more satisfying if the bullet travelled a bit faster so you could pull off some slicker trap moves. With some audio and a bit more speed this could get really exciting.

I'd love to have the option to jump with W, it might just be me but I find it hard to use A and D for movement, Space and Shift for mobility as well as the mouse for attacking. If all the movement is on WASD it just makes it much easier to manage everything.

Good effort though, would love to see you expand on this concept!

This has such an amazing nostalgic feel, as soon as it started it just gave me such positive feelings. The gameplay is really novel as well; it starts out seeming very simple and quickly becomes more strategic as you have to predict where your princesses will bounce to after attacking. I wish there were more boss designs because the art is so lovely and I'd love to have more of a sense of progression. Only one tune but I actually don't mind too much since it fits the old school feel.

I do agree with some other people that a more in depth tutorial (or even more detailed written instructions) would be nice - I didn't realise there were weapon options and I also didn't realise that the princesses don't stay within their grid squares once the battle begins. The controls work really well, my only issue is that the arrows to switch between the princesses move around depending on the length of their names - would be good if there was a consistently sized text box that contained the names so the arrows were in a fixed position. That's just a tiny grumble though, overall I really like this and would just like more of it! Well done

I like how you designed some of the boss fights around the clone swapping, like doing it at the right time to escape being trapped in small areas - that was cool. When I started the tutorial it told me it was my fourth attempt, not sure if that was just the tutorial guy goofing around :)

If you get a chance to add another version later with sound effects it'll really make this even more fun

Well done!

We need more games with capybaras in them so this immediately gets points for that. Very fun and well put together game, gives me Enter the Gungeon vibes. The exchange mechanic is neat and the visuals are fun. You've also given me some inspiration for how to improve the controls on my game so thank you for that!

Good work, well done

THank you!

Thank you very much for playing and commenting! The controls and collisions definitely need a bit of tweaking, the next build after the jam ends will hopefully feel a bit tighter and the Spearmen will fight a little more cautiously 😅

Thanks very much for the kind feedback! The attack patterns and controls are definitely something I want to tweak, they're almost there but there are for sure times when something goes wrong and it isn't the player's mistake, which doesn't feel very fair. I'm planning to upload a new build after the jam which will hopefully have improved the feeling of this. Thanks again!

Ah, I had been wondering what that yellow arrow meant! That might just be a skill issue on my part that I didn't put that together 😅

Thank you for your lovely feedback! The Spearmen following the mouse is a really cool idea - I might try to incorporate that into the next build :)

I haven't but I'll check it out - thanks!

Thanks so much! Yes I've got quite a lot of tweaking and polishing to do for a second version to upload after the jam has finished, but thank you for having a go and for your kind feedback :)

Thank you for playing and giving feedback! I'd definitely like to add more complex animations to the gameplay in future - stop motion is slow work 😅 Sorry about the bug, I've seen that one before but I thought I'd squashed it... Hopefully you got to have another go :)

Thank you for the kind words and for playing!

Thank you very much!

Love me some 2D sprites in a 3D environment, it always makes me happy.

This is cool! I'd actually love an adventure game in this style with mob enemies and more dungeon to explore!

I accidentally managed to boundary break the wyrm stage and was quite impressed the boss followed me out of the bounds of the level and then back in again without stopping the fight. One slight issue I had with the controls is that the dodge roll always seemed to go to the right, which made things a little tricky when I was moving to the left and trying to avoid attacks. I also got down to zero health without dying in a couple fights, but didn't happen for the spider or the final boss.

I enjoyed the limb swapping mechanic; really appreciated the shot on your character before the final fight so you get to look at what you've become, made me wonder what other creations are possible :)

Really cool stuff, well done!

Really cool mechanics, very well executed, feels solid and slick and full of character! Nice how much you can get out of very simple mechanics, being able to come up with strategies like using the swap to avoid difficult attacks. Just very well done and really cool all round.  One thing I'd have appreciated is a sound effect for when you pick up the kunai again; when the fights get hectic I sometimes lost track of whether I was holding it or not 😂 

Very impressive work though!