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A member registered May 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for supporting my game! I’m so happy to hear you loved it and that you also enjoyed the PDF book. Thank you!! 

Beautiful game! It was hard at certain points, but definintely doable! Love the art, mechanics and music.

 I assumed the "hideout" is the end?

Hey! This is super cool! I love it that you gave yourself a speed challenge in the game.

 If I can figure out a way to skip the cutscenes, you’d be able to go even faster!

Thanks for making a video and for playing! Really appreciate it. 

Glad you dig the cats! They were the most fun to do :D

Hey! Yea, I hope to work on the controls better after the jam is over. Thankyou for checking out my game!

Hey! Thank you very much for checking this game out - yea I really spent alot of time drawing and working on the code (which I'm bad at because I'm not trained in this, just doing some trial and error stuff)  Based on the current game engine for the gameboy, it seems mouse interaction is not available unfortunately.

Hello! Thanks for your feedback, yea I need to work on the audio/music more.  It was just what I could find off as free assets, I hope to produce a more polished version of the game with better sounds that could enhance this dark dreary mood in game.

Hey! Thank you very much, I'm reallyglad to hear that you got the mood and vibe immediately from the text and graphics. It was challenging to execute with the limitations on the graphics and gameboy specs.

Hello! Thank you very much for your kind words. Really glad you dig the vibe

Thanks for checking my game out. You're right about the little agency - it's only part 1. I haven't even really gotten to the meat of things. Also, I ran out of time to implement a few different choices the player could make in part 1. This will be rectified in my update after the jam is over. Hope you'll check it out again then.

Thank you!

Hello! Thank you for checking it out - I actually didn't finish the game at all. There are still some buggy controls, not very good sounds and music, and the story is incomplete! I hope you'll check it out again later after I've completed it (we can update it now anyways because the jam isn't over :)

Nevertheless, thank you for playing

Hey! Thanks for liking the visuals, I spent alot of time on them. As for moving around, there is only keyboard support, no mouse. And it was made with the gameboy in mind, so if you have a gameboy emulator, or a gameboy flashcart, you'd be able to play it on those things.

Hey! Thanks for trying my game out, and good idea about adding some sound effects to indicate an option has been selected, just to give some feedback. I'll incorporate it when we can update our game on itch.  I'm still working on the entire full game because I ran out of time to do so for the jam, so hopefully when you check back later, it'll be the full game.

Hey! Yea, most gameboy games don't seem to present their games in this fashion, I was taking a chance with it to see how it might work out. Thanks for the encouragement :)

hello! Thank you very much for playing my game.  I'm really glad you dig the retro vibes.

(1 edit)

This is a pretty creative & interesting spin to a tower defense game! I liked the water droplet collecting (though wished I could move a little faster) and also the fact that we can build on the fly, I liked the graphic for those too.

This is a fun game! Easy to pick up and learn, love the upgrade options too.

Oh! no idea why that didn't work for me when I hit spacebar, so I thought there was no jump function lol. I'll try it again

Hey! This game is really fun. 

It was a little frustrating at first trying to figure out the controls and it took trial and error for me to figure out how to control the oxygen blaster. I alsocouldn't figure out how to kill the monsters and died to them. When I hit R to restart, I got soft locked into a wall: (

But overall, this is a very fun concept, with more time and polish, this could be great!

Simple concept but such good ideas with the different levels! Very cute, and pretty hard too when it got to the end.

Only issue I have are the controls, I wish it was just a little bit less intuitive as my toon kept sliding forward when I didn't want to,  and I wish there was a jump function, it would help with bailing the water out and getting to another area of the boat there were two holes in the boat beside me.

Overall, very good!

Thank you for your kind words and support! It’s very motivating for me! 

glad you dig the Gameboy vibes! That’s exactly what I was going for. Even with the colour palette. 

thank you so much for your kind words! It is definitely clunky, I hope to smooth things out as I continue working on the game in the coming months! Please do check back in the future!

hey thank you so much for playing the game! I am glad you enjoyed the fishing modes. I am fine tuning it still and want to release a more stable and updated fishing experience once the jam is over! I hope you’ll check it out. 

hey! Thank you for playing the game. I’m glad you enjoyed it. And yes, I do plan on expanding it!

Thanks for your review and playing the game! I agree that the music and SFX could do much better. I just ran out of time, I hope to input all those in the future!

Hey! Thank you so much for playing the game. Yea, I’ll be working on this in the future. Hope you’ll follow along the development journey. 

I really enjoyed this game, it’s easy to pick up! And makes for a very good idle mobile game! I love the details of decorating the drinks and also buying new furniture for my home! 

I also love the visuals. Can’t believe you made this on a mobile. 

Heya Bad Dad! Thanks so much for playing my game, I'm glad you enjoyed it and also I'm  honoured to hear that it inspired you to try some things.

Thanks for pointing out the pop up text sticking to the item button! I have fixed it and there is now a new version 1.5! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing! And really appreciate the feedback too - I've fixed that dialogue portion. I must have copy and pasted the wrong dialogue when I was doing my text error fixes the last time. Thank you for catching and reporting it!

Loved this experience. Beautiful concept, writing, and music. Thanks for making this.

Love the art style and the idea! Really inspiring. Although, I still haven't figured out how to get out of the apartment - still love the game :D

(1 edit)

Such a cute game! I love the art style and music. It's inspiring to see what you can do with GB Studio!

I wish we had some lives though, so that I didn't have to start from the beginning. But I do get the logic - we're dead, no do-overs ;p

This is a good start to the game, but it would have been better if I could turn faster to hit the enemies . There were some nice drops like the beer, scroll and crystal and the pixel art for those things were great (as was the run animation cycle, that feels nice)

I reached the end of the white line, jumped and went into an infinite jump. I wonder what the numbers on the top right hand means (is that the time?)

This concept is so great - the art and animations, and even the idea of the card game! I can't wait to really play it when you have figured out to fix the gameplay. Good start!

I love the paper art style and the sound effects in this game! The gameplay was also easy to grasp, but it was pretty challenging and I had to stop playing as I was getting dizzy especially after we spun round and round for a while haha - I guess the disorienting feeling was to mirror possibly what it was like in space? 

This was a very cute game. It's definitely a good start :)

Some feedback would be besides adding a check point, I think some of the carrots could be made more obvious as the light beam kinda obscured some of them as it was too bright.

 Also, I couldn't tell which were the enemies, at first I thought the cloak would give me some powers and I thought there was some difference between a card with the spade picture and a heart picture (like it would give more lives or something) But they all turned out not to be the case - it would be great if there was some indication which were enemies, and which weren't.

Also, if the music could play through and not restart at every scene, so that I can listen to the whole track :D

Cool puzzles! I really enjoyed this, I also loved the music you picked for this.