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A member registered Feb 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry I never saw this. For those you would just flip the x axis. At least thats what I did when I originally made them. Haha.

Thanks! There is actually a downloadable project file that comes with the asset for 5$ which has the shadows rendering as well as some extra sprites! :)

Basically I am just drawing the 90 degree offset of my player sprite. So for example, if you move south, I draw the east movement sprite and rotate it -90 degrees, and shrink/stretch it some. :)

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Interesting! hmm, maybe something has changed with GM since this asset was made?
I'll try and update the github page soon

absolutely! You can use the draw_override function and utilize matrices to draw meshes and models however you want! 

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Interesting that it is only circles. It could just be the order GM renders the vertices. You can try turning off culling to see if that fixes it? Or rotate the circle around. If GM creates circles (for whatever reason) clockwise, then its probably trying to show you the 'back' of the circle instead. 


Other than that though, Maybe the shader format is wrong? Idk that is really strange. haha.

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This is due to the fact that things draw differently in 3D than traditional 2D. There could be a number of reasons the shader isn't appearing. Gamemaker doesn't supply a Z value by default to primitives (only vec2 in_Position). A couple of things you can try:

  • Use matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build(...)) and set the circle x/y to 0, 0 and only use the matrix to set the x, y and z values
  • Make sure the circle is rotated accordingly (using the matrix build functionality)
  • If you want the circle to just draw and not account for z values you can turn ztest/zwriteenable off
  • Draw the circle to a surface and apply the shader there. The bloom will only work on the bounds of the vertex triangles for the circle, and thus not produce the effect you want (you can see this if you also apply your bloom shader to a circle in 2D instead of to an entire surface)

If the last point is the issue, one thing to remember is that shaders only effect the graphical rendering within the vertices of a quad, so the shader can only grab pixels / extend pixels within those bounds. 

These are just a few examples of things you can test. Fauxton uses more traditional 3D techniques, and as such, requires you to draw things differently than you would in standard gamemaker. 

I highly recommend giving DragoniteSpams Gamemaker 3D tutorials a good watch through to understand some of the concepts used in fauxton at a much deeper level. :)

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This is a common issue with sprite stacking. Considering planes have no "thickness" to them, you will get gaps between layers when you become parallel to them. This is just the nature of sprite stacking. The only real fixes are to either A) tilt planes towards the camera to fill the gaps, or B) extrude between the gaps to fill the space (typical voxel rendering). 

So glad to see the progression of this game! Haven't had a chance to play it since the jam. It looks like you've done some amazing work on it since! Can't wait to re-play it now!! :D Great work! 

You will need to add a shader asset and script asset from the asset browser. I may recommend first doing some small tutorials on simple shaders first to learn how to use them before attempting to add this to your project though. :)

Sorry for the late response! I was on vacation this past week. haha. Since the legacy versions have been requested a few times I have made it available to download here. It is nothing fancy and not true shadows, and only supports cube colliders. Note also that the legacy versions are not compatible with the newest versions, and you will have to parse through it to find what you are looking for. :) 

No worries! Also Its completely free! Here is the github link to the project and Here is a github link to the fragment shader itself!

It would, but you would need to modify the shader code. This particular asset was made for Gamemaker and written using GLSL, but godot has GLSL support as well AFAIK. :)

tbh, my games aren't really that good. Haha. I wouldn't bother with any others out side of forgodden probably. Lol

Oh neat! I don't mind. :)

Thanks! That's so cool! Hmm, I honestly don't really know much about portmaster. I know GM has a linux export, but I don't have linux personally so I cannot test it. The source code is on github (linked at the top of the page). Maybe it runs from that? 

32x32. :)

Hey! Yes, saving vertex buffers after they are initially written and loading only those VBuffs would save an enormous amount of time. GML is not the fastest Lagrange to read/write with so you may want to implement a caching system yourself using the static buffers that you could easily load using buffer_load() and vertex_create_buffer_from_buffer()

Oh nice! I figured it was something dumb that I did. haha. Great work! 

oh good catch! Yeah, fauxton is quite a bit out of date. I probably did some wrong math when trying to account for offsetting the VB planes or something. My suggestion would be to check into the fauxton internal functions. I need to sit down soon and refactor fauxton since when I wrote it originally I was quite trash at coding. Haha.

oh that's just the name or the asset. It's not an actual game. Haha

Nope! Go crazy! No crediting required. Use any code or shader you wish. :)

hey! So there is no "gun holding" sprite per say. In that video I simple use the walking sprite and a "gun" sprite stack that I simply rotate around the player. :)

Hope this helps.

you would only need to pass in a "time" value and adjust the values based on that I think. Been a while since I looked at the code but it shouldn't be too difficult to add in.

Thanks so much! Yeah, it's a very short game. Haha. I tried to make it more forgiving since itw so hectic, but I may have nerfed the difficulty a bit too hard. Haha. 

Thanks for playing!! :)

Nice! Looks great! :)

woo-hoo! Didnt think about output latency! Nice!

Absolutely! Also check out Post Processing FX by FoxyOfJungle. It's quite literally one of the best post processing assets out there, even more so than a lot of Unity and Unreal assets, and it's only available for GM! :)

Thank you!! :D

Thank you so much! :) i hope it is useful!!

This looks incredible! First on my list once windows DLs are verified!

Deciding the idea I ended up with earlier instead of over-thinking the concept. haha. Live and learn I suppose.

REALLY cool mechanic! I love mixing colors to defeat the enemies and solve puzzles! It was well executed! The graphics are nice and the audio is good! Really cool entry! Congrats!! :D

Thank you so much! Yeah, it is intentional to have auto fire. No need to make players hold down a button. Haha. Thanks for playing!! :D

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Thanks! I will see if I can find a good .rar opener since for some reason my win10 doesn't have one. haha