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A member registered Oct 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was a super cool demo! I love the cyberpunk aesthetic and both love interests seem very intriguing, though I’m slightly more partial to Rat :) Sad to read you have no plans of finishing the game but I’d be here for it if the game does ever get an update!

Really fun story that was engaging all the way through and I love love love the artwork! Some of the best art I’ve seen on itch for sure. I think Chitri was my favorite character :)

Cute and fun little game!

This was such a lovely game! The artwork and music were beautiful, and the writing was superb. I’m strangely partial to the negative routes (where you choose the colder and more aloof dialogue options), something about the way those endings were written was so intriguing to me.

This was so cute! I love the art and the warm, cozy vibes. I know nothing about Destiny 2 but never felt lost trying to understand the source material’s lore.

Four was my favorite :’)

This was a really cool game! I really enjoyed the pixel-y art style and music choices (especially in the credits), and the story always kept me guessing. I loved the relationship between the two main characters as well, the final scene in Ending D (which I interpret as the “true” ending) was really heartwarming :’)

One small thing though, whenever you try to progress through the game without completing certain objectives (e.g. if you don’t read the large book in the library a second time before going to the elevator, or if you don’t disable the controls in the CCTV room before the final confrontation) it allows you to go through the door and leads to a black screen with no way to progress further.

I’m a sucker for death game stories and this one seems very promising so far! Although I was expecting it, the stomach drop at the end when you find out the stakes are higher than anyone thought was really cool. I’d say Massimo, Ashley & Ashleigh (loved the FD3 reference), Sabrina and Cherry were my favorite characters so far!

One small nitpick I had is that the rehab center puzzle seems impossible to solve without previous knowledge of the hospital emergency color system (e.g. orange = hazardous spill, etc.) I feel like an escape room should have that sort of information within the room itself, and I would’ve preferred the alarm codes be listed in a note/book/clue somewhere so the characters could find the solution themselves rather than needing Richard to know that specific, vital piece of info.

Otherwise I’m excited to play more!

Super cool little horror game! I really enjoyed the pixel art, visuals of the entities, and primordial/cosmic horror vibes. I’ll definitely be sure to check out your other stuff!

This was super cool! I loved the artwork, writing and Mr Hemlock’s monster design :]

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This was SO cute! The artwork is absolutely gorgeous and I really loved the cozy, relaxing, lofi-ish nostalgic summer vibes. I enjoyed learning more about rural Japanese culture and architecture too!

As adorable as the friendship/romance endings are, the neutral ending really resonates with me too. Especially the ending line “to exist in a space of nostalgia, to remain as just a fond summer memory.” Perfectly bittersweet.

The artwork and the story too! This was all so fluffy and cute!!!

Wait why does the title song go SO hard–

Very intriguing and I love the artwork! I’m looking forward to the full game!

This was a really cool experience! Joseph toed the line perfectly between being sympathetic and unsettling, and I was very intrigued by the hints towards the hidden darkness of the town. I’m looking forward to more updates!

Gorgeous artwork and a lovely but tragic glimpse into these character’s lives. Also war crimes!!

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This was a cute little game with the familiar but still endearing forbidden romance trope. I also really liked the art Baz’s funky teal hair!

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This was such a cool experience! Very slice-of-life meets surrealist horror, with some excellent moodiness and visuals too. I almost wish we could learn more about each character’s deal but there’s something intriguing about only getting little glimpses.

Another banger, the ending absolutely blew my mind. This was probably my favorite Midnight Scenes episode yet, followed closely by The Nanny. Always a pleasure playing this series!

Hoping for day three soon 🙏

Just wanted to say I love your games and your writing! You have a real knack for atmospheric horror, and I’m looking forward to reading more of whatever you produce!

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Love your art, love my new murderous monster boyfriend and his emotional support axe. So excited for the future monsters <3

This game was such a pleasant surprise! I wasn’t sure what to expect when I saw it was a canceled project, but this ended up being a really involved, creative, entertaining and well-thought out experience that I had a lot of fun with! I love how each new city brought a new spin/twist to the game’s worldbuilding, I especially had fun with Salisbury Town and Pardean Town. The AP system took some getting used to but that never really hampered the gameplay, and despite the default RPG Maker graphics I still really enjoyed the characters and exploring the world. The writing was always sharp and funny too, I enjoyed how it flipped between absurd and serious, and how it often lampooned RPG tropes.

It’s a shame the game won’t be completed but I’m glad we got the rest of the story outline in the dev notes. And the epilogue sounds like it would’ve been a really nice way to wrap up the story.

Lovely game/story with just the right about of gay angst, I really enjoyed this! Shoutout to the artist for the awesome sprites too!

Really cute so far and I love the artwork! Excited to see the rest of the story <3

Really promising start, I’m excited to read more! The art is wonderful (especially the animated cut scene and the stunning CG on Dreamscape bus), and Gin is so adorable <3

Really enjoyed this game! I love the black and white artwork and the body horror elements were superb. I played through every ending and Kaito is my favorite, even though the RNG refused to spawn any fish I could give him T_T awesome job <3

This was hilarious and I loved the art style and character designs! If only this game existed in paper format so I could take a bite out of it…

thank u for christmas spencer it will tide us over in the meantime

Maybe try downloading and running the game through the Itch desktop app? ( That usually fixed issues for me!

Maybe try downloading and running the game through the Itch desktop app? ( That usually fixed issues for me!

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Another banger <3 It can’t be said enough how much I love your artstyle!

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I think I’ll wait for the full version of the game to play (I hope it comes with a Mac version) but I just wanted to say the artwork looks amazing!!

Lovely Steampunk art and a fun game! The ending really had me shook lol I’m looking forward to the next chapter :3

One of my absolute favorite games from this year’s Spooktober Jam! The artwork is super polished and amazingly done, especially the character designs for the Baron, Collector, and Guide (looking through the comments, glad I’m not the only Guide simp 👀). The story was super engaging, even if the puzzles were a bit more on the simpler side, and Christopher’s characterization was super interesting. The sound effects for each of the arbiters was also really killer. Awesome job <3

This was a really amazing game! The art style is so good, the music was always so tense and fitting, and the story was sharply written and a really interesting exploration on loss and grief. Also echoing what the other commenter said about the game sort of having “Coherence” vibes.

The first few reflection jumpscares really got me haha. Awesome job!

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This was a very cool game! Loved the artwork and story, and the ending was so great. I wish we got to know the characters’ names, but not knowing also gives the story a cool sort of urban legend-y feel too :]

One of my favorite games from the jam so far! Gorgeous art, lovely story, flawless and incredibly polished voice acting. Both characters felt fully realized and nuanced despite the shorter runtime. A great game to play on a rainy Fall afternoon :’)

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Stellar artwork and character designs with a really fun story! I romanced Mask but Priscella was my favorite, even if I chose all the mean options for her <3

I’m always a sucker for the “strangers stuck in a locked room” genre. This one had lovely artwork, an intriguing story, and fun characters that all had very distinct vibes. Thanks for making this <3

Rasmus romance route? 🥺