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A member registered Apr 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, just wanted to say congrats on getting #1! ^^

This was really fun to play! Very clever puzzle mechanic, and a brilliant interpretation of the theme! :3

Am on discord, same username o:

(1 edit)

I'm not opposed to working together o: Though I've never really worked with someone else in a jam before ^^;

Also your game was good, I liked it :3

Very interesting idea :3 Took me a while to get the hang of it, but is a good little game this ^^

A little buggy (The marshpillows would sometimes spawn inside walls ^^;) but I had a lot of fun! Very good game, with a very interesting puzzle mechanic. Well done :3

Oooh I didn't know that ^^;

A simple game, but really well done. :3 though it was hard to know what the effects would be for each decision. Some sort of indicator, even if a vague one, would have been useful ^^;

This was an absolutely brilliant game. Simple, but done so well, with so much charm! Well done! 10/10 :3

This was a brilliant game! Took me a while to get the hang of it ^^; But it looks great, and is a very unique take on the theme. Great job :3

A tricky but fun little game! Wish there'd been a button for speeding things up though, because those bigger pieces can take a whiiile to fall : P

Great game! Though I didn't get very far, as the perspective scaling thing wasn't very intuitive >.< Were you supposed to be able to use the scroll wheel to adjust the distance? Because that wasn't working for me D:

This was a really fun and interesting game! I loved how many levels of scale their were, and each one fed into the next. Brilliant! :3

This was a really interesting concept! Would love to see this idea expanded on :3 

Very interesting idea! :3

Really nice game! Though I feel like some way to remove the wells when they run dry would have been nice ^^; But yeah, I had fun with this one! Good job :3

Good little game :3 I don't know if this was a thing, but a way to end your turn early and save which cards you had would have been good o: I feel like I spent a lot of turns wasting cards I didn't need >.<

I like this idea, though I feel like the timer is a little too short. Perhaps giving the player a chance to try and memorise the screen for a few minutes before actually starting the game? Is a fun little game though, and a very creative idea :3 so good job!

Was a little tricky to get the hang of at first, but I had a lot of fun with this! :3

Great idea! Loved the way you have to keep adding to the bridge, and needing to drive over it yourself! Though I found the part placement a little tricky with the controls ^^; But had good fun with this!

Was difficult to figure out how to play at first. But a nice idea! :3

Really interesting game :3 Was a little tricky to get the hang of at first, but I had a good time. Well done :3

Nice game! Though am not sure why, but the whole world seemed to be tilting to one side? ^^; Don't know if that was intentional.

Fun little game (though the azerty keyboard setting did throw me off at first ^^;) 

Brilliant game! Great style and it sounds amazing! Good job! :3

A little hard to control, but a very fun little game. :3

I love the style of this game! The way all the creatures move is great. And the stretching mechanic is very fun. Good job :3

This is cool! Very grizzly and grotesque. And I love the creature editor! Very well done, especially considering the development time!

Very cute little game, and it was fun how things changed when you got your body parts back :3 

This was a really fun and unique game! Would love to see what you could come up with given more time! :3

I couldn't figure out the shadow thing either? But I managed to finish the game, so I guess I was just lucky :P But yeah! Good game, good puzzles. Loved the atmosphere, and the art style :3

Very cool idea. I just wish the timers for the fruit orders were a little slower. Quite often you had to wait for things to turn around before you could launch them. But I really loved the concept! And it was put together very well. Good job :3

Brilliant game. Such a simple idea, but done so well! All the effects and sound were great. Especially loved the little animation when closing out of the game ^^

Great idea, though I found it very tricky to play. The guy kept getting caught on corners when I flung him, in a way that felt very unfair and frustrating >.<;

A really cool idea! Had fun with it, though I had to turn the sound off because sounds kept playing over and over and I'm not sure why ^^;

The visuals were great, and I loved the concept. But I found it very awkward to play. The camera snapping to certain rotations made it difficult to aim at anything or see where I was going, and it wasn't clear what things you could or could not scale. >.<'

I enjoyed this a lot. A very fun little adventure :3

Couldn't tell what the controls were at first ^^; Had to guess. But a fun idea!

A fun take on the theme! Though there were a few bugs. Circle guy got pushed into the floor when I tried to make a platform at ground level, and I had to restart the game. And when a new voice clip started playing before the old one had finished, they would play over each other, which was a little overwhelming ^^; Other than that, was some nice ideas in here! Good job :3

An interesting game, though it took me a while to figure out what was going on, and what I was supposed to be doing. ^^;