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A member registered Feb 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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AAAHHHH, I loooooove this novel so much already! I've read everything that's in the demo and I'm really looking forward for it to continue. And a full release in the future! Thank you so much for this project, it's great!!

Special thanks for the voiceover, it's very cool! The voice actors are great for their characters. Q____Q

I do not even know who I like the most of the presented ROs, they are all so different and interesting, I want to read every path!

UPD: Oh, yes, I forgot to ask if Steam release is planned?

Oh, I hope you will be able to fulfill your plans for a release on different platforms! q_q

In my country, there is no way to pay on this site now, so I buy all the IF (including many of them on Twine and Choice of Games) in Steam, so I hope that in the future you will be able to do it, anyway, good luck with the work again!! UwU

Ahhh, I just finished reading chapter 8 and I just can't!! BE SILENT!! It's very interesting and so dramatic!! Q___Q

And all the ROs are just aaaah, everyone is simply unique and interesting in their own way! However, I decided to give my heart to Luca!! :D (although I will definitely read all the other routs later too)

Thank you so much for your work, I will look forward to continuing! And I also have a question: will this IF be released in Steam? I would love to buy it there!! Q___Q

Thanks again!!

I was really looking forward to the release of this novel and now it's finally in early access! Ahh!! UWU

Special thanks for the Steam release, where I purchased VN!
I've just started reading and remembering events (I've been reading the demo for a looong~ time), but I can say that I already like Robin's route (although also didn't expect him so much)! 

I also belong to the sheriff's fans, and even though I'm going to continue reading other routes, but the heart still belongs to Geoffrey, sorry not sorry :"з It's so hard to think of him as a negative character in Robin's route, haha

I especially like the graphic and the musical components of the novel, it all just looks and sounds great!! Also, the text itself is very well written! English is not my native language and sometimes interesting works just "don't go" with me because of the style of writing. But not here! It's really interesting to read here!! Thank you for this work and I will wait for the next updates <3

Haha, I have a feeling that Salyra is reeeally hiding a lot from MC. She's been hiding too much before and it's literally in her nature, I think? I will wait for the disclosure of these secrets!! Angst in relations with parents is just a kind of art here, I really luv it, ahh

And I am very glad to hear about Steam!! Thanks for the answer! <3

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I once added your work to my bookmarks and at that time I read only small part of the prologue, when so many chapters were not written. Just yesterday I came back here and COULDN'T TEAR MYSELF AWAY FROM READING, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS IF!! Q___Q

There will be spoilers below, so!

I prefer to play shy characters and, MY GOOOOOD, the romance with the prince is just WOW, especially his teasing is a special kind of thing, every time it made me smile! :D And his treatment in the later scenes, uh-huh BELOVED AWW, it warms my heart so much, knowing what MC is going through, because she didn't have a normal relationship with others.

I am silent  sad  about the relationship with MC's first, I was biased against her father, but after reading it, I began to understand that he really cared about his daughter. Maybe he just didn't know how to show his love in a different way? The scene of his death (even if it wasn't a spoiler) made me CRY SO MUCH, GOD..And I began to sympathize with him more than with the mother who abandoned the child in the manner in which everything happened later. Ugh, terrible!

Meeting MC's mother at first seemed unexpected to me, BUT WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT SHE HAD A FAMILY and she was just literally hiding MC (I remember this surprise of Anu!!)

I really turned against MC's mother. And this is her obsession with MC getting to know her husband and daughter..ugh, every time my character just quarreled or snapped at his mother, haha. The younger sister is really not to blame for the actions of adults, but, ah, I can't feel sympathy for her when her own mother belittles the MC, and her husband does not understand at all what effect the mother's actions had on the MC

And I really like that mother does not approve of the relationship with Irus, damn, like do I care about her opinions?? NO lol

This work has caused me so many emotions that I cannot describe in words!! Joy and love, awe and anger, resentment and sadness, aah, and many others!! Thanks again for this piece!! I will look forward to next chapters!! <З

And I also have a question: will this IF be in Steam with a full release? I would love to buy it there!! QwQ

Is this novel still in production? Or is it already abandoned? :с

Thank you very much for the release in Steam! And also thank you for this wonderful story! I really want to continue to reveal even more lore, further continuation of the relationship with the chosen RO and, in principle, Gift info! :D 

OMG!! We've been waiting for this!!

Cool! Thanks for answering! <3

Are you not planning to release the game on Steam? I would really like to support your project and buy all the routs, but it is possible to purchase only through Steam for me QwQ

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Oh, wow, I'll be waiting for epilogues then!! This is very exciting!! UwU
 Good luck with such a cute project!! And with future works too!! <33

Very cute novel! The branch with Ed is my favorite. Just a sweetheart. QwQ

Would like, however, a little more epilogue for all the routes, but these are just thoughts out loud, haha. In any case, I will be waiting for updates with a new route! QwQ