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A member registered Jan 26, 2020

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wait is act 2 a continuation of act 1? Vincent being our ex is wild but I kinda really dig it <3

The game is super well done! I really enjoyed the demo, I was confused at some points but I think it was intentional since it's keeping the mystery alive. My only comment is that the animations can be a bit slow at times. PS: Servant can rail my Jane at any time thank you for adding them as an option for a crush at least, I hope they can have a full route  <3

Thank you for the advice <3 I hid the spoilers, I didn't know how to do it well but now I put them under read more. 

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I adore every single LI but I'm also simping for the tyrant, lord help me I am trash XD If he becomes a magical secret route I am gonna climb him like an evil tree.



I'm having this exact same issue, were you able to resolve it?

Yes the game was able to update when I reopened the app, then I redownloaded the updated versions off all the dlcs and cope-pasted the rpa files in the 'game' folder like the instructions.

I tried completely closing/quitting the desktop app  and opening it again, it's updating now =D

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The desktop app won't update the base game or any of the DLCs, it giving me the message 'An error occurred during installation. No manager for installer unknown'

I bought the dlc but i think the app is having problems with updating the game files so sadly I can't play it for now at least 

I love it!

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This game is incredible, it's actually so immersive but strangely I don't feel stressed out when I play it like most court intrigue games, it's incredibly fun to play <3

 *SPOILERS* I got the endings where I got executed, ran away with 'blank' at the end and the one where I stuck to the king until he died *END SPOILERS*. I have no idea how to get the other ones.  I keep trying without much success, are there any hints you could give me?

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This is such a good demo, I love the art style and I am already questioning which one of my companions is a snake XD

I didn't have the heart to tell my fiance I'm not into girls, she 's too precious for that. Also is Ikemma dead because he is so intriguing? <3

I love love love the game! I was wondering if Ungrath has a route or a planned DLC? He is too big of a treasure to be a side character <3

Hi, I love love love this season so far but I have been unable or download the game since the chapter 3 update.  The download simply doesn't start when I try via desktop.  I tried downloading a new game file on a different location on my laptop from the app and it gave me an error saying 'Cannot properly read build for 'undefined'' .  these are the details it brings up.

Hi it's me again! I was just wondering if there's a way to pre-order the game before it releases? I loved the demo so much and I would love to have the game as soon as it's out

I know you said there are 4 bachelors but I noticed that there are 5 slots to show relationship status. I wonder if Dio is a possible love interest? He's really intriguing and he sounds fun <3

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As someone whose romancing Damon and who chose to have a past romance with Vexx I am so happy with this episode ❤️

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it usually reads to me like the MC would be their first choice and the other LI their second one. I mean if you think about it in the LI’s route They can choose to pursue MC Or their other LI and they choose MC. Personally I got the vibe that Damon and Alisa got more of a sibling type relationship, even the game mentioned that their ship sank a loooong time ago so I’m not too worried.

happened to me too, I just clicked ignore until it went away 

The pause menu is blank, it's just an empty brown window. If I click on it the brown window the load/save/codex etc. screen appears based on where I placed my pointer but the words themselves aren't there. I tried quitting and starting a new game but the pause menu was still blank.

The demo is amazing! I can't wait for the full version <3

Hiiiiii I downloaded the demo and I'm loving it <3 I just wanted to report a little bug that I've been encountering: Almost every time I try to load an old save the game gets stuck right on the 'are you sure you want to load?' window.

soooo, how are you doing? you okay?

Wow the quality of this game is awesome and the characters have a lot of depth, I love both boys so much (even though I was high-key thirsting for the inquisitor the entire game) and I love how different but likable they both are <3

Is there a way to pre-order the full game? I love it so much!


J'aime bien ce jeu et j'aime mieux que je peux pratiquer mon français dans une façon si amusante et intéressante. Les personnages sont très bien réalisés et j'adore les bribes sur la culture coréenne. 

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I love this game so so much, I love Maya and I think her personality is really entertaining and relatable. I also love all the love interests and how different and unique they are.

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Oh wow I absolutely love this and the quality is out of this world, I can't wait for the full version, please take you time and I'll definitely play it when it comes out <3

SPOILERS: So far I'm super into Vincent because the boy is honest at least and has some integrity. Victor is also someone I immensely enjoy because even though he's not playing hero he's still looking out for mc and is actually kind of pushing her to seize some power for herself which I stan honestly.

Last question though: Will the full version be free to play? (makes no difference but I'm just curious)

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Who's your favorite romance? Mine would have to be Virion because that banter and emotional punch are just *chef's kisses*