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Florian Rieder

A member registered Aug 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yep, I agree with all of this ! Thanks for the feedback !

That’s funny, the game has many issues but I didn’t know about this one yet ! Thanks for playing !

(1 edit)

Basically dark Celeste !

This is extremely practical ! Thank you for sharing this !

You’re absolutely right ! I added the Linux version, but I can’t test it though, so tell me how it goes !

Great ! A mindful experience

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Cool little game ! Though it gets pretty hard and I abandoned at level 10. But the concept is engaging. The fact it’s a puzzle platformer with pretty short time constraints makes it quite stressful and tight ! The controls felt a bit unresponsive at times though.

Good work !

De très bonnes idées de gameplay et de level design !

Really cool little game !

Hello !

Limited has just released on itch ! This is a game engaged in current climate discussions, and in which you have to manage an island with limited ressources. Is unlimited growth sustainable ?

Check it out now for free –> here <– for Mac and PC

I can only strongly encourage you to do so ! Good luck for your game development journey :)

Nice little game :)