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A member registered Sep 16, 2023

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only og know that memory card used to have 0 power

and flower used to be "Heal 5 hp, and burn on discard"

I don't think it's a bug

i just realised this, but tilted sword and heavy blade has the same texture

Tips : You can buy herb from a frog shop (or wathever you call it) for 1 coin, aand after you fight a battle, any battle, return to the frog shop to gain 3 coin, aditionally free 2 coin

I think it would be cooler if in the frog shop, you could remove curse for like 5 or 7 coin each curse

>Bring alucard health to 19 

>Alucard got blood donor card and heal to 52

>Tries to kill again

>Heal to full

>Get the lover valentine

>Finally about to kill

> Got valentine card and heal to full

COntext : The alucard got blood donor card to continueously heal to full and get the lover to get valentine card, which heals him for 14 1 from the blood donor card, and heal him to 52 again.

Blackjack Challenge

1st :

Choose Spades

You can only choose a card that has value and a suit (Tarot included)

Go to : Flip a coin ; Head go to lounge, Tails go to Basement


Choose Clubs

You can only choose card without value

Go to Lounge


Choose diamond

Spend as less chips as possible

Go to : flip a coin ; Head go to basement, Tails go to lounge


Choose Heart

Always pick a negative value cards (Credit card included)

Go to basement

I guess you can say, the Bouncer "bounce" its way out of the lounge 😂😂😂

Finally beat the 223 shield guy, i think the bouncer punching the air rn😂😂😂

Putting some negative to reduce his win to -1

(1 edit)

How TF does the Bouncer have more shield than me 💀

184 Shields, wow

Birthday card rework : On play : Select a card to increase it's value by 1 during this encounter

XII Apocalypse 

Value 0 Blank

Ability : Add a Ace of a random suit into your hand.

On a winning blackjack : Put a negative ace of clubs into the opponents Draw pile

On a opponent blackjack : Put a negative ace of spades into the Draw pile

Official Obama Card

Value : 0 Spades

Ability : Adds to your hand

On Play : Select a value from -1 to -11. Cost x-5 more chips to the value of the card


Having 5 one, can confirm it was super fun lol, the only flaw is that my finger hurt trying to use all of them

Pure nostalgia game, will play again 10/10

What does athlete do?


Card Idea : Ninja Card

Value : 0 Blank

Ability : On Play : Choose a card in play to get 2 in value

On discard : Remove the 2 bonus value

Card Idea : 4 Uno

Value : 4 Clubs

Ability : Each Player Hit 4 card from their deck, and put it into the player's draw pile

Card idea : You Mad?Card

Value : 22 Blank

Ability : On discard : Opponent shuffle a memory card into their deck, and set the memory card to remember the You Mad?Card

Where TF is my card go? (Death Fortune Card did this Memorial Card, the combo so destructive, it ruined all my deck card into 7 card only deck, INSANE.)Also i had noticed i had negative chip LMAO

Glitch report : If you get a glitch card from booster pack, whenever you use the glitch card, it is'nt activating it's random ability

It happened again!

When the glitch card isn't glitching anymore