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A member registered May 27, 2022

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only if you get the happy ending for church


main point, they don't get worse

body parts don't wear out, they just come new/damaged and stay that way

too bad, i cast ball explosion 

Out of all the endings the happy end, and the worst end, are the only ones that lead to more story, happy end leads to more story

Head pat and talk ... Also maybe kisses (idk i forgor 💀)

the whole purpose of this chat is to have one finite place for every single one of us shitheads to dump ideas so that the topics aren't drowning in "more sex pls"(im quite sure they haven't looked at this for a solid month at least)

This is a illusion, a decoy

They (mostly) don't even take ideas from here, the ideas for updates have to be recommended by high paying patrons(or if they are mentioned a METRIC SHIT TON and the dev likes it)

he's just like that idk why but he is(i find it uncanny)

But i do advise you write your own suggestions

Find someone who has them

there are multiple endings (all deaths) for when you fail

Shanice does havea longer part, you just need to know how to get to it

Also we don't use the f word here billy, no screen time for 2 weeks






So we got to find out where the bot was from(sort of) so heres the 2 places i see the backstory of the bot could go

1. She is/was suposed to be a weapon for god knows what(i mean she can and will kill ,and do so quite quickly, while just going against the laws of robotics)

2. Not actually a advanced ai:

Some people just grabbed a girl off the street and shoved her conciousness into a robot body for unknown reason, (the reason she acts so robotic being purposefull limitations put on her so that she is easier to controll, like locking pieces of her away)

they can stretch this game out far with what they can do

it most likely won't be done for a while

boy do i have something to tell you

Im talking to the other guy

listen, you don't like something, turn it off

Im not into futa, but im not being a little bitch about it

We don't kink shame(except diaper kink, that has been established many times) but except for that one exception we don't kink shame

ok this is painfuly slow, even for sheep

Wait do you want "im not insane" or "dont trust the police"?

idk what you could be missing

You probably met the homeless guy a few times on late night walks

You should have been able to go back to church

(Also the mental health should be easely  managable, if you aren only eating bread)

(1 edit)

I already said this but here we go again

1.Get bad church end(don't help them) homeless dude who attacks you, a few times

3.go back to church(you'll need to do this a few times to get all the story, untill the mc decides he has enough evidence and should call the police)

4.go report your findings to police

5. Learn why you "never trust the police"

Bam you got the ending 

Same as the guy who asked for diapers, no, basically no one else wants it

I've went though this whole thing

When do you guys do unbans

I was banned for something that has now passed, and was told, by you guys, to contact you for an unban when it happens

Yet you don't seem to respond to any sort of contact

By the end of the month ... End of the last month 

All we got was that it would take "a little more time" could come tomorrow could come in 2 months 

Nope, unless you wanna get into the nitty gritty of the save file code

Best ask someone else for details on that

it won't affect you much,

Think of it like this, you are sheep(the main dev) and the code is wiring to your computer(this game): if your wires(code) is all tangled up, it will be harder to add new components(stuff and mechanics) to your computer(this game), and you will most likely need to spend some time untangling it all

Sheeps words not mine, probably talking about the code being messy(think of it like bad cable management, but code) also outdated and overcomplicated

"Ugly code"

How did you find out about hell?

she is very defensive, about both shanice and annalie, being mad at first you're spending so much time with them, suspecting you're doing something 

it was supposed to be out at the end of october, but they decided to change some code and ended up rewriting a whole lot

The need more time

make jun hate you, be mean all of that

When the psycho lady comes to attack you, don't run but protect the bot

Since she hates you she wont protect you

I can't it literally won't let me, and no one responds to any attempts at a unban, even though they said they'd let me back it

they haven't responded

And no im not a minor

Ok this is my last possible way of reaching you, i was banned from the discord for being underaged, i was told, by you guys that i can come back when i am

And i am not underaged anymore

Discord id: filipka111

Will send proof there