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A member registered May 15, 2024 · View creator page →

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I feel like one of the most important things when it comes to a visual novel game is presentation, and I have to say that this is one of the most aesthetically pleasing/approachable games I've ever played. ^^
The artstyle to a game is completely subjective in the sense that sometimes theme and direction  determine how a style is utilized or formed, be personally I think the art in this game is some of the best I have ever seen.
There's something so immeasurably pleasing and satisfying about how perfectly the line art works alongside the softer shading to make it look unique and familiar.
As much as I would love to just ramble on about how good the art is, I also wanted to say that the writing and pacing were beautifully choreographed to the theme(s) of the game.
It's very easy for a wall to form between a writer and the writing, but I have to say that while playing, I could really grasp what exactly the intentions were behind how characters act, think, and even look.

I don't mean to write an entire essay but I just wanted to say that in many ways, from the art to the writing and even the length, this game is both incredibly interesting and satisfying to experience!
I will absolutely be looking forward to any potential ideas, updates, or future projects :D

I think that this game is a prime and perfect example of how effective a story can be told through the perfection of a writing and comedy style!
I feel like it handled the idea of multiple endings and the actual endings themselves in a very unique and creative way!
I also think that the "Protagonist" was an amazing case of being everything the player wants while remaining completely tied to the story in a way that doesn't feel forced or contrived! ^^

I had an amazing time not only playing but also recording this game and I'll be looking forward to any potential ideas or plans for projects in the future! :D

1 f33l l1k3 1n th15 d4y 4nd 4g3, 5331ng s0m3th1ng w1th th15 m1x 0f N05t4lg14 4nd Qu4l1ty 1s n0th1ng 5h0rt 0f 1NCR3D1BL3!
I think both from a writing and creative standpoint, this is one of the most impressive and hilarious games I have ever played!
This is one of those experiences where the only thing bad about it is that I will most likely never find the necessary words to convey just how incomprehensibly good this is.
Sure that might just be my bias and fondness for like, "earlier internet." but this is probably my new personal favorite game I've played on so far ^^
Again, I wanna really nail down the fact that it's incredible to tell just how talented the artist is to make the sprites look as they do, flawlessly capturing everything about the style that makes it so good and memorable!

The craziest thing is that I haven't even finished the whole thing yet, but any game that for one reason or another allows the player to play Pattycake with Nagito Komaeda from the hit game "Bubby 3" is a masterpiece in my eyes. :D

I've played many games in my life, and I can't think of 5 that match how much I love this one! ^^
First of all, the art, the sprites, the CG's, the "Horse Graphics" are all absolutely phenomenal and not only look very stylized and satisfying, but it fits the tone of the writing and comedy fantastically!
In every way I can think of, this game excels in creativity with both the animation as well as the endings and comedy.

This is absolutely one of my personal favorite games I have played on this site and I am extraordinarily excited to check out any further ideas or projects you may have in your incredibly talented creative endeavors! :D

There's something indescribably enthralling about witnessing someone so talented make such an interesting world and create a mysterious event, only to go on and subtly expand it through such limitations!
The artstyle and general design of both the character as well as the setting were both equally visually pleasing as well as masterfully fitting the almost comedic tone of the story.
While one can only do so much through the use of a single location and character (excluding that of the player), it's honestly amazing to witness how good of a job this was throughout its run.
Not only did I have a super fun time simply recording and playing through it, but I've always liked shorter stories that know how to pace themselves such as this!

This was such a joy to experience and I'm equally interest and excited to see if there are any further ideas or projects, as it seems easily noticeable that you'll most likely succeed brilliantly with or without restrictions! ^^

I really enjoy it when people are tested to make something under certain restrictive circumstances such as a text game with under 1000 words because projects this impressive are able to be made!
The artstyle is the perfect mix in styles between simplistic yet unique and strangely captivating in how much it can pull off with the use of only three colors, not to mention the artstyle of the character is both incredible as well as very visually pleasing.
Sometimes I notice a creator try to fit a deep, lore-filled story under restrictive circumstances, and while it usually comes out really good, it's super refreshing and satisfying to see a game made not to work against the word limit, but rather flow along with it to make a short, very enjoyable story.

It was really fun and interesting to both record and play this game, it had the perfect premise to capitalize on and it did so without feeling as if it dragged on or cut off too short.
I'm excited to see if you have or plan any other games or projects either under further circumstances or with unbound creativity and scale in the future! ^^

I was initially drawn to this game due to the incredible pleasing artstyle and I'm very happy I did because the quality of this game is either tied with or somehow greater than the art!
I've always thought that the shorted the story one can pull off correctly will make it superior, and this is clear evidence that when handled perfectly, it can make a truly amazing work of art :D
I also really enjoyed how the themes it had felt both new while staying familiar, keeping the most interesting aspects while not becoming stuck on itself, it really was a very digestible and interesting story all the way through!

This is probably one of my favorite games in this genre, both from an artistic and storytelling perspective, and I look forward to see if you have or plan any future projects or ideas! ^^

When it comes to RPG's, it's fairly difficult to stay within the lines of quality when it comes to writing and gameplay the shorter it is, so it is really impressive how good of a job you did! ^^
The story being told more so through the background and dynamic personalities of the characters to understand what's going on added a lot of interest and likeability to looking everywhere!
In addition to the quality of the story, the art and sprite work is honestly incredibly satisfying both in style and also to simply look at.

This game in every way was an absolute joy to play and I look forward to any potential projects or ideas you might consider in the future! :D

Even though I couldn't fit all the endings in the video, I did actually complete and see every single ending and they were all not only amazing, but spectacularly varied! ^^
I really like how long this game was, especially because it never felt old or boring as it always kept itself perfectly paced while having tension remain throughout.
The character design is also really creative, and I think both the style and design work flawlessly to match the themes and tones, really adds a lot to the experience :D

I was both thoroughly entertained as well as enthralled with everything this game had to offer throughout, and I look forward to see any potential projects or creations you may release or plan for the future!

The artstyle, in addition to being an excellent hook when looking for games, is by far one of the most clean and polished ones I've seen in a long time, and it fits perfectly with the theme of the game ^^
The voice acting was really well casted and directed, allowing for all the emotions and thoughts of the character to gently flow out was amazing to see as well!
While being fairly short, I think that it was able to do everything it wanted to do magnificently, and was able to deliver multiple emotions in a way that didn't feel forced or contrived.

Even though I'm not usually the biggest fan of these kinds of games, experiences as good as this are really starting to change my opinion on them as a whole for the better :D
This game was really fun to play as well as record, and I'm rather excited to see if you publish or continue work on further projects! ^^

I absolutely adore how re-playing it after seeing the ending makes the experience so much more interesting and satisfying to pick up all the signs! ^^
I also loved how with under 1000 words you made it that perfect length to enjoy and get all the important details as the tension builds without making anything feel dragged or skipped :D

This is super well made and was so much fun to play/record, I look forward to seeing potential future projects!

I haven't played many games like this but this is already one of my favorites! ^^
The artstyle is incredibly unique and really allows for the creativity to look absolutely flawless!

This was such a joy to play, both in terms of writing and characterization, and I'm extraordinarily excited to see what you come up with next! :D

I wasn't sure what to expect from this game as I was initially drawn to it by the really neat artstyle, but the game was a lot of fun to play ^^

And while I personally don't usually care for some of the "obscene" moments, I still thought the whole thing was really well made, and it's always a joy to play an RPG Maker game :D

This game is INCREDIBLY well made and was such a joy to play ^^

I really liked how no matter what was happening, no matter what the scene, it all somehow comes back to that glorious Egg Fried Rice