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A member registered 66 days ago · View creator page →

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Hey there, I really enjoyed your game, just like I enjoy lasagna. I also made a video, linked your game of course :)

Clap Clap very fun game Clap Clap

Nice game, gotta check out the directors cut now.

Much enjoyed the game, well done atmosphere!

Nice little game, reminded me to do laundry!

Quite fun looking for all the different endings!

Spanish or vanish...

Nice game, what a plot twist 😆

Short game, but very well done, great concept!

Fun horror game!

Really well done atmosphere, enjoyed it!

Much fun, so I speedran it too! :D

Much enjoyed the fact that there was an intelligent ending too 😆

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Nice game, quite fun trying to figure out all the endings!

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meow meow
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Very nice game, I enjoyed playing! :)

It was fun to try and speedrun this :)