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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Just to clarify, what do you mean by "batch" kinds of attacks? Do you think the waves should be smaller and more spread out? Or maybe that each wave should have a 'theme' like a wave full of fast enemies? Let me know, been noodling on what people would enjoy when it comes to engaging combat. My current plan is to also have different maps where the objectives and enemy composition will change... Hoping that adds some variety to the train building and gameplay.

Yeah, I felt this way as well. I generally lean towards making the difficulty easier due to bias from playing the game so much while I work on it in addition to understanding exactly how everything works. It makes it challenging to tell how difficult the game is for most people, especially without any sort of basic metrics...

Absolutely agree, moving the carts around is on the list for the next update.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it! I get mixed up occasionally as well. Maybe adding arrows in front or behind the train based on the throttle. Will still make mistakes but may allow you to correct more quickly.

Cart synergies is a really interesting idea. I was noodling with the idea of adding upgrades that enable these synergies much like you mentioned. Re-ordering cars would definitely have to accompany the synergies.

That's really unusual, sorry about that. The game is in very early stages of development, definitely haven't worked out all the bugs...

For sure, the balance is all outta wack. I figured it was best to just get what I had cobbled together out the door sooner rather than spend time tweaking balance at this stage of development.

Thanks for the nice words and feedback! Definitely planning to keep expanding much of what you mentioned.

Sorry about that, there are definitely some issues with the browser version on certain platforms/browsers...

For sure, totally get this as you run out of stuff to buy. The game is in a really early stage, I'll be adding more content to help alleviate this.

Ya'll have scored way higher than I ever have. What train cars were you using? I've found witches archers to be the best combo, their upgrades are pretty powerful.

Thanks for the feedback, it's really helpful at this really early stage of development :) You are correct and it is intended that full reversing the throttle is the fastest way to stop, meant to feel like a balancing interaction.

Unfortunately, I don't have control of the headers set on Might be worth trying a different browser or downloading the build for your platform.

Godot 4

Thanks for the feedback!

During the jam, it was definitely a deliberate design choice to make the track pretty circuitous. It allowed the player to navigate more of the space and lengthened the time it took to circuit the entire track to heighten the consequences of player's movement decisions.

The idea of rail levers to change your track routing is a really neat idea and totally on theme. Wondering how it might work at the breakneck speeds the train can end up going...

Thanks for the feedback, all great ideas. Balance is always tricky with the limited playtesting you can do in a jam, most definitely could use some work.

Thanks! Had a lot of fun painting the assets with this one :)

This build might be the best in the game, archers can dump damage with the upgrades.

Thanks for playing and the feedback! All great ideas, we also had thought of a lot of these during our post-jam brainstorm. Really encouraging to hear it from players though!

Had quite a bit of fun with this one. Controls were a little challenging but feel like that might contribute to the level of tension. The amount of upgrades you were able to fold into the game is impressive, definitely added a nice level of progression.

Great game! Interesting to read below about settling on the debug tool in the actual game design. Definitely added to the tension madly clicking for the tracks you were looking for while juggling the bombs and the route.

Love this concept, art definitely conveys it well. Can't say I knew exactly what to do or what I was doing but the idea of flying around a planet like a train and watching it recover sounds like a nice cozy experience.

We got plans for this but who knows when... still have a lot of train cars we'd like to add.

Had a great time with this one, good challenge and satisfying. Movement is smooth and the art style is really effective in it's simplicity.

Neat concept and lovely art and atmosphere. Either I'm trash at this type of game or the difficulty was pretty brutal from the start. Attempted multiple times with an understanding and strategy and just couldn't really get any further. But definitely some great ideas here!

Well done! Very well executed game, all elements mesh together to make a great experience.

Mac OS build crashed whenever you hit a person. Controls were interesting, definitely a challenge to wrangle.

What's there to say, this game is all-around well designed and executed and fits the theme well.  Maybe encountered some potential issues with gaming the enemy spawning by sitting on either end of the arena and spamming the ranged attack but dunno if that's really an issue. Had a lot of fun with this one, definitely my type of game.

My partner played this one and recommended it to me, was not disappointed. The design and especially the execution felt clever. Gameplay is simple but intuitive and engaging. The dialog serves as such a great reward, just kept going in an effort to continue the conversation. Well done.

This was a really memorable one... the moment you suck up the spacebar and turn all wideboi, I couldn't stop smiling. Just amazing little touches everywhere that really displays care and quality.

Thanks for playing and the feedback. Definitely agree, there are awkward moments while swimming above water where you have to wait for your breath to return and there's nothing to do but sit there...

Aww thanks so much! Always so heartening hear some folks had fun with it ☺️

Glad you liked the badges... just love silly scout badges ever since playing Psychonauts. Thanks for the feedback, definitely agree the pacing could use some tweaking.

Was definitely sold on the vibe and style but I'm definitely too much of a novice at these types of games to get anywhere. Really great presentation though!

Neat roguelike jam game, definitely a challenge, especially when you're bleeding air but can't get that duct tape :P Satisfying gameplay and upgrades, felt kind of incremental at first but by the end, your attack starts getting ridiculous.

Definitely was confused initially the way you're tossed into the game immediately without any guide. Good challenge, definitely keeps you on your toes. Solid cohesive art style.

Took me a minute or two to get a feel for the breath timing but so rewarding ,once you get it, to do a sequence jump after jump without stopping. Love the character design as well. Well done!

Really great jam game overall, hits all the points. Intro sets up the gameplay well and the presentation is on point. Nice job you all!

Thanks for playing and the feedback and I completely agree on all points you made. I've been iterating on the gameplay for a while and still haven't found the right mechanics to bring it all together but I'm getting closer every iteration. The core feel of growing upward and outward with stems and branches still feels good which gives me faith :) I have already cobbled together gameplay changes based on feedback that will depart from this version somewhat dramatically so maybe that'll be the one. Cheers!

That's great news, hopefully it all resolves smoothly!