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DrillSoft Games

A member registered Apr 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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I had a lot of fun with All the Better to Date You With! Juggling lots of mini-games was both challenging and enjoyable, and the controls felt tight. Of course, my favorite part was the art and music. I would love to see more work rendered in this style. Fantastic job by all the devs.

Really cool idea! I liked the use of the theme and the chess motif was awesome. Definitely rough around the edges but I enjoyed this one. Great job!

Really cool game! The graphics and presentation were awesome. There was a little jank with some of the sections but for having been made during the jam it was totally forgivable. Awesome work.

Awesome game! My best record was only 16 seconds, but I had a lot of fun. Loved the voice acting. 

I've seen a lot of people saying this already, but I would agree that the controls were my biggest gripe. Otherwise I thought it was pretty great! Awesome use of the theme!

Really interesting take on the theme! I enjoyed this one a lot. There were some things that could've used a little more polish (Ex: my hp bar would look like it was at 0 sometimes but I could still take another hit), but I thought this was amazing for having been made during this jam and by one person. Super impressive and a great game overall!

Fun endless runner with great use of the theme! Shotgun mode was my favorite. Once I got the hang of switching  modes quickly I had a lot of fun. Great job!

Very cute art! Nice music too. The runner itself was pretty basic but felt good to control.

I had fun with PowerStruggle. The toggleable weapons were a unique twist on the Vampire Survivors formula! In a future version of the game, I'd like to see some more enemy variety and a way to reduce the downtime spent recharging your weapons. For example, maybe the robot always regenerates 5 Power/s, and each weapon consumes a different amount of Power/s

Thanks for the kind feedback! I worked super hard on the art

(1 edit)

I had a lot of fun with this one! Really great presentation and a unique idea. A lot of the jumps were challenging in a fun way and you can tell a lot of thought was put into the puzzles. 

My only criticisms would be that there were some jumps I had to figure out completely via trial and error, because the next cliff or ledge was out of view. It wasn't a huge deal but those were definitely frustrating because it didn't feel like I missed them because of my own mistakes, but instead for what basically amounted to luck. I also got lost a couple times and would've appreciated some way to know I was on the right path or not, especially when I was descending the mountain or doing something else counter-intuitive.

Overall, really great entry! I'd love to see what this looks like if you continued to develop it further.

Great visuals and intuitive puzzles. I do wish the puzzles had a little more leeway to solve them instead of one or possibly two solutions, but overall it was very cute and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also the menu system and the tutorial were fantastic for a jam game. Great work!

Fun little game! Great presentation and tight controls made this one stand out for me. Great work!

Cool use of the theme! I had fun with this one. Great job!

Really interesting concept! I thought the farming gameplay loop was cool and the time mechanics were solid, but I lost some interest toward the end when I was repeating the same steps to sell crops over and over again.

I also ran into what I think was glitch where I couldn't access part of my inventory if I emptied it in a specific way. Maybe I wasn't using the arrow keys properly, but I tried a bunch of combinations and it seemed like I was stuck. I had two items on the top left of my inventory and two on the bottom right, and I couldn't figure out a way to reach the two bottom right. There was a gap between them so I figured that was the issue. I fixed it by picking up more items.

Overall I enjoyed this though, great job!

Pretty fun once I got the hang of the controls, definitely felt like a controller would've been the optimal control input but thats ok. I think making the boost a resource would be a nice extra touch, since as it is right now there is basically never a reason to not use it.

Evershifting Dungeon was a great idea! I think it was a strong application of the theme with a very innovative gameplay loop. In a future version, I'd like to see a block that can take you up and to the left, as well as a check of the board state to make sure that the dungeon you spawned into is solvable.

Definitely an interesting idea and a cool demo. If you fleshed this out further, I bet it could be really fun!

I really liked Untitled Mouse Game! The upgrade system felt great, and the defense/interest modes on the ATMs was a fun design choice. The art and sound effects were great too! Both runs of the game, it seemed like something happened with the Mouse's collision box. It got stuck in the bottom left corner of the screen, so I couldn't be hit by bullets, and I couldn't access the shop. I would love to see more.

I think in some cases it makes sense for them to move each other, but if some are supposed to be there as static obstacles I think when the other gorillas move them it can create unintended challenges. I thought it was fine but could see it frustrating someone. Again, awesome game!

Thanks for the kind words! We were actually split internally on how far we wanted to take the references, but decided at least a few were warranted given the context of the jam. We're glad you agree and weren't put off by them!

Originally, we were going to have the spikes in pits in the ground, but ultimately they were made part of the main landscape and the concept of the player falling into a pit was dropped entirely due to time constraints. One of our team members was also confused by the spikes during playtesting, but we never went back to redo the sprite. We'll definitely keep this in mind for the future if we have a similar obstacle in a different game. It probably should have been something very traditional and obvious given the scope and speed with which we expected the player to adapt to each mode.

There actually isn't any health during the platformer, which in retrospect we could've probably made more obvious. The only real lose condition is touching the slug. All the other obstacles do is temporarily stun you. In an abstract way, your distance from the slug is kind of like your health bar.

The player always has full health at the start of every mode, but the slug's health left depends on whether you won or lost the previous round. For example, if you lose the shmup and the slug has half its health bar left, the next time you play the shmup, you will still be in the same "phase" as before and the slug will still have half health, but the player will have full health again. If you win in any mode, you will have been moved onto the next phase of the mode with a bump in difficulty, and the slug's health is fully restored. For the runner, since there is no health bar, we tracked how long you had played the runner and ensured that the player would pick up where they left off in terms of time (ex: if the runner is supposed to last 30 seconds and you lost 15 seconds in, you only need to survive another 15 seconds to win upon re-entering the mode).

Thanks again for playing! We really appreciated the thoughtful feedback!

I'm glad you liked how the difficulty increased with each round! We weren't able to include an endless mode during the jam's time limit, but after you play through the game once, a new button unlocks on the main menu that lets you pick one mode to play until you either win or lose all your hearts. It's not exactly the same thing but could be close to what you're looking for. Our team will definitely consider an endless mode option in case we try to enhance SLUG MODE in the future or make a similar game!

Thanks for playing! After you play through the game once and receive your rank, you have the option to play each mini-game individually until you win or lose all your hearts. We put that in there just in case someone liked one mode in particular and wanted to replay it. That's probably the closest thing to skipping the VN (or really any of the modes) that we were able to include.

Cool monkey game. I liked going MONKEY MODE.

I do think it might have been better if the monkeys weren't able to move each other when they collided. That's probably my only real criticism. Good job!

Extremely original idea, executed in a way that actually makes sense and manages to fit the theme of the jam as well. Using the darkness of the room to force the use of the text mode was brilliant, and the puzzles were mostly very intuitive without being overly simple.  Excellent work here, I'd love to see a larger scale game with this concept, one of my absolute favorites to come out of the jam.

I enjoyed my time with Colony Defense! It felt good to build up the colony full of factories. In a future version, I'd like to see a black outline around the vehicle so that it can stand out a bit against the buildings. It also might help to remove the engineering building mechanic in favor of having an upgrade panel always displayed on the bottom of the screen. Maybe you could upgrade fire rate, bullet size, spray, etc. Finally, I'd like to see the defender mode be a bit more difficult! It might be neat to see meteorites of different sizes and speeds, and to have meteorites spawn constantly instead of having discrete waves for building and defending.

Like other mentioned, I really enjoyed the presentation, but I think the tutorial is a bit lacking. In a game with this level of complexity, you really need to focus on making sure your player will understand the systems involved, and how to properly apply them. Obviously in the setting of a game jam, its hard to have enough time to both make a full featured game, and properly explain to the players, but in the future I hope you'll continue with it and flesh it out more, because the visual and audio experience feel very good already. Great work!


Melody temple is my favorite game I've played so far! I played it all the way through, and I thought the difficulty was perfect. I finished in 29:19.020 with 8/9 music notes and 112 deaths. I would happily pay to play more of this absolutely insane, creative platformer. I hope Dunkey plays it to completion on stream! You absolutely deserve some public appreciation for the colossal effort that it must've taken you to build and design this gem.

Super easy to learn, hard to master. As someone who's not very good at platformers, I struggled with this but still very much enjoyed it. Great work with the platforming and especially the music, that was a standout part!

Very unique and fun puzzle game. Some of the puzzles are a bit too reliant on momentum to get the balls in the exact right spots in my opinion, but overall its a brilliant concept and I hope to see more!

Slug Mode was powered by Howard! Without his hustle, we wouldn't have been able to push out so many different game modes. I'm glad you enjoyed the art too :D

I think Lo-Fi Jump had a cool vibe to it. The music was great, and I liked the dreamy color palette you used. I think the movement could use some tightening up though, as it felt a bit slippery at times. That said, I think the grappling felt pretty good! You should definitely keep it up

btw, I finished with 16 stars. How many were there to get?

Amazing puzzle game that deserves more attention. Presentation was awesome, very original, and good use of the theme. Had a ton of fun with this.

A. Rufus is very respectable! Great job (and thanks for playing)

That was a very important gag for us, we're glad you liked the surprise!

Thank you all  for your hard work on Samsara! It's seriously inspiring. The resurrection mechanic was a great twist on the kill-yourself-to-proceed platformer trope. The puzzles were super fun, and clearly a lot of thought and care went into putting them together. I especially loved the artwork: everything was so expressive. I would love to learn about how your team made the clouds and trees shift around so gently despite their low resolution. The meditation visuals were also brilliant. The understated delivery of a monk's journey to enlightenment was excellent too. I'm so excited to see what you're all working on in the future!

Race Against a Duck was super fun! It reminded me a lot of flash games from when the internet was fun, and I had a great time with it.

This is a fantastic concept. The modular gun was very cool to mess around with and I eventually settled with triple barrel, triple trigger, lava, and blackpowder and felt unstoppable. It reminded me of getting that perfect wand build in Noita. I would love to see the continuation of this project.

Very cool concept of building a safe zone. I think the physics of moving the objects needs a bit of work, specifically to make the larger objects feel heavier, but overall its a great start, and the animations were fantastic.