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A member registered Aug 14, 2018

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Bought on Steam! Only played the first hour or so. Amazing experience so far :D please, go play for yourselves, everyone!

It begins....

This was such a cool horror experience! I loved the atmosphere, the style, and scares. I was very immersed. May I suggest adding a conclusion at the end of the stories, or as added bonus material for the game? I do like how the game ends. However, with stories based on real events, I’d like to know how it ended for closure (if it’s possible, given the information is provided). Anyway, would definitely recommend for horror lovers! Can’t wait too see more stories :D 

I did make a video on it as well to capture my reactions and give feedback, too:

So far, I’m really enjoying this game. The puzzles are fun, the art style is beautiful, the mechanics are pretty stable (there’s some slidey aspects but not horrible), the story is intriguing, and I totally forgot I had this game downloaded a while ago. Better late than never! I highly recommend and hope to see a full version come out, if it hasn’t already. If so, please let me know. :)

the game was an interesting experience. The sense of dread was there, but I was also feeling mystified in some of the environments as well. Short and sweet, but powerful. I applaud the eerieness and sculpture of the world’s created, plus the added mysteries behind them. However, I will give a thumbs down to moving effects Of the walls because it conflicted with the movement of the character. It made me motion sick. Overall, nice and short game.  Feed it...

This was a really cool experience. Loved the inverted color usage to challenge the idea of the horror genre and I loved the unique story telling.  Highly recommend playing this game!

This game was very enjoyable! It’s a heartfelt story of a bond between mother and son as they hike together, talk together, and mixed in, is a unique game mechanic that I haven’t  experienced, yet. A sequel is in the works, so don’t miss the prologue!

Not a bad game! It has lots of potential. I like the atmosphere, though some of the mechanics need tweaking if you plan on refining. I was playing this yesterday and it's fun for what it is. Though, I do think the bell man is a bit fast and there's no sprint meter to let us know when we run out.      I  did    have  trouble        finding  the              other                                 balls as well.   I did make a video of it for my channel if you'd like to watch. I love making gaming videos based/inspired off of or inspired by Jacksepticeye. He's my favorite gamer next to Markiplier. Nice work, overall so far. :)

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I loved the appealing art style of this game. It’s beautiful, yet something seems off. It’s a mysterious vibe. Really well done on the twist as well. I was not expecting it! The writing is great, and the simplicity of the design makes it an eerie yet calm atmosphere. I highly recommend for anyone who wants to experience a short, yet gripping, high tension tale.

I really love the concept of this game. It’s really  unique and challenging to play. I enjoyed it very much. 100% would recommend.

Really neat and cute little game! I’d really like to see an expansion of this with more elements added to the game. It’s a cool creature design and the sounds are unnerving. I made a video for my channel :) 

This game was pretty cool. I would recommend a check point system, but other than that, I liked the mechanics. It really did put me on edge (pun intended). Very nice work . I did film a game play video as well if you're interested in watching.

This game was absolutely spooky. Loved the subtle changes, the atmosphere, the scares, audio design, and the game play. The only thing I found odd was that I couldn’t get into the room while the candle was lit. I did make a video for my channel as well if you’re interested in watching. Would love to see a full version of this game. :D

This game was amazing to play! Thank you so much for reaching out to me. The over all atmosphere makes the player tense, the jump scares were very well placed, the story is just  as mysterious as the first game (which I love). It felt more like a dream sequence than anything. The lack of dialogue is intriguing, and the little mini game was challenging. Astonishing visuals and music, too. Very beautiful work :) I did make a video for this game as well ^-^

Thank you so much! ^-^ this was a lovely surprise. I hope you don’t mind that I filmed my reaction :3 

Everyone! This game is amazing and I highly recommend you all play it! Especially if you’re a huge fan of Markiplier. It’s beautifully written, well polished, and such a delight!

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Even though I don’t have a headset, I had fun.  I was able to mess around with my keyboard and mouse to experience a little bit of what the game was like and it’s adorable! I would highly recommend if you have a HTCVive headset! ^-^ I made a short video of some of the game play just to be silly 🙃

Hello! So I came across this game a while back and wanted to give it a try because I'm a huge fan of Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Pewdiepie. I love fan games! I'll say this does have a lot of potential and was a lot of fun to play. The goofiness made me laugh, the art is adorable and the ideas are pretty well thought out. I think you're onto something here. If you ever decide to finish the game, I'd be happy to play the whole thing. If you're interested in watching, I made a let's play video for this :)

Thank you, you're welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed the video. The scare legitimately got me . :)

Hello, there! Saw this little gem on the home page and wanted to give it a try. I love the fell for it, the graininess, the gray scale, and the metaphorical concept are all very appealing. I also got jump scared. It was short, but interesting and fun to play around in. Nice job with he atmosphere, too.

Hey there. I recently played this game and I have a few pros and cons for you:

Pros: Interesting concept in collecting items as an objective, I like the humor - such as the evil duck and the the troll ending - the environment is creepy, has a good color scheme, and I like the map because it's challenging.

Cons: the controls need to be worked out a bit better because I was using my mouse to turn the camera and it was not registering well. The boat mechanics should be fixed because it drifts and turns on it's own, it's very slow to turn, maybe add a way to regain some health, and  maybe install a way to defend ourselves from the duck (unless i missed how to do that, then my bad).

Overall, not a bad little game. Simple, hilarious, has an objective, and can be a fun little pass time. Nicely done over all.

I made a video for it on my channel as well along with another little horror game in the beginning:

Hello. I played the game and I'd like to leave a review.

Pros: Atmosphere is okay, the graphics are pretty good, the voice acting was okay, and I like the glitch effects. 

Cons: the game menu music seems out of place because there is a huge shift in the atmosphere so suddenly, the narration is lacking (understandable that you don't want to give too much away story wise). However, the story seemed a bit all over the place with the change of the dehorns to devils, like we were going into hell but not,  I didn't feel like I was in danger, the monster wasn't scary,   there wasn't much tension, and the scares were a bit cliche.

I do think this game has potential to be scary. It does need work, but with the right amount of time and effort, I think it could be great :)

This was hilarious.  Loved it!