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A member registered May 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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This update made me smile <3 

Thanks for your hard work and take care!

I want to say a lot of positive things about this game, but I think that there are a lot of comments that already express exactly how I feel. As someone who is a big fan of yandere content and has been lurking this site for years, this one goes straight to my top 5. The quality blew me away. I mean, the amount of branching paths (which actually makes you feel like your choices mean something), the quality of the writing and the art, are things that you dont see that often. Most visual novels use the same character sprite all the time, whereas you constantly change it depending on the situation. Thats so cool.

The first route I ended up with ("Creep") has to be my favourite, since I love horror and that one gave me the chills. Cant wait to see how it all plays out. 

Anyway, I think you are amazing for making this gem of a game. Keep up the good work <3  

I'm sorry to hear you are going through a hard time. But I think you made the healthiest decision. I know by personal experience how trying to fulfill other people's expectations instead of doing what you really want, leads to unhappiness. At the end of the day, it's your life, not their's, and university is far from the only path to take. 

I dont know you but I do know that you are a great game developer. I've been on this site for a long time because I love visual novels and I played a lot of them over the years, and yours is really unique. Even though it's really hard for me to buy games on this site because my country implements lots of taxes when you buy anything in dollars, I didn't think twice about buying yours because it's that good.

Anyway, my english is a little rusty so I'm sorry if anything sounds weird. I'm really looking forward to Absolution and any future projects. Good luck with everything.    

I really loved this game!  the concept is quite unique. 

Have you considered doing an ending guide? I seem to be missing some of them and I really want to know what Padar's surprise is   

I came here looking for my fellow June lovers T_T

Dont worry guys, we'll  win him over again... probably

No amount of pancakes can fill the hole in my soul. 

 On the other hand, this comment thread gives me life. Thanks for asking.

LOL. It was painful.   

IT'S HERE! * jumps into June's arms*