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A member registered Oct 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! It's one of the first few prototypes I made while learning

Thanks JC, I'm glad you liked the art. 10:18 is actually a very decent time; ill let you know if I beat it :D

Thanks for playing bro! 

Thanks for playing!

Controls are good, and I like the glow and the added particle effects to the game!

I've done this on one of my jam entry as well, never saw it coming, now I know how it feels :D

I found the key and finished the game :D Perfect theme implementation, I like the art style and u have a very cool menu screen. Awesome work!

Took me a while to know whats going on, I like the idea, but I feel like I needed more to fully understand how the whole game works.

Never played a game like this before, it has unique mechanic, good job! 

Thanks for the words. I appreciate it!

The theme is: "Too many hands"

Thanks, Wika!

Nice looking game. I like the graphics and the environment, they were well put together. A more in-depth description of how to play the game would have been very helpful, especially for games like this, but other than that, it is still a solid entry, well done!

Thanks for playing, Steve. Took some inspiration from Brackeys basic shapes and lighting and added some post-process effects. The music is from VOiD1Gaming, and he's killing it. It perfectly matches the vibes in this one. And for the ending, I'm glad that you liked it, another meme-inspired game :D

Awesome! Clever take on the theme. I love the art style and the whole vibe of the game. Cool & interesting mechanics. There is too much going on, but I really appreciate how you put up all the details on the game page. Great work guys.

I really like the grayscale art and that sweet little intro at the beginning. I'm having trouble performing the jumps and maybe some of the colliders, but still a nice & cool looking game. Good job!

Nice theme implementation, I like the little story behind the game. Cool art and music it complement each other very well. Looking at images from the game page itself, I think the UI elements are messed up a little bit upon building, as I can't see any of the text, and some bugs here and there, but that's always a part of a jam, but overall I really like the whole idea of this game. Great job on this one!

Tip: next time if you can make a web build that would be a huge plus as players prefer them over downloading a game

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I will definitely add more stuff If I make a post-jam update

Awesome game! I love the art style and those tiny particle effects. Maybe change some of the font colors as they are not registering well on the screen. Other than that, I enjoyed exploring and playing the game. Good job!

Interesting take on the theme. I'm not too good at puzzle games like this, but I really like the cool mechanics of it and the overall feel of the game. Very unique. Good job, Matt!

Nice looking graphics. I'm glad you pulled this off!

Nice little game. Good message and you have some cool music selections. Good job! Happy to be your 10th rater/rating

Fun charming game! Cool art & animation. I do like having a little timer as It adds more spice to the gameplay. Just one thing, the crew impeding the player movement when they are close together, I don't know if it's intentional, but other than that, it was an awesome game. I had so much fun playing it. Good job!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing!

I think little arrow to direct players will help. Thanks for playing!

Yes, a checkpoint would have been beneficial. Thanks for playing, Matt!

Thanks for playing, that's awesome! I think it's the beauty of game jams, not only do we learn new things while making our own, but we can also get some inspiration from playing other devs games too.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing. It's just a small little game, and I'm glad that you liked it. Yes, that's one of the pointed out concerns. Since you really cant see what's happening/obstacles down below, I think having maybe some arrows pointing in the directions where the player needs to move would certainly help.

Great game, Toroyakun! It was so engaging, I had so much fun playing it. Cool player animation and excellent level designing. I love this game.

Thanks for playing!

I'm not sure how you do it, is it physics or something else, but I really love the smooth controls, It also a plus that you can use your mouse too, which I prefer using over my keyboard. You have a cool looking game environment too. Good stuff, DatuxGames!

It was a fun, action-filled game. This is a perfect example that you don't need some fancy art-style to have a good looking game. And I love how you put together all the juice for a better gameplay, and btw I like that player ded animation :D Great job, Zyrex!

Nice little game. I like the hand-drawn art. Is it just me, or is there no music in the game? And I think you forgot to add "space bar" under the controls in the game's page. Other than that as someone as young as 14 you really did a good job in this game, btw what engine did you use on this one? 

I'm not trying to sound like I'm covering up my bad drawing skills :D but yeah, the game kinda gets some inspiration from brackeys with the use of basic shapes and some lighting. I intentionally made the game as simple as I could and let the post-process effects do its thing, which I think turned out pretty well, I also believe adding player animation would have elevated the game even more, but I went too basic with this one and ditched them.

To be honest, I don't really have the chance to playtest for other players, to get some quick thoughts about the game. But I agree that camera panning and signs would have been beneficial to players. And for the checkpoint, I'm debating with myself whether to add it or not, as I feel like maybe the game is too short on having them, but you also pointed out some reasons why the game should have them. As the player's input would always be crucial in making a game a lot better.

Thanks for all the feedback, Steff. That's why I like joining game jams like this, we learn so many things in the process.

I made it as simple as I could, maybe a case of a little too simple on the art side of things, but yeah, thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it! 

Thanks for all the feedbacks and tips, I appreciate it all!