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A member registered Aug 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


This was a fun and pretty terrifying experience!

The sound design, the and the way that the graphics got all glitchy when the monster got near definitely gave this a good, creepy feel. And the lack of ability to save definitely made it that much more nerve-wracking. 

Besides the actual horror aspect, I'd say you pretty well captured the look and atmosphere of an oldschool horror game!

(1 edit)

This was a neat visual novel! I enjoy the wordplay for the title.

SPOILERS (sort of)



I really appreciated the puzzles. They were very well done (although I did get a bit stuck on the passcode one, until I realized that the keys had letters on them xD Then I managed to guess correctly) I didn't even expect there to be a sliding puzzle! That was a nice touch.

The story was a lot of fun, too. It definitely felt like a thriller with how everything played out. (I did guess a bit early on that Soma wasn't exactly who he said he was, but I did go into this game kind of expecting him to be bad news. Even if he's absolutely adorable!)

I enjoyed all of the endings, and I was glad that the friend was okay in the good ending... presumably they're okay in all of the endings, though. 

The little bit of voice acting was great, too! But you may want to make the volume for the voices to be louder. I had to do a lot of adjusting with my capture and editing programs to get it to be the right volume. (It's probably not as big of a deal for people who aren't recording a playthrough, though.)

Overall, this was very fun! It captures the feel of the Halloween Season very well.

💜You did a great job with that!

I will be eagerly awaiting the Monday and Michel lore! 

No worries! Take your time on finishing it. I'll definitely still check out the demo (murder mysteries are so much fun!) xD I'm excited to see the differences from the demo and the final version. 

Ooh! :3 That sounds like a fantastic retelling. I love werewolves 💜


I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of Oisin's relatives and the courtiers whenever you do the follow up! Since I adored Oisin's design so much, I'm sure I'll love theirs too.
(I'm also going to have to check out Private Eye Agency and your submission to the Yuri Game Jam when you submit it!)

Ahh! I'm a sucker for romance, so I'm glad that one is the canon one! These nerds deserve so much love.

This was such a lovely story. The fairytale vibes were immaculate ✨And the story flowed very well! It had such a peaceful, melancholy atmosphere that was an absolute delight to read through.

I sincerely enjoyed all of the endings, bad and good (but the good ones were so sweet. I'm definitely rooting for Oisin and the MC in the romance ending!)

Also, the art in this is gorgeous. You did an excellent job with the character designs. I especially can't get over Oisin's true form. He is very lovely 💖

This was so much fun to play! And it was delightfully complex for a game jam game!

I enjoyed the sense of... wrongness in the town when we start off. And the characters were so much fun to meet, even if they all seemed pretty suspicious at first 😅
Eurydice was an absolute delight, and I appreciated how helpful she was even with her rather sassy personality. Cain also made me smile with his prickly attitude.

I did kind of guess the twist early on, but it was still really interesting to uncover it at the end. (I'll have to go back and see if I can make proper friends with Monday and Michel, too. Is that how you get their information?)

I'm honestly still left with a lot of questions even with knowing about why they're all there. I'm also really looking forward to the added route in the future! 

Beautiful work, as always!

(1 edit)

This was such a delightfully eerie game. Even though October starts tomorrow, it was perfect to kick off the spooky month!

I loved that Syn was a sympathetic character. I fully agreed with him, even though I got both endings.

Also... you gotta stop making such pretty monsters -sweats-
I was first enthralled by Kayn, and now Syn! (but please don't actually stop making pretty monsters. I love them 💜)

Of course!
And thank you 😄Your VN had some fun images to use for it.

That's fair 😂A little miscommunication always makes for some fun drama! I'm looking forward to seeing how they finally resolve it.

This was adorable! 

I'll have to check out your other VN at some point, and I'm looking forward to the full version of this one! Vale and Lawrence definitely need to talk about their feelings.
(I loved how Lawrence's sister totally saw through everything, though 😂)

I had so much fun with this!

[There may be some spoilers in the comment]

Suraj is incredibly charming and sweet. Honestly, it was a little surprising that he was so genuinely kind, and getting a chance to hear his story was lovely and heartbreaking. I'm glad we got a chance to hug him after things started getting... weird.

I also have such a soft spot for Hakon now ;-; (his little smile gets me every time) His story broke my heart so much. He's a grumpy, but sweet birb and his adoration for Suraj gives me so much life. 

It was really cool to see how things happened before Only When You Sleep, but now I'm desperately hoping for a happy end to the series. I want everyone to be okay. (I cried over Suraj when he went with Seo. I felt so bad for him. Especially knowing where the story goes after that.)

All of the endings were very satisfying too. Even the "bad" ones, although they certainly left a lot of things open for interpretation. Save for maybe Ending 2, that puts us in the Neverplace.
But meeting Peter was an absolute delight. I can't wait to see more of him, especially since he seems so intent on helping us. I liked that his endings left off with a continuation, and now I'm even more eager to see what happens after the events of Only When You Sleep. 
(Honestly, I could gush about the Folklore series for hours. It's the kind of modern fantasy that I could absolutely devour.)

Also, I'm still utterly in love with your character designs and backgrounds. They are gorgeous. And the voice acting was excellent!
(... as an aside, I now maybe... kinda... have a little crush on Pandemonium. Hearing their voice was quite a treat ^^; )

Excellent work! I'm looking forward to the next installment of the Folklore series!

(1 edit)

I'm a bit late to the party with playing Day 3, but it was wonderful!

Seeing more of Mychael was a treat. It was interesting to see his more... callous side, but it was also delightful to get a chance to be friendly with him! Especially when we goofed around or flirted (I cackled so hard with both of those choices.)

Admittedly, I struggled with the bad ending. Even though we have every right to be upset with him, it still broke my heart. He's a very likeable character... and so cute 😭I adore him. 

The good/continuation ending made me super excited for Day 4, though! I can't wait to see what happens next.

Also, as an aside, Vida is absolutely adorable. (Are they related to Alma in some way, or just meant to be similar?) and I would die for Laika. (ahaha, not me noticing on tumblr really late that you've answered asks mentioning Vida and Alma are the same person 😂)

Excellent work! I shall eagerly await the next installment of Mushroom Oasis!

I know I responded to your comment over on YouTube too, but I honestly really enjoyed Wolf In The Woods. It had such an eerie and kind of cozy feel to it.

The wolf was such a delightful character (and both his design and Emma's are very nice. I really enjoy the storybook illustration look to the entire visual novel!)

But, I definitely ended the game with more questions than answers. I don't know if you plan to do more with this story, but I really liked it. It leaves me with a lot of theories about who is the real big bad (and that bad ending was so well done!)
I'm just hoping that the wolf really is as soft as he seems to be. 

You did a great job all around with this short VN. 
It's been a lot of fun to play your solo projects!

This was an enjoyable little thriller. 

Uncovering the story and Bok-su's motives for what she planned to do/did was interesting (and honestly, rather tragic.) It was neat to play a character that was definitely not a good person. Although, Da-jeong didn't exactly  seem to be, either. 

I felt horrible for Myeong-hoon and his family, though. I was honestly both surprised (and yet not at all surprised) with what Bok-su did to him to get back at Da-jeong. It was also a lot of fun to make sure that we didn't get caught. 
I enjoyed getting a chance to solve the puzzles along the way (although I did game over a few times in the process...)
As an aside, I gasped out loud at the part where we freed the dog. Although the dialogue there was funny, but I definitely had a moment of worry.

I was also very fond of the character designs. Bok-su has such an intense look about her. I really liked her expressions.

Good work as always! 

This was a fun game! I enjoyed the concept, and it was really cool to discover what happened on the spaceship. 

I also quite liked that we could get different endings. At first I thought there was only one, but I was pleased to stumble into another.

(2 edits)

 I loved the story before chapter two came out, but I’ve only fallen even more in love with it.

Although there are only two Love Interests available right now, their personalities and desires shine through even more than they had before. Their banter with Vesper is absolutely delightful, and the sheer amount of lore that we can glean from these two routes is incredible. 

I am utterly captivated by this world and these characters. (I cannot stop telling my twin things about chapter 2.)



[SPOILERS! I try not to be too in depth, but be warned that there are SPOILERS!]




I chose Cirrus’ route first (because I was very curious about how that section of the story would go) and I… actually like him a bit more as a person, in spite of the glaring red flags. I already thought he was compelling as a character, but his fondness for Vesper shone through this time. In spite of the other, rather terrible things he does. 

He still absolutely needs to get a hold on how he deals with his anger and he’s still very manipulative, he wasn’t quite as infuriating to me as he had been in the first chapter. 

I really appreciated the actual gauge for his anger too. It was nice to see him appreciating Vesper’s ability to be a brat. Even if we could push him over the edge, to the point of… well, him overreacting

It was a lot of fun, and it was amazing to see him actually get desperate for a change. My heart caught in my throat at that particular scene! (Same with the “finger cleaning” scene, though there’s no CG for that) It was incredibly beautiful.

And the good ending (which was surprisingly easy to get for me) made me gasp out loud. I am stunned, and I cannot wait to see where chapter 3 takes that particular outcome.

(As an aside, I actually cried when Francesco came in. The ending we could get there was so bittersweet. I love him. I love him so much. He’s so sweet and I’m excited for his route.)

Keir’s route was absolutely incredible too. I am in love with the slow-burn romance there.

I also really loved getting a chance to know more about the other characters, including Oleander. I knew that he and Keir had something between them before, but finally having concrete evidence of their relationship was delightful. Although I feel a bit bad for the both of them.

As for some of the great scenes between Keir and Vesper - I cackled far too hard at the "honeytrap" scene. Oh my god. Keir is a good actor, but him blushing is even better. And the flirting during the date also floored me. Vesper is oblivious, and Keir is way too serious with flirting.

In spite of the funnier/softer moments at the beginning, Keir’s route got dark really fast. I wasn’t entirely surprised about the darker endings during the heist (because it’s been made very clear what happens to thieves in this place.) But it still broke my heart. I dislike seeing these characters get hurt/killed, whether it’s all of them or just… one of them.

What broke my heart the most, however, was the continuation end. Especially after the sweet scene with him after getting all of the affection points. 

I was so torn with both his reasoning and Vesper's during their conversation. I can completely understand why Vesper is both upset and sickened and angry with Keir. But I also don't necessarily disagree with Keir to the same extent Vesper does? It was such a difficult situation. (I do, however, think that Keir's morality is very black and white with some stuff, even if I do get it.) 

But after all of that, I almost screamed at the actual end. I want everyone in Mouse Hole to have a happy ending, and now I’m going to be worrying until the next chapter. I truly hope that there is a good ending in Keir’s route. I love him and his thief buddies. And I just want him and Vesper to be happy and alive ;-;

(Also good job on those very fast changing/hard to get parts when we had to choose answers. It made the experience very stressful, in a good way.)

Needless to say, I’m still utterly in love with OBSCURA. I am excited for Francesco's and Oleander’s routes, and I am dying to see how chapter 3 ends up. This visual novel has been an incredible experience! I love everything about it… and at some point I’m going to have to also get it on Steam so I can get the achievements, and leave a review over there as well.

Thank you all for your hard work!
(Sorry for the long, really gushy review)

I finished playing!

(at least up until meeting the character that we have to name and ending the first day. I am too much of a coward to put Nobody's file into the system 32 folder, so I was unable to go to day 2)

Unfortunately, I lost a large chunk of the recording when Nobody shut down the computer, and because the game re-launched in full screen, my capture software did not actually capture anything more than my voice and my VTuber model for many minutes. So, when Misha goes back to sleep and wakes up in the void... I didn't end up with any video to show viewers.

I don't think either of these things would have been a problem if I had been streaming the game live, but having missing/messed up video files ruins the entire video and I don't know if I can do anything to fix it.

(You may want to make it so Nobody only closes the game instead, if you want people to be able to record it)

I won't be able to upload a gameplay video to YouTube with so many missing parts. I am so sorry 😭. I had been looking forward to uploading a playthrough... instead I am going to try to make a review video.

Now for the actual review: 

Eternal Dream has a very interesting concept. I did enjoy the cozy, slice of life stuff at the beginning. However, I think that it does go on a little too long. You could probably cut out some sections of dialogue to make the beginning section a little shorter. But it was still a lot of fun to see Misha, Kesha and Petya spend time together and act like kids. I really enjoyed their dynamic, and I thought they were funny. 

I also liked the little detail of how Misha is always sleepy. It made the fact that things happen in his dreams a lot more interesting and realistic. It also made the twist in the dream even stranger. 

Meeting Nobody, however, was incredibly terrifying. Even though I knew some of what would happen, I felt scared. I was worried for the state of my computer, and that entire section of the game was unsettling. It was also a lot of fun to find things in the game files and to mess with them. Even if I am too scared to do everything that the game instructed me to do.

The art was also wonderful. You have a very appealing style, and I liked the character designs and the backgrounds a lot. I can see the amount of love you put into this game.

Eternal Dream has a lot of potential. With some polishing of the translation, and perhaps some changes in dialogue, this could be an incredible horror visual novel. I can see the amount of time and effort you put into programming the game.

Although I do hope it is a bluff that the game might harm the player's computer. That thought is still terrifying and not very nice at all.

So long as that is a bluff, I could certainly see Eternal Dream gaining a following of players. It has the potential to become a very popular meta horror visual novel. 

Even if I was, ultimately, unable to upload a gameplay video... I am very happy you asked me to play your game. I wish you a lot of success with your programming. 

(2 edits)

I really hope it's a bluff! 😂 You definitely don't want to harm the player's computer. It's not a good business practice to do so.

(I did watch some of Mexy San's video to see what I was getting into, and I was at least pleased to see that it was more of a bluff in this demo. I can also definitely say that the concept for this game is really cool)

I have reached the end of the first day and haven't gone into the dream yet. 

I will admit I felt a little nervous with the agreement we had to accept at the very beginning, so I had to build up my courage first.

I wanted to let you know that I think this is an interesting game so far! I will give you my full thoughts when I finish playing it.

(but I also wanted to let you know that my plans for getting the video out this week have been pushed back. Likely I will have the video out sometime next week. Thank you again for asking me to play it, too.)

This was such a cool concept! I'm sincerely curious about the world that this takes place in (even if it seems like a pretty dystopic world) The aesthetic was really cool, thoo!

Although, I felt so bad for the scanner in the end. Even if it was a little... obsessed.

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for the prequel, and I can't wait to hear the voice acting! 💜I'm glad the next one is coming out so soon.

I know I already left a review in the rating section right after I finished recording this, but now that the video is up I just have to say: This VN was so much fun! (I even ended up telling my twin about it right after playing xD)

I'm greatly enjoying where the story is going, and I am so excited for the next installment of this series!

This was such a little fun VN!

Shavil's somewhat dry personality was charming as hell (even in the bad end) and the little bit of story we got was really cool. It would be cool if you ever expanded upon it, but I think O'ermorrow also works as a standalone story.

Also, Shavil's design is absolutely gorgeous (and so is the BG), and the voice acting was excellent! 

(1 edit)

This was a lovely experience with such a pretty demi-god!

I enjoyed all of the endings (even if some could definitely be considered bad) and the story was told very well even with the limitations of the VN jam.

I'm definitely going to have to play Nameless - The Departed Cycle sometime to see more of this universe!
(I also will have to donate for the illustration pack for this VN sometime 👀)

I can't wait for the full release! This was such a fun (and creepy) demo. 




SPOILERS (maybe)

The entire premise of this game is pretty unsettling. From researching plants that come back from the Backrooms in various changed and unchanged states, to the fact that our coworkers have gone missing, there's just a very eerie atmosphere to it. 

Of course, the jump scares absolutely add to that. You did a fantastic job with them! And the way the facility looks with all of the shadows and the minimal objects around it just makes the place feel bleak and almost... prison-like. And the weird flow of time and forgetfulness makes everything about the facility more unsettling. Even when the player knows something has changed, there is kind of that sensation of "but... when?" Like, when the sign in our room disappears. It actually took me a moment to register it.

Of course, meeting Dr. Calla and Dr. Florian was a bit of a reprieve from that (but I'm intensely worried that something is going to/has happened to them 😟 )

And finally getting to see Zech was so good!
He feels all sorts of wrong, but I love that the player character has doubts about whether they remember him or not. He does a good job of pretending that he's meant to be there, and it honestly sent a shiver up my spine. 

Also, as an aside, the character designs in this were so good. Calla and Florian were so cute, and Zecharias was pretty and menacing as always (and the urge to faceplant into his chest grows each time I see him UwU)

You've done a great job with Lovely Pressed Flowers!
I'm looking forward to the full game!

(1 edit)

Kat!! KAT!! This was a gorgeous visual novel. Not only is it a tie in to one of my favorite VNs ever, but the aesthetic and the tone of it was incredible.

Honestly, it was interesting to find out what happened on the side of the congregation that the player character from 10:16 belonged to.
And the Savior was appropriately eerie. His reasonings were... quite scary, actually. But I very much liked him as a villain. You really capture religious trauma and horror well when you delve into it.

Plus I love your art! ;-; it's so ethereal and pretty.

A Fire, Transfixed definitely has me in the mood to play 10:16 again, which it intend to do soon!

This was such a fun VN! It was both delightfully creepy, and also... kinda hot?

The 'villain' had just... incredible vibes. He's unsettling, he's cruel while still being oddly affectionate... and the voice actor did an amazing job of bringing him to life.

(Also, the character sprite and the menu page are beautiful)

I really want to know more about this fella, as well as what happens to the player character. 

I have no idea if you have any more plans for this story, but it was a whole lot of fun and you all did a fantastic job with To Eat A Canary!

Aaah, thank you 💖

Oh my gosh! I'm excited to see the Panther!
December feels so far away, but I know it'll be worth the wait ^^

Dinner With A Deity was an absolutely lovely story (and quite melancholy). 
The art was beautiful, and the voice acting was positively charming!


The the idea of the deity of festivities and merriment being lonely honestly made the entire story feel so much sadder. Even upon meeting Serpentus, it was obvious that something was bothering him in spite of the happy face he tries to put on outwardly.
He's a very compelling character, though. He seems like a decently important deity, who has been left somewhat... broken by having lost those he loves
(Although I am glad that The Panther isn't gone, per se. Just no longer living among mortals) and Serpy's wish to go live among the stars to be with The Panther was awfully sweet. 

I really liked how he decided to bring in a normal worshiper to spend his last night with, too. Even though it's awkward, it's really cute how he does his best to enjoy the evening, and even divulges his plan at the end.
(Although it absolutely broke my heart to be able to reject his desires ;-; I was glad he went through with leaving anyhow. I did love that, depending on which choice we made, we could get two variants of Ending 2 as well!)

Although the ending where he left on good terms with the worshiper was the most satisfying to get.

As an aside, even if I didn't know some of what goes on in this game's universe (and I really don't know a lot, save for what information was given in The Vulture... because I need to play the rest of the games, too xD) the story conveys enough of the overarching plot that this works incredibly well as a standalone game. 
Just enough is said about the state of their world that you get a decent idea of what's going on.

You did an excellent job with this visual novel. I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the VNs in the same universe, and I'm excited for the ones that you have planned for the future too!

(I almost forgot to post here! >>;)

Aah, this was cute! 


First and foremost, I love the characters. Mei and Gabu are very charming in two different ways. Gabu is charismatic and sweet, and Mei is timid and maybe a little grumpy. I love them both so much (and their designs are gorgeous!)

I'm really hoping we'll get to uncover more of Mei's story in the later chapters. I'm quite curious about their family, their previous job, and of... well, of who killed Marron. I can completely understand why Mei doesn't trust easily because of that.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapters. There's so many things I want to ask about the characters and their world, but I'm going to have to wait and see if the subsequent chapters answer those questions first.

You did an excellent job with chapter 1! Keep up the good work ^-^

I'm a little late on playing this, but it was so much fun! 

I always love getting a chance to see the EmWa characters again (and Béla definitely has a very strong presence. I quite like him.)
It was really cool to learn a little bit more about Béla too. Even if it wasn't all that much, due to the word limit.

Also, I must say that it is always a delight when I get a chance to see your art in your games. You did a great job with Béla's sprite and the menu screen! 
The GUI and the lighting effects were really cool too. They really added to the atmosphere. (And the music you chose was really intense. Which suited a very intense game!)

You really did a fantastic job with Dark Arrangement.
You have such cool ideas for your O2A2 visual novels, and I'm excited for what you come up with next year too! (And I think you know already, but I'm also super hyped for Rule of Salt! ^^)

(1 edit)

Love Hex was honestly adorable!


I must say, the atmosphere was delightfully creepy. Especially as the game progressed, and even more-so when Valen realized we were trying to leave. (The chase actually look me 3 tries. I freaked out a bit there.) 

Valen was just so cute, even if he was a little terrifying at first ^^; I loved that he really came to like the main character, though. Even if he... well, went about showing his affection like a yandere.
Valen also has a gorgeous design even aside from his fun personality!

The main character was great too! She was sincerely hilarious no matter what answers we gave. I'm glad she got a boyfriend finally. Kinda. Hopefully she ends up properly happy in the future, since her whole life seems like a mess. But Valen seems to truly want to do nice things for her.

(As an aside, I'd love to see these two again if you have any plans for them. I want to see if they bring ruin to the main character's town xD)

Omg, yes!! xD I agree with this

Link to playlist here:

I played the extended demo nearly 2 years ago, and I gotta say... PURPLE was worth the wait!

The story was interesting to uncover as the game went on. Although it was emotionally painful to see Randall's memories.
I really felt bad for him, and it was sad to see Moths hurt people in the name of protecting Randall. But it also made me want to see where the story went.
(Some of those endings were positively devastating... and some were wonderful— like the Therapy End, which might just be my favorite one.)

Even beyond the story, I really enjoyed the gameplay (and the art! The updated CGs and animations were so good!) 
The puzzles were interesting, the maps were very cool (I particularly enjoyed the dream sequences) and the entire atmosphere of the game was just very well done.
And, of course, the soundtrack just added to that! There were parts of the game that made me so tense, partially because of the music and sound effects. 

I think, however, my favorite part of the game was the characters. Particularly Mya and Randall. They're both very likeable characters, and their friendship is just so sweet.
(I also loved Mason. He's freakin' adorable, and such a sweetheart)

It was a very heartfelt game, and even if I don't have DID, it's been really cool to see so many people relate to PURPLE.
Y'all did a great job with this game. I can see the love (and the time) that you've put into it. I'm very much looking forward to the sequel!
Sadly I didn't find all of the secrets, but that gives me a reason to go back and play for myself at some point before playing the sequel.

(Also, as an aside, I adored the song on the credits of the True End. It had such a melancholy feel to it. It suited the game so well.)

Well, I remember you mentioning that you were going to make a door dating sim ages ago. I'm glad it finally happened, even if it was for this particular challenge.

Honestly, I never thought about dating a door before, but all I can say is... don't knock it til you try it! 

Seriously, though, I laughed way too much with this. Thank you for making a sexy door dating sim. It was a delight to play.

This sure was a visual novel! Very accurate for a customer service job.


Honestly, I might be a little relieved that no one was dateable. Except John. He's prime dating material. 

But, seriously, I had a lot of fun with this 😂 It was weird and silly. I hope you'll consider making more VNs in the future, especially since your sense of humor is excellent!

For me?? ;///; I'm really flattered. Thank you. I look forward to getting a chance to see it!

I agree! It honestly made the story more compelling than having an innocent MC in a lot of ways. I was both rooting for Eris and Milo's relationship, while feeling very conflicted about everything that happens.
And you really did a great job with Violence Milo's design! I realize that I didn't go super into detail about how much I love your art for this game, but it's a very aesthetically pleasing game. I'm very fond of all of the designs (the Milos are my favorite in general, even beyond how much I like V!Milo's design) and the black and white/monochrome scheme with just a little bit of color is really cool

Ooh, I'm excited to see the game you're working on. If you do make it in Godot, I hope it goes smoothly! (I've heard Godot has a similar language to Python? So hopefully it ends up pretty easy)

Ahh! Okay, so, I won't put any actual spoilers for the easter eggs here, but as far as the name ones go: I had a lot of fun with what happens when we put in bad words, and it was also cool to see how it goes when we put in the in-game characters names.
But out of the name ones, my favorites were Vance, Alan, and Tenebris (and I enjoyed when we input your screennames)
I haven't found all of the nickname ones yet (I can't remember all of the nicknames yanderes call the MC), but Sunshine, DoeEyes, and Muse made me smile.
(Beyond that, I am struggling to find some of the ones in the code/files xD I'm really bad at that sort of stuff, sadly. And I haven't found the one on the home-screen yet)

I know I mentioned it before I made this video (on various social media), but this game had me howling. 

I loved it. I'm sorry, it was so funny. (The voice acting absolutely sent me xD I still can't stop thinking about it. I tried to explain it to my sibling too because it's too funny not to.)

I know none of this is canon, but it's honestly so perfect and getting vague lore about Zech was excellent. And getting to touch some Zech tiddy was a nice touch (especially the honking. Oh god, the honking)

The endings were appropriately awful/good, too.
I mean, the best ending was obviously the best, but I'm very partial to the 4th bad ending because the whole premise made me cackle.

Good (bad?) job! I'm looking forward to playing more of Zech's canon stories, but this was absolutely delightful.
(I know that sorta defeats the purpose of making the "Worst Visual Novel", but credit where credit is due... this was a fun one!)

(1 edit)

Link to the playlist with both videos here:

Life Cycles was such an interesting game! First and foremost, I am a huge fan of anthropomorphic insects (obviously) and I really enjoyed that the actual lives and habits of these insects were incorporated into a more human-like society. 


Obviously, the best part of the game was Oggie and Harmonia and their friendship. Although, I loved how both routes explored the friendship in different ways. 

The Kidnapped Route, while a bit more intense in the way that Oggie and Harmonia actually get to know each other (at first), seemed more laid-back over all. Save for the bad ending, the interactions between them were just really sweet and it was delightful to see how Harmonia matured emotionally as he tried to care for Oggie. 
Although, the neutral endings had such a... hollow feeling to them. It hurt to see the two of them start to become friends, and then abruptly drop everything to go back to their old lives (whether out of lingering mistrust imnthe first neutral ending, or in the 2nd neutral ending where Harmonia thinks that he failed to protect Oggie at all and decides to send him back home.)
Needless to say, I was most fond of the True Ending because they got to stay together and explore their relationship from there. 

The Secret Friends Route, on the other hand, had so much more of a "forbidden" feeling to it. Which, in turn, really brought out Oggie and Harmonia's chemistry (and to show how Oggie had to accept Harmonia for his nature.) It also brought the stakes a lot higher for when they get caught. 
The bad ending was... traumatizing. While in the other route, there was a chance for Oggie to still end up living a better life in the bad end, in this route there was no such chance. It also made me wonder just what Harmonia got up to in that ending.
The neutral endings, however, were a lot sweeter and left me with much less of a hollow feeling than the ones in the other route. It was nice to see that Oggie and Harmonia actively stayed friends. Although it was probably a little hard on Oggie to leave everyone else behind, at least he could explore a life of adventure with someone he truly cared about.
And, of course, the True End was a lot of fun! I liked the implications of an aphid uprising, and it would be really cool to see the aftermath of that. For now, I suppose, I'll just have to imagine what happened.

Beyond the fascinating story, I was absolutely enthralled by the character designs. They are so cute! Oggie, Bean, and Harmonia just have wonderful designs and it was cool to see how they were anthropomorphized from their respective insect types. (I love the ants too. They vaguely made me think of Agent Smith from the Matrix or something.)

Overall, this was a great game!
I'm surprised it was your first game because it's so well put together. The story is cohesive, the character designs are fantastic, and the mapping was well done. 
Keep up the good work! I'm truly excited to see what other ideas you have for games, and I'll have to try out your visual novels at some point.