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A member registered Jan 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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Can I get the link to your server?

I haven't played this yet, but I'm intrigued. This gives me Five Nights At Freddy's vibes! :D 

Thanks! We plan on having more soon! 


Me too! Even I can't wait to see what I come up with for all of the endings! 

Awesome! I'm super happy you enjoyed playing the game! :) 

If you want, we have a discord server where you can be kept to date on all of the updates towards the game!


Thank you very much for your heartfelt comment! I appreciate hearing something about that by someone else.

If you'd like, we have a discord server surrounding the game. You could click here to join if you wish, it is very active :D 

Thank you for playing! 

:) Thanks for playing! 

(3 edits)

I understood your review perfectly in fact! I do plan on having the official demo translated in multiple languages. However, the closest we do have is Japanese and the game will be translated in Japanese. Though, this isn't enough so I can find a chinese translator to help do our game and write it all down for us. Thank you for playing my game. If you want to join our discord server, its 

We also have a twitter page, and our official website here

This comment means a lot to me, thank you so much. I absolutely want to give this dream to people who'd love our game :) 

Thank you! I'm very happy someone enthusiastic as you are interested in our game! We work very hard on it my team and I. We will make the next demo a lot longer. 

I'm very happy to hear that you feel that way. I have a feeling you would love to play the next official demo which will be released in hopefully a month or so :) 

I am very pleased to hear you say this. If you want, you could leave a review for the game and tell everyone how much you had fun playing it if you want :D

Tomorrow, I'll be hosting live Q&A's for the first time on our discord server. You could participate tomorrow on Saturday at

If your discord account doesn't have a profile picture, add a profile picture or else our security system will kick you repeatedly. Thanks for playing!

~ CringleDragons

Thank you so much for commenting! This comment means a lot, thank you very much for your support! ^_^

Aww, thanks General *Salutes You* You fought bravely at the battle of little big horn. Thanks for the comment!

Thank you! It'll be quite the adventure :)

Did you find everything okay? :) Do you need any help with anything else?


Yeah, I'm not able to do a non/binary trans option because then it'll be assumed that the player is a male.

Since there is a female option, I like it that female players can get a chance too, but yeah, I couldn't do a trans-nonbinary option simply because it'll be too many differences to write.

Although, thanks for playing it on youtube :)

That's ok! I understand, no, we'll have a new demo version posted on here and we're making a steam page very soon! :)

Thank you for playing!

I was speaking about the website(s) yes, but we have game updates on the discord every 2 weeks, but we do keep people posted. Did you check the announcements page on the server? 

Thank you!

I'm very glad you've enjoyed it, how was it playing on mobile? Could you tell me how you did that?

I'm glad you loved it; in the next demo we will showcase all of our new variety of backgrounds with animated sprites. Thank you for playing! :D 


I'm the developer, I see you must've clicked on one of the backgrounds that were planted in the screen gallery. Our team has known about this problem, and it has been since resolved, however, since this is the older version of the demo, the error remains because it has the unfixed code still in it. 

We thank you for playing our game, and we're looking forward to having you play our next official demo that is coming out next month!

If you'd like to receive constant updates on our game, you can join our discord server here:

Thank you!

I was just passing by, but this is a very good and interesting looking visual novel!

We're remodeling a lot of parts in the game to ensure you have a unique passage and experience in the dragon world :O

There are seven chapters in the game that will be in the official base game. 

We plan on introducing special hot spot click scenes where if you were to interact with one of the dragons in a personal way, we want to make sure you carry on with the more interesting interactions. So, we've introduced a topic where if you click on a dragon's body, you get to explore what dialogue they say if you touch their snoot, or their chest, or well anywhere almost exactly! (No NSFW!)

Ask me anything about this! I'll be more than excited to go over it with you.

Ask me anything about our upcoming new demo and our changes to our sprite collection!


Thanks for enjoying and playing my demo! We will be releasing another final version of the games demo soon in July. Our sprites will be fully updated by the next demo with more scenes and characters added!

Our actual game release will be by the end of 2024 and sometime during 2025!

We appreciate you trying our game and please if you want to keep updated regularly, join our server at

Hi! Thanks for posting. :)

Yes, that's the only one people mentioned about, but I'm making an upcoming and new demo version and I'm releasing it this month along with a new steam page. There was grammar errors and an error that makes your color always set to purple. All have been fixed since then ^^

Kind regards,

Hi! I'm Cringles!

I'm the main developer of Roses in The Flames. Ask me anything!

No, because the files here won't remember the files "Over there" which would be on Steam. And the beginning scenes might be redone anyways.

We've edited since the 1.2 version of the demo. :) Good question by the way.

Yes, there is :)

I would say there is a strong chance we develop a phone app for the game. Nice question!

Thanks for replying!

Android build as in phone wise, correct? 

I will be more active on here, stay tuned!