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A member registered Jan 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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I feel the same way! 

Really? When I started walking over to it, it made a vibrating sound like I might have died if I walked to close to it. It was a black figure with 2 white eyes. Weird. 

At first I wasn't even sure if this was a horror game. The surroundings and music were very tranquil. Looking at the stars through the telescope was pretty cool, and it was neat that it gave the name / distance, etc.... When I saw the red 'star', thats exactly what I thought it was, until it got closer, showed me its eye, and then supposedly killed me. The little stinger at the end made me jump a little bit! It was a pretty good little horror game.

This game was very spooky. I really enjoyed the design of the characters and the environment. I also liked the little amount of music this game had. Its a very charming game that reminds me of Animal Crossing. Nothing was really that creepy, but it was eerie and the face that the character we control made at the screen, even when turned around did startle me a bit! I was not expecting that. I wish more happened in the game though! After the game 'crashed' as a scripted event, I opened the application again to see if anything changed, and after re-playing it again, I couldn't tell if anything else was changed. I watched a few You-tubers play it, and it seems to end after the game crashed. I think it would have been a amazing idea to have little, subtle changes happen if you re-play the game. Overall, this was very fun. I can't get over how well it replicated the Animal Crossing / N64 vibe. Great job! 

Pretty decent game all around. I enjoyed the mechanics of being able to switch the camera from a first person Pov to sort of third person. The sound design, especially the stingers and the chase music were great. I liked the design of the environment and the characters as well. Only complaint is that the game used AI or maybe text to speech voices, so they sounded kind of silly. Other than that, it was a nice, little horror experience that made me jump. 

This game was great! The controls of the garbage truck were fine, the controls of the character, and handling the garbage was done very well. I like how the garbage had weight to it, felt more immersive. The design and sound design of the game are very impressive. The ending was very unexpected, that you were picking up and compressing dead bodies for the town's crematorium. I played the game twice since I missed some of the notes, but even after playing it multiple times, I'm still not sure exactly what the notes meant. There was also this black figure by a light-post that I walked up too but never got close enough because I wasn't sure if it would kill me or not. Not sure 'lore-wise' what this being is, or if maybe it's a figment of the characters imagination. Overall, a pretty neat game. I am surprised this game was made in less than a week. Well done! 

The pixel art design, sound design, and announcers voice were all extremely well done. The pressure of wanting to win was tense and palpable.  The game isn't creepy, but it felt uneasy and eerie. The gameplay was pretty repetitive, since it was just a spin on rock, paper, scissors. The best part of the game was the pixel art. I had fun exploring the different endings. Great job! 

The pixel art design, sound design, and announcers voice were all extremely well done. The pressure of wanting to win was tense and palpable.  The game isn't creepy, but it felt uneasy and eerie. The gameplay was pretty repetitive, since it was just a spin on rock, paper, scissors. The best part of the game was the pixel art. I had fun exploring the different endings. Great job! 

Pretty neat Courage game. I couldn't get past the room with the chairs, maybe that's all there is for now, or maybe there's more and I just couldn't find it. Either way, it was a pretty small, but enjoyable experience. Very creepy. I loved the texture design of the environment and Courage himself.

Great job on remastering this game! I can tell how much effort you put into it. The option to have an increased FOV is also really appreciated. I didn't figure out that you could run by pressing space until a few minutes into the game. The game itself (not just this remaster) is pretty monotonous, and repetitive, but that's no fault of your own, since you're just simply remastering the game, not remaking it. The base game was never all that fun, but it is really interesting, and creepy. Going to each world and seeing how you progress each day is also pretty neat. 

A very short Mandela Catalogue type game. I think the best part of the game was the kid bleeding outside trying to get help. Obviously, he was an 'alternative', or whatever this world calls them. Besides that, the game wasn't all that great. It seems to take inspiration heavily from the Mandela Catalogue without adding much substance. It's like with the metric fuck-ton of Backroom games and videos, there are plenty sure, but none of them are that great, and add little to nothing worth of value. Everything felt very cliche. Organization with censored names and faces, people with weird faces, deciding what person is real or fake, etc... I'm probably critiquing this game too much, but I like to have creativity in the games I play, and something fresh and new. Overall, it was fine, nothing that great, but nothing horrible.

I liked the premise and execution of the game. It had a pretty neat. I wasn't really creeped out that much, but it was suspenseful. The ending sequence of lowering the chain and running away from that monster was unexpected, but cool. Reminded me of the Aztec buildings.

Already commented here as a review, but I also thought I would add that I noticed a small detail. Maybe it's just me (I haven't checked the sound credits yet), but when the dealer is given the final blow on any round, you can hear him stumble over onto the ground, where you can then also hear a bunch of bans being scattered. Maybe it's the empty beer cans on the ground that both players toss aside? 

This game was an amazing experience. The atmosphere and build-up were executed superbly. The tension was kept the entire time, and the ending was eerie. Great job. 

Also wanted to add that the puzzles were a nice addition to the game! Really liked the wire one alot. 

Oh yeah that's another great way of looking at it! I'm happy that this game is more artsy I'll be honest, while I have more fun playing Buckshot Roulette (Mike, that game is fan-fucking-tastic, and I'm so happy it is doing so well, honestly one of my favorite games!), this game seems more like art to me then a game. It's just so depressing to play, but it's good that it tries to imply the meaninglessness of war, that these people are just paws on a chessboard.  Thank you for reading my analysis by the way! I can't wait to play more of your games! I only played this and Buckshot Roulette so far, but I for sure will play your other games as well! Thank you for creating these amazing games, Mike, and for getting me into Itch Io, so many creative, unique, and amazing games on here. 

Not much to say about this game. Only real criticism I have is hard how some of the levels are, but besides that, it's a really unique, enjoyable, and funny horror game that always puts me in the mood to watch The Simpsons while eating raw eggs (eggs for me, not for thee). 

I don't really have much to say about this game. I think what I liked most about it was the way you can stop thief's from taking the VHS tapes, very unique. No real criticisms to be given, just not a very long or interesting game. But besides that, its decent.

I noticed that on a repeat playthrough. It seems that the walls are there to sort of symbolize one Country and the other. I assume the operators giving the directions to bomb the opponents' buildings (Country) are the Presidents or Dictators of this world. It would make sense, they seem to not really give a damn about the lives lost (even the helicopter in the opening states that everyone dies in the end), rather, they only care about winning and losing (the war). I think this is further backed since if you lose the game, the operator you're playing commits suicide, but only perhaps out of losing and not because of the deaths. This sort of relates to war, most countries Dictator doesn't seem to really care about how many people are killed, on either side, but if they win or lose ultimately. Maybe I'm looking too deep into your game, but it's nice to theorize I suppose. Again, great game! 

Just got done playing this game. I was surprised how long the game actually was on the first playthrough. The visuals and sound design were pretty good. The gameplay and story itself were something more unique and I deeply enjoyed it! I do have a few criticisms though. I know that the game is linear, but the abundance of invisible walls felt pretty weird. Usually, it's better to have a physical object stopping you from wondering everywhere, then just being halted in your steps because of an invisible wall. Many time I thought I could go somewhere else, but I was stopped. Another criticism is the use of those blue circles. I get that it's to guide you (because of the aforementioned reason of thinking you can travel elsewhere), but it feels like they are used too much, and thus takes away the experience of looking around. I would have much rather been told (when I look at the object or person) to press E to interact, instead of having those circles, because it feels like I can explore more. On a repeat playthrough, I thought changing my name to Claire and denying the ride would change the events, but it did not. Not saying there is anything wrong with that, but it kind of seems that there's an illusion of choice, rather than having one. But I suppose on a first playthrough, it wouldn't matter much. Overall, a pretty decent game. I didn't expect the ending, and I enjoyed it. 

Pretty neat take on Battleship. At first, I thought it was going to be an either creepy or depressing walking simulator, but it quickly changed. It gave me some post-war vibes, with the setting maybe taking place in either Russia or China. Very cool concept and execution! 

Also please don't feel obligated to have to upload this game to steam like many are asking, completely up to you if you chose to do so, but don't feel like you have to. You probably would make more money, but if this is where you want your game to be purchased Soley, I completely understand. I'm not sure why people won't just buy it here, itch io is a trustworthy site, and most of the things uploaded are virus free, especially games (like this) that have been out for a bit, and multiple very big YouTubers purchased and played. 

This is the game that got me into the other itch io games. I really love this game. The sound design and visuals are just something very unique. Even for how short of a game this is, I'm happy it is getting the recognition it deserves. It must feel pretty great having YouTubers like Markiplier, 8bitRyan, Jack, etc... playing your game. Honestly this game could be more than $1.20, especially if you keep adding on to the game. Thank you so much for this experience! I'm looking forward to new updates on this game, and to play your other ones as well.