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A member registered May 30, 2023

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is it just me or is level 10 stupidly hard,,, people ordering 3 pizzas and pastas, literally dozens of rats coming in at once.. is the difficulties setting broken?? I lowered it all the way and yet I still can't pass TvT

Love the game!! Think it's a little bugged though, I always get chopped on the last two knife cuts and it freezes after you replay it lmao

I really love how there's no timer, no rush. Just cooking with ambience. It's nice.

Some critique since you said feedback was welcome - could you add an option to repeat the customer's dialogue or order? Especially when I got the order of hash browns, sausages, eggs and (something else that I actually can't remember), I got really confused trying to figure out what I was missing. 

Also, during the tutorial, how about splitting up the instructions into different segments? I personally found the instructions to be very wordy and overly long, so I mostly skimmed through it and tried to figure out what to do by myself. A good way of splitting it up is to go step by step, so after you boil the noodles then the next set of instructions come in, etc. I get that you want the player to have freedom about what they're doing, but honestly it gets really frustrating trying to figure out the recipes when it seems that everything I'm doing is wrong.

Which brings me to my next point. The recipes in general. Like I mentioned previously, I was actually really frustrated trying to figure out the recipes because it seemed that no matter what I did, it was wrong and invalid. In your alpha 2 update devlog, you mentioned you wanted the gameplay to allow expression and freedom. What I felt was the exact opposite. It felt as if all the recipes were already supposed to be made in a certain way and in a certain order. Like when you make pancakes, you have to mix the flour with the eggs first (unsure if this is actually correct I just know I spent like a minute shuffling around the ingredients until I finally managed to put it together). I think it would be better if you could also add things like bowls, or plates for mixing, not serving. It would make it much easier for new players to figure out the mechanics by themselves, "intuitive mechanics" as you've said, instead of being expected to know that you're supposed to just click those two items together and suddenly you have a bowl. (Also please allow us to put meat in the stew. Please. Please please please please please)

Lastly, the cookbook. I honestly did not know about the recipes in the cookbook despite literally opening it up during the tutorial and taking a look at it lmao. So I would recommend maybe a clearer organization that makes it more obvious that it is a cookbook and not just like an overview of all the dishes we could make.

(Okay actually lastly this isn't critique more of a general observation from other cooking games if there are any recipes you guys are adding in the future you might wanna ask yourselves if it's a recipe like anybody should know or if it's something that's like more to your country. Noticed this because I was questioning who puts tomatoes at the side like. Raw. In a breakfast type meal. Just a suggestion though you don't have to follow it it's yall's game after all!!)

But after I got used to all the recipes, this game truly was calming for my heart. The gentle music, the chopping and the sizzling of ingredients, you guys did a great job of perfecting the ambience and vibe of the game. I really look forward to seeing any future update from you guys!! :D

irori community · Created a new topic Is it gonna update?

I downloaded this game because honestly it's immaculate I love the vibes playstyle characters but seriously are they still planning to update... Their twitter says that their on break (back in 2019, it's been 5 years) but if they're dropping it I would rather have them just say it instead of making us wait with that tiny bit of hope that they would come back...

I'm not sure if it's just me but after I reset the game by going to the main menu, whenever I press play everything just freezes? Like I can still get cups and pastries just fine, but if I let go of it I can't interact with it anymore, and I can't use the oven or fill cups. The timer stops and customers never arrive as well.