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A member registered Dec 18, 2020

Recent community posts

Doesn't matter at this point.  This game is dead. 

No wonder Stencilbits never updates.  Why would he when they will still stay signed up even if he never does anything?

Is he using the Godot engine to make the game now?  His posts are getting more and more difficult to actually follow.

Maybe for next month Stencilbits will talk about his experiences watching paint dry that's already dried as he looks to draw new inspiration.

Face it, Stencilbits is a joke and not a very good one.  Every month he makes a fool out of himself.  He should probably find something else to do.

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How is that spreading misinformation?

The Ahree NTR scene certainly was NOT avoidable and no warning or note was given that type of material was even contained on that update 0.16.  The NTR happened anyway regardless of whether or not you chose to skip it, the only difference was you didn't see the actual scene.

NTR is not enjoyable.  Not even close.  And there was no way to skip this scene, so basically this was just "surprise NTR" that was tossed in without warning.

That is a garbage game, hence why I quit playing and won't ever play this game again.

There is a master code you can use.  I think it is MC Naira or Naira MC or some similar combination.

Don't worry.  It'll be drug out and beat to death all over again next month when stencil slings his monthly shit on the wall.

Then why the hell is anybody even bringing up test updates that never existed?

Some people on this page need to get a damn clue.

Has anyone actually ever saw one of these?  I dropped the patron scam before 0.3.1 and never saw the first one and it's been one fake news post after another since.

The whole monthly post render bullshit is just a giant sham to stay known while he fingers his asshole each month.  He's working on this while rebuilding everything?  Bullshit.  He's holding on to the few newbs who continue joining his page while he works behind the curtain on another project.

this whole comment is just dumb.  you act as if he is somehow still making and releasing anything, when he obviously isnt.  not since 2019.  you think the complaints are bad because of the lack of updates and continuous excuses?  you are either trolling or just don't know anything about games.

been "paused" since august 2019.  actually before that as that was the last fake news update that added absolutely nothing.  but that don't matter, as reading all your comments below you are obviously here to make excuses.  so when you get ur pile of monthly excuses and procrastination, you will know you are getting ur money's and time worth.

Yet here you are, called in by your paid trolling buddies and bots.

Are you another shill that has been assigned this comment page to tell us all about how the game is being worked on and developed nonstop?

Did your troll buddies call for reinforcements?


Because that's what his handlers told him to come here and post. 

Since the bot can be given a new name at the start, what about being able to change her name afterward?

That's because you are gullible, and this was 9 months ago. 

stencilbits is obviously putting out BS or just doesn't have a clue.  When he says he needs to download TERABYTES of data from a backup to fix anything then the odds are nearly 100% that he both doesn't know anything about computers and also complete BS.

6 1/2 minute load time?

Soooo.... Another month past from April release date, still no update.

What will be the official excuse for the month of June that all his patron buttplugs come here to pimp and shill?

Really like how the game has developed so far.

I believe I have found a bad render in the Android version.

This thing is as dead as they come.

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Any chance to drop the mana minigame when facing Erasers and just have it cost a straight 50 MP to cast Fireball and be one and done until they respawn?

As it is, even with 100 MP you are limited to only one fight, plus I recently saw an issue on Android where the tapping isn't responding as quick which results in MP draining completely before you can fill the bar.  I did not notice this before in older builds.  Plus, it's a bit on the annoying side of things, and not really a minigame.

Edit to add:  Also getting the split character screens depicted below on latest build 0.6.5.

Missing tag - NTR content.

Was a decent game up to that point, then I quit playing.

I guess if you like anorexic chicks, this is your game.

Not bothered by the lack of nsfw, but most games like this at least have an attractive female character to interact with that is not an eyesore.

Well, 0.18 was a huge disappointment.  Normally, I have had nothing but good things to say about this game but this update left me scratching my head.

After 6 months a 5 minute update is released.  No real new content.  Instead, another loose-end new character was introduced.  There are already 2 that have zero content.  Naira was barely expanded on (one scene, more of the same).

I actually see no real point in updating from 0.17 it was literally that bland.

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Well, what I'm finding is programming errors when trying to avoid the Harem (if that is even possible, EDIT: and it's not according to in game dialogue).  After Sandra's kiss at the beginning, I chose the bottom option to not say anything and the next day Sandra still asks if I meant what I said about it being more than brother and sister, even though I avoided the option.  

Also, finding tidbits like this.  Would appear that Becca (somehow) got up and changed her outfit before responding to the dialogue.

Game ended 2 years ago when the dev abandoned this shit.

Is it possible to not take the harem route, and focus on one or two characters?  Does that effect the story in a way that other characters look at incest negatively or do they all 100% accept it regardless of choices.

Still no update.

But, but, the patreon butt munchers promised us it was being worked on and that an update was imminent... all the way back in April.

The game and idea had potential.  Unfortunately, this dev does not.

As much as I would have liked to see a Kate storyline, I'm not willing to wait years and years on end for it.  So this game is now going in the dumpster of other abandoned and failed experiments.

Not bad.  Game has potential.  Screen transitions have a significant amount of lag and delay, at least on Android.

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Seems to be an endless loop.  The first couple will pass and then Stacia is in the city, then after a few dialogues this error loops.  I must have pressed Ignore close to 100 times.

This happens as soon as the first Stacia scene ends.  Since it is referring to the brothel, I am wondering if it is related to the brothel not being visited or open yet?  What I did was install the latest update and fast travel on Magna, and no other events or characters.

This is a screenshot of what pops up after Stacia.  It will get hung in an endless loop.

Fatal bug with Magna, brothel name undefined crash error after meeting Stacia causes endless loop.

Good games get played and supported on Patreon.  Bad games get bad comments, deleted, and forgotten about.

This is probably one of the worst attempts at a harem game, I completely lost interest after Irene, and that was after about 45 minutes.  Navigation is unintuitive and abyssmal, story progression wasn't any better and the HUD is fugly as hell.  At one point I felt like I was playing The Inn, another disaster.

I was looking forward to playing this game, but this thing was a massive disappointment, and a quick one.

Small boobs don't need love, they need enlargement.