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A member registered Aug 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice! I'll be curious to see where you take i

Very nice and polished for a jam game! Maybe you could make a full version for the GBjam? It would fit perfectly!

Yeah, I did!

yes, after I realized I wasn't stuck I decided to finish it (:

This is funny. The last jam I did had sun golf, and now...moon golf lol

very nice, very nice. Simple but fun.

Wait, nvm I'm just dumb

Good job! The only bad thing I can say is that I ran into a bug on this room where I couldn't get back out since my jump wasn't high enough to reach the upgrade, so when I tried to exit I couldn't because the blocks respawned and I couldn't shoot them.

That will definitely make the gameplay more interesting. Also I didn't realize that system for the end since I eventually wasn't sure where to go, or couldn't get back up something(I don't exactly remember though, I played a little while ago)

Definitely challenging, but everything is great and very polished! I was going to do something with goats too but I spent way to long trying to figure out the movement mechanics.

yeah, not quite what I meant though. I finished level three faster than level 

just played them both! I somehow got the third level sooner than the second though which might not be intended. Might need tweaking

yeah, I'll check it out!(I was on vacation so that's why I didn't respond)

ummmmm. yeah idk about the sound design part. Those were assets(I forgot to mention).  could have probably made them with enough time, but for the jam I just downloaded them so I can't really take the credit for making them.

alright! what I meant when I said more gameplay was that it seems a little repetitive and gets dry after a little bit(no offense) something to add more interest at different points in the game would be nice.(also one thing I forgot to mention earlier was that I'm not sure what the different levels of salvaging do)

The art and music is really good, but a little more gameplay-wise would be nice.

30 minutes better on my second run...not bad(I'll keep trying)

I appreciate that there's a web build since I'm a mac user. I think it's a great game for people like me who like fast paced reflex games. It's also really polished!

it just depends on what type of games you like. I personally like these kinds of games, and some people do.

my lack of coordination is starting to show lol...Really fun though, it looks/sounds/feels like a classic arcade game! This could make a great co-op game.

Overall it feels great! It sort of turned into a rage game halfway through at the big rock though because I didn't realize that you jumped higher the longer you pressed space lol(I'm not a gamer, I forgot that was a thing). I was going to say the jump felt a little inconsistent until I figured that out. I eventually figured it out and finished the game though. Putting that in the controls would be helpful. Very nice game though!

This was super fun! It's really simple, but the audio art and game feel brought it together really nicely.

yeah, I get that. For three hours it's pretty good, but I was just saying what I thought could be helpful in the future.

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I lit three of them but I have no clue what half the stuff means lol. It's a cool concept but maybe some clearer hints/indications of how candles were lit would help

overall it's good, but I think the player controller needs a bit of work. If you miss a jump you stick to ledges, and then you can just jump back up. The jumping also feels a little inconsistent at times.

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the art on this is really good! I also like the feather mechanic and sound

also...this happened lol

really fun! I would definitely play more levels. for now I'll just have to stick with getting an unbeatable score on each level (I got a hole in one on level 1 and 2 and a par 3 on the last).

same. try just typing in the ratio manually. I can't play since it looks like this

This is a pretty cool idea, and I like the mechanics! It might be easier if they went in smaller circles though.

Really fun and polished! I enjoyed playing it, and I like the implementation.

well, you can now! if it's possible I would like to try a browser version since I'm on mac

Oh, that sucks.

Thanks for the feedback! I was wondering if there was an automatic way to announce the themes, but I couldn't find anything so I just did it when I created it. It does help with brainstorming, but I guess there isn't really a good way to enforce people don't start ahead of time. I will try to be clearer on the next one as well.

I have a mac. Also, it's the web version that won't run. I posted a topic about it, and one person said that in godot they had to fiddle with the settings to get it to work. I think they said the SharedArrayBuffer toggle on itch helped.

Oh, lol. Well I guess there's one bug to fix. I think it would be better if it used the numbers on the alien cows as well. It would add more strategy, and make it so you could play longer. There would be a better balance of strategy and chance.

the only problem with randomly generating would be insuring there's a solution, and you don't spawn too much or too little. I love the idea though, that would be cool if it wasn't so tricky!

I found a bug...Your high score doesn't update if you go back to play ):

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Yeah! It got a lot less impossible once I figured out you could place cows under alien cows. Before that, I got up to a point where there was an alien cow in every row so I couldn't finish the row. I just checked the submission time as well. 9 seconds before the deadline is insane lol.