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Carlos Garibaldi

A member registered Mar 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks. Yes, we were unable to fix these points in time to submit the game for the jam. But we are already working on it to make an update after the jam.

Thanks for playing and for the comment.


Thanks. We will work to improve this point.

Thanks for playing our game.

Thanks !

Thanks for playing our game. Rated

I had fun. But just after dead the game crach and I needed open the game again.

Fun game, congrats.


I loved the game, congrats

Thanks for the comment. We are working to fix enemy AI. Our intention was for them to really react faster, unfortunately we were unable to resolve some bugs in time to submit the game for the jam.

Very cool game. I loved it. I was finding it difficult at first, as I was trying not to let any ships reach Earth, but after I realized that there was no problem with them passing through, I started to find it easier. I even broke the record. I believe that the player can be punished for letting the ship pass, and the number of ships can start very small and increase over time, perhaps the difficulty will be a little more balanced.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment. We intend to continue working

Thank you very much, I included the other devs there, I'm just waiting for them to accept it.

And I already left a review on your game.

Congratulations on your game. Great puzzles.

Good game, Congrats. Here is my:

Game very good.  Nice work. I love tower defense and I loved playing as the main character during waves of this game. I had some difficulty understanding what each build can do the first time. I had to try it a few times to understand what I could do. 

I saw that in some submissions more than one dev appears as the author of the game, but I couldn't find anywhere how to include another dev in my game. Does anyone know how to do this?

I loved your game, Congrats. If you could play and evaluate my game I would be very happy. Thanks.

I loved the game. Very fun to play. I liked the artistic style and the sound effects. Good job. I believe that a few more details would make the game even more fun: including some more effects to increase the immersion of the player fishing, perhaps some shadows of fish walking through the water, perhaps a small animation of the fish "fighting" with the line after he takes the bait; Another thing you could have is some way to spend the money, perhaps buying different types of fishing rods, which can allow you to catch different types of fish.

I loved the game. Very fun to play. I liked the artistic style and the sound effects. Good job. I believe that a few more details would make the game even more fun: including some more effects to increase the immersion of the player fishing, perhaps some shadows of fish walking through the water, perhaps a small animation of the fish "fighting" with the line after he takes the bait; Another thing you could have is some way to spend the money, perhaps buying different types of fishing rods, which can allow you to catch different types of fish.

Nice work, very fun. I love the pixel art

I loved the game and the concept. As with many controls, a tutorial would help a lot. Furthermore, the character is a little slow, I believe that if he had more fluid movements the game would be more dynamic. But I think they did a great job

Great jog! I love games where you have to race after time.

I liked the game design. Congrats.

Congratulations on the game

Interesting way to use the jam theme, congratulations

Congratulations for the game. I liked that the phases are random.

Great game. I loved that it used the theme in two different ways, climbing platforms and changing the character's size. Congratulations. I believe that having several phases, increasing in size and difficulty, would increase the feeling of evolution for the player.

I loved the concept of the game, the pixel art and the sound effects/track. I just still don't understand the size of things in the game, because on the page it says that the banana is around 6.7 inches, and in the game the ruler goes up to 5.2, but the cucumber seems to be bigger than the banana, I have no idea what size to place.

Sorry, I wrote it wrong, but I corrected it :)

(1 edit)

Great game. I believe has the potential to be a commercial game with this different mechanic.

I liked this game. What I liked most were the minigames.

I liked the setting, I was tense during the game. I liked that they used a reference to an Italian word. One of our ideas was to do something similar, but in Portuguese, where scale is also used as a verb to select a team for the game

I really like card games, but I liked this game. Congratulations. I especially liked the art and sound effects.

Congratulations on submitting your game. I love pixel art, I'm suspicious to say. However, I had difficulty playing, as the player's life is consumed very quickly and after the game over, I was unable to restart the game without having to refresh the entire page.

Congratulations for the game. Simple and fun. I liked the use of the jam theme. I missed the sound effects, there could have been people screaming or even a dinosaur roar that stunned people so they stopped running.

Nice game, very cool. Congrats.

I loved the mechanics. good job

Great job. I liked how the city grows according to the player's choices.