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A member registered Apr 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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For the core book, the cover art is by Ivona Denovic, the interior art is by Juan Ochoa, and the logo is by Eddie Yorke. For the adventure the cover art is by Juan Ochoa, and the interior art is me (Giles Pritchard).

That is so cool to read! Thank you for playing! I hope the Dwarves (Dwarf?) survived their exploits in the Elf Kings Palace!

In terms of the size - if you get a physical copy of the game it is an A6 (105x148mm or 4.1x5.8in) staple bound book - so yes - everything is small. The Party Sheet is designed to use 12mm D6 as markers. I probably should make larger copies of the Dwarf and Party sheets for download!

If you enjoyed this, you might enjoy Owlbear Omelette. Also - thanks for the recommendation of Space Train Space Heist - it looks brilliant!

Thanks again for reading and playing - it has absolutely made my day!

Ok - I think I have worked out how to do this. If you grab a community copy let me know if it worked! It' the first time I've used the rewards system on Itch, and I don't know if I've done it correctly.

Good question. I haven't put up community copies for any of my games - I should do that. I'll check out how and get back to you.

Thank you so much! Reading this has made my day. Very glad you enjoyed it, very glad it made you laugh, that's everything I hoped people would get out of it! I hope you have a blast with whatever ridiculous one-shot you run in the future, I'd love to read about it if you do!

Very cool - big fan of stompy mecha!

Fun and funny, I like it!

Love the theme, and the use of rock, paper, scissors is such a good fit for it!

Love the theme, and the use of rock, paper, scissors is such a good fit for it!

Love the theme of this, reads in a very fun and lighthearted tone!

Love these sort of story telling games, very cool! Love the theme!

Simple, but such a neat little set of ideas. Looks like a lot of fun!

What a neat idea. Seems like a lot of fun!

Such a fun theme, love it!

Very cool. I love the layout and design of this!

Very cool theme! I love this era.

Thanks for the fantastic review Kumada1! I really appreciate you taking the time and posting your thoughts! So good to read! You were very thorough!

In terms of your minor issues:

Verbal Barrage - I thought I had cleared this up in the final document, but apparently I did not! :D It is intended that a character acts once a turn - so Verbal Barrage is a way of taking a higher (or lower) initiative slot for the next turn. In the event that someone Verbal Barraged [apologies] a target in a lower initiative slot, they would indeed swap cards, but since the character had acted already they would be skipped, and the new initiative order applied on the following turn. My oversight sorry - as I said, I thought I had clarified that! 

Good note on the use of terms, I hadn't considered the similarities, thanks for that.

Charmed and Cursed are fuzzy Conditions - it might be that a storm causes all movement on the deck of a ship to be Cursed, and that effect would last as long as the storm does. These conditions are meant to be applied to an in-game situation, and I wasn't clear about when they end for that reason, but should have been clearer about the context in which they do apply (and when they might expire).

Luck - The second, if you have 4D6 Luck, your character has 4 Luck - thanks, I need to clarify that!

Thanks for noting the typos!

Thanks again for your wonderful review! It really made me smile!



Speed, Strength, and Wits has been released! The second supplement for the Corsairs RPG and the last stretch goal unlocked in the ZineQuest Kickstarter earlier this year... Corsairs is a light RPG of sky ships and floating islands.

Speed, Strength, and Wits, at 32 pages of new material for the Corsairs RPG is almost as big as the core rules. This supplement expands on the rules for characters, and of course, includes more original artwork from the wonderful Felicity Haworth.

You can find it here.

I'm participating in the ZineQuest at the start of Feb. I know on DriveThru I can issue PDF copies of my game as 'Complimentary copies', and fulfill the PDF version of the game that way. I was wondering whether a similar function existed for

Hmm, not sure whether I should post here or in one of the other 'Share your Project' threads. I'll run with both for now, and if anyone has a suggestion about what would be more appropriate, I'm happy to follow advice!

So far I've posted three micro-RPGs...

Freedom or Toaster: You play as a Robot trying to escape from a busy mall to freedom!

Brigands of Sherwood: Filch as much loot as possible before Robin Hood makes you give it all away!

The Hoppy Pops: You're a Hoppy Pop, a character from one of those weird kid’s shows. In Ep. 9 your Happy Dance opened a gate to Hell!

All of these are designed to be an evening of fun. If anyone gets a chance to play them, an evening of laughs and general amusement is what I hope you get from them!

So far I've posted three micro-RPGs...

Freedom or Toaster: You play as a Robot trying to escape from a busy mall to freedom!

Brigands of Sherwood: Filch as much loot as possible before Robin Hood makes you give it all away!

The Hoppy Pops: You're a Hoppy Pop, a character from one of those weird kid’s shows. In Ep. 9 your Happy Dance opened a gate to Hell!

All of these are designed to be an evening of fun. If anyone gets a chance to play them, an evening of laughs and general amusement is what I hope you get from them!

My micro-RPG for this month is called The Hoppy Pops!

You are a Hoppy Pop, a character from one of those weird kid’s shows. In Episode 9 you did a happy dance, and it opened a gateway to Hell!

A little bit of fun I hope!

I just posted a Micro-RPG: Brigands of Sherwood.

It used to be that a person could make a handy living robbing passers-by in Sherwood forest, but since Robin and his Merry band of fools turned their hand to it, everyone expects a good old dose of ‘giving to the poor’. It’s hard to make a living when every starving beggar has their hand out!

In Brigands of Sherwood the players are criminals trying to end their adventure with as much loot as possible. The characters are simple dishonest thieves trying to steal enough loot to retire. Will they be able to fill their loot tracks? Or will the presence of Robin Hood mean they have to give it all away?

The rules are simple, and players have the chance to take a shot, by flicking a disc or die, to gain a bonus to their skill tests. This expanded edition includes some extra rules and an alternative character sheet, as well as a short adventure sketch.

It's a little game designed really as a one-shot. If you download or play it I'd love to read your thoughts!

(1 edit)

When I first got into role playing the group of gamers I played with each ran a different game with a different system. Over the years we tended toward playing more different systems and different games. I never really got into playing one game to the exclusion of others. For me, every game I played was a new system. 

This has influenced by attitudes now as I am writing games - why wouldn't every game have it's own system? It's what I played. I like learning new systems, and I like the way that new systems play with the story experience around the table - allowing or encouraging different things.  

A new setting feels like it almost demands a new system - the system is the architecture through which we, as players/GMs, experience the world and get to tell stories within it. The system gives wings to the setting, defines and describes it by what it allows and what it pushes the players and GM to do at the table. Those are the drivers and advantages in my view. The challenges sit around getting the system to engender the sort of play you want the game/setting to exemplify, and balance, balance is the other challenge! :D

I just posted my first one-page RPG (well, it's a few more pages, but the rules are one page!). It's called: Freedom or Toaster.

You play as robots trying to avoid capture (and being turned into a toaster) in a busy mall!

Freedom or Toaster

I hope anyone who plays it has half as much fun as I did testing it!

Hi everyone! My name is Giles (he/him), also found as Caradoc in various places around the web.

My first intro to roleplaying was laying on the floor in my room as a young teen and having my mind blown reading the play example at the beginning of the MERP rules. I played MERP and WEG Star Wars for years, and many other systems. I moved away from RPGs and into board games, then back again to miniatures games and RPGs (and board games of course).

I've worked with Spartan Games, Modiphius and Cubicle 7 as a freelance writer, but have been mucking about with my own systems since I first got into role playing. I have only recently decided to start trying to release a few things.

I love RPGs for the fun and friendship they encourage, and the shared stories they create.

If anyone is interested you can find my website here.

My game releases here (only one so far, but many plans underway)...

I'm @caradocp on Twitter and caradoc#3164 on Discord.

