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A member registered Feb 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Absolutely enamored with this one! I love a good chatroom sim and really love all the touches that were made to personalize your own server experience - video chat avatar included!

Very polished & a longer experience that I anticipated considering the time frame. Thank you very much for the hard work of all the team members! I'm very glad this game is something you all chose to share with us

The chat is filled with a lot of memorable faces, but I think Ronin will have claim to my aorta forevermore... thought I doubt that's an unpopular opinion. :p

are you playing the 1.1 version from the newspost? i don't think you can without it

Oh, I thought the art looked familiar! Pleased to see another game from you after TSOSA. I really liked the snippets of worldbuilding we got here in regards to magic and written spells, looking forward to seeing more from this entry in the future. :>

Oh, this was lovely! I wasn't expecting where it went and really enjoyed where you took it. It's nice that their expressions of love are mutual. Thank you for sharing.

Delighted to see you still making games, I think the last time I must've read one of your works has to be like... seven years ago? You're still knocking it out of the park. Looking forward to reading more. :)

Oh, I didn't expect it so soon! Thank you very much, I'm going to enjoy returning to spend some more time with Sable. ^^

Wow. There's something incredibly and I assume intentionally cinematic about this game that captivated me from the get-go! It's been a long time since I've seen a VN with an intro and I think it was a great inclusion. I had not skimmed the description for this game beforehand in my  hunger to consume more of your content, and the voice acting was another pleasant surprise. It's incredibly well done as well as the soundtrack, so my kudos to Zack for their efforts as well. 

As always, big fan of the dithering and the selection/use of the supplementary bg images! Your unique visual style is become clear to me after sampling several of your pieces, in a way where I feel like if I saw something of your games out of context, I would be able to say ah, yes, that's casket, clearly! 

I love Dorian's design! There's quite a few elements that I've got a strong fondness for that I don't often see, like the muzzle. Would willingly spend the rest of my eternity blindly by his side again easily. :p 

Oh, excellent to hear! I'll keep an eye out for the full version in the future then, I'm keenly curious to see what the Doctor's meant to look like! 

& Thank * you * for your hard work and efforts! I'm lucky to have the opportunity to read it. ^^

Oh, entirely understandable! 72 hours is a tight window, and I'd like to congratulate you on your efforts and a job well done. ^^

 I'll look forward to that! I often have trouble getting the last couple endings in games with a large number of endings hehe. 

We Know the Devil is a game that is immensely dear to me, and for entirely different reasons this game has found a place in my heart as well. I've said as much before, but you are excellent at conveying the unsettling in a way that feels inviting and warm. Which might be an  odd way to word it, but I think the shoe fits. There's a personable violence that the atmosphere you create thrives in, and I am dearly fond of it.

Again, I'd like to compliment the sprite work and the personality you were able to communicate for such a wide cast in such a short frame. As a small detail, the one eyed masks were a favourite design choice of mine! 

In summary, lovely, as always and thank you for sharing. 

Kayn is so lovely! I have a bias for works that waltzes artfully with the topic of cannibalism-or just flesh consumption as I have a feeling that's not entirely accurate here-and you have repeatedly captured the experience in a way that's been rather poignant for me. I see from previous comments that a full version of the game is planned! I'll be strongly anticipating it's arrival and looking forward to spending more time with him. >:3c  

Even without visuals, I had  a lot of fun with this VN! The unique twist on the situation the MC finds themselves in & the Doctor  were very endearing.  Out of curiosity, are you planning to add visuals for a post-jam version in the future? 

Short and sweet! A  big fan of their "scary" expression. Congratulations on your first game!

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This was really fun! Sable is adorable, and I love the range of expressions hints of his personality that we get through dying by his hands or vice versa. I haven't gotten all the endings yet, but the last of the survival endings has to be a favourite- I was hoping there'd be a bit of a "happy" ending in there. Also just to note, when informing Sable of the MC's name, they would say "Oh, MC!" even if a name had been set. 

Is there any chance you might consider releasing an ending guide, out of curiosity?

Fyodor is really cute! The side sprite of him is perhaps my favourite, but despite finding him and his scenario endearing I think Ending 5 remains my favourite! It was a nice inclusion for having the MC have some degree of choice in a bad scenario. 

Would just like to mention that when selecting the choice to tell Fyodor the MC's real name he still acts like he's been lied to once they arrive at the basement. 

Thanks for sharing!  I'll look forward to the full build's eventual release.

Short and sweet! The design of the mermaid was very lovely.

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Really, really lovely work. Your writing creates the perfect atmosphere for the casual, intimate horror on display. The picture you paint with prose is quite poetic and is excellently supplemented by the dithered backgrounds photographs and the red lighting on your sprite work. I've sent it eagerly along to some friends of similar tastes, and I know this is something I will fondly return to in the future.

Will definitely be checking out your other works.

Really love what you have for this so far! Marcelo's shitty burnt cookies were really endearing... looking forward to the full release!

Zack is so cute! Enjoyed this meet-cute a lot. 

Forcefully yours is severely delightful for the yandere-lover that enjoys cruelty that borders on realistic instead of cartoonishly overt. Additionally, the amount certain choices can branch meaningfully is as refreshing as the harshness that the PC can spit back at Riker. 

Often with these sort of games I go for the obedient fluff before diving into misbehaving, but I couldn't help trying to do my worst to Riker and I was incredibly pleased by the range of content and how satisfying it was. The spritework, especially when Riker is enraged, is really lovely for setting the tone and enforcing how off kilter he is. I'm quite taken with him!

Looking forward to Day 4 release, whenever that may be! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us. <3

"Horror, but in an affectionately cheesy, 2010 creepypasta fanfic way," is such an apt description. Can say truthfully that I didn't expect to love this game so much- from Vance's adorable, pathetic, terrifying self to the striking writing. There's certain scenes (a mouth full of blood, flesh sharing, etc) that I just know are going to stay with me for a long time, they were so good! we love a cannibalism as intimacy moment

His "creepypasta" facial expression is my favourite? & Vance's violent desperation is cute... I'm going to rotate him in my head for a long while. Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing this pathetic catboy with us. I'll cherish the time spent with him and surely return to this game again in the future.

Hello again!! I know it's been a while, but I've been keeping up with the updates but as the KS recently launched I decided this was a great time to come back and play what you've released in the last couple years- and ohhhh my god was I not disappointed!! Not that I expected to be but omg, my socks were knocked off!  Hunger satisfied! Etc!

Mori is still my tried & true favourite but the new boys did try very valiantly to knock that position from him. He's still a marriage of so many good pieces and god, there's no other fictional character I would want to mosh with. He's precious.

That being said, Akello and Amir are fantastic additions that charmed me immediately! I loved the introduction to both of them and much like before when I fell in love with Mori, I'm eager to see more of them!

I've pledged to the KS already but hopefully if I can scrounge up some more funds before the backing period is over I'd love to splurge for one of the dakis because they look absolutely beautiful. You've had my support since the first time I played Mori's demo, and you'll have it going forward, no matter where Studio Peaches goes in the future past this project. Thank you so much for your hard work, and the absolute best of luck to you all during your funding campaign.  

Looking forward to the future of this world and these boys once again. <3

Can't understate how enchanting this demo is: I've found myself entirely charmed by these comical and complex living gods. Really looking forward to the eventual full release to see how the relationship between them and the MC develops!

As a short aside, really like the world building! Really had a sense of the world (or at least as our MC sees it.) Kudos, and thank you so much for sharing.

Oooo, it's going to be hard to get myself to try out the dates- I love your writing but I <3 the Collector and the ability to just kill boys lmao!! Great work as always, love your stuff.

Have to agree with a few of the last commenters, a) it's fucking delicious and b) the ability to just choose to be oblivious is a super fun addition. 

Very much looking forward to the full game, can't wait to get more of our unsettling secret admirer. <3 

Entirely taken by this VN from the moment shit hits the fan, so to speak. Was a lovely, gripping and bittersweet read. Horror otome feels very rare, so I'm genuinely thankful to have found this by chance. I can't wait to recommend it to friends with similar tastes.

I did not expect to love Mothdude so much at first glance, but I'm absolutely smitten. The story, visuals and soundtrack are exceptionally charming. I don't have the right words to explain just how much I enjoyed this kinetic novel. Every single moment of playing it was a joy.

Thanks for sharing. 

Just like the last commenter, really impressed with the polish in the game systems. The combat system isn't too hard as to be frustrating at the normal level and isn't so easy as to be boring. Kudos!

I loved seeing the relationship develop between our two leads- the pet names are a personal favourite. I really loved Dianthus' design as well

Captivating!! I was already way into this concept because hellooooo monster boys but the script has an incredible charm from the get go and the sprite cg work is lovely. Kaito's design is a marriage of a lot of things I love so I might be heavily biased but uuuu I care him....

Hungry for more of him and more of this world. Looking forward to future content from the team. 

Love a game with a rampant amount of enjoyable bad endings and that's only one of many elements there is to love in Limbo Line.

There's fun dialogue, good intrigue and a good amount of replay value. The extra interactive elements and optional side stories were very cool, it's easy to see the work that the team put into this. I really loved Kiol and Nyari's voice actors performances as well.

For some reason, sometimes when I went to save the game it would often freeze up and I'd have to restart it (happened the most when overwriting a save,) but no real complaints outside of that.

Started reading this VN and couldn't put it down until I reached the end. Lovely sound design and performance from the voice actors. Really enjoyed Lisa and Dale's interactions.

Delightfully eerie!

The game seems interesting and I liked the characters from what little time we have with them thusfar. Really enjoy the character design for Grimm in particular. Evidently, there isn't much to it yet but I'm looking forward to when you have the time to complete it.

The beginning of this game is... a bit of a slog. A lot of the early setup feels like unnecessary throwaway that only manage to slow down the pacing and prevent immersion. The MC feels rather unlikeable from the get-go, which might just be the consequence of all the flimsy beginning monologuing, strangely worded sentences and grammatical errors (at least in the English script.) 

However, I really love the artistic direction when it comes to the MC. Her distraught expression is one of my favourite and the artists style really compliments these goofier, humorous elements. The coffin asset used in the GUI is extremely charming as well. 

The story increases in quality noticeably as soon as the rest of the cast is introduced and the MC has someone to bounce dialogue off. The initial meet-and-greet scene is a little rough, but it gets better as you get to the one-on-one conversations. There are some genuinely interesting concepts and endearing character moments from the boys, but as Cooby says, "If only you had more time [with us]."  

There is no time to build on these stronger moments because at the end of the day, this is a short spin-off of another game. It is alluded that you could have more time with them in another life... it's very evident it means in the main material.

Unfortunately, for someone who has not played that material and doesn't already have an attachment to any of these characters, at the end of the day it does not leave a very strong impression. 

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The performance from the voice actors is possibly the most stand-out element of this kinetic novel as nearly every character is well cast and delivering an excellent performance. It was easy to see the work put into making this novel a pleasant audio experience. Some story threads remaining unsolved felt a little unsatisfying, but I enjoyed getting immersed in the tail of this tragic duo.