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A member registered May 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello, thanks for purchasing the assets. Sorry there was an error with those files - I've uploaded a new .zip which should fix those bugs!


Thank you. The movement is too hard. I've done some work on it since to make it easier. Once the jam is over, I'll post an update. Glad you liked the art. I probably spent too much time on it when I should have focused on the accessibility more!

Thank you :)

Excellent lighting!

I like it!

Thanks! Yes, sadly now retired. I'd love to see a new shuttle project!

Hi, Done! Thanks for letting me know.

Yeah, I think I made the movement just a tad too difficult :)  I was keen to make a 2-button thrust (left/right) control scheme and stuck to it even when I thought myself it's a bit tough. I also didn't playtest it with anybody! Thank you for the feedback, I'll rework those controls!

Nice, I like the background details!

Nice model. Loverly texture work. Now I wish I had gone for more colour!

Ha, this one gets the adrenaline flowing! Very tough but enjoyable arcade gameplay. Love the music loop too :)

Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it's all hand drawn. I cheated a bit as the desks and other things always face you. I am hoping at some point to draw the zombies from the sides and back as they currently always face you even if they're moving away or to the side.

Great quality of work and enjoyable to play. Like a mini Flipnic (PS2).

Excellent work! Very enjoyable and nicely polished.

Not normally a fan of tower defence games, but I did enjoy this. Good graphics and choice of music!

Really well executed and admire the simplicity of it all, particularly the one button control system. Less is more and all that. It would be interesting to see a version with smaller sprites and a larger playfield area - it's very tight at the minute., but probably for good reason? Great stuff.

Love the graphics and the attention to detail in the environments! Fun idea and fun to play. I did have some trouble getting the cat to start moving, but once it did, I enjoyed the mayhem. Maybe my browser? Be great to expand on this and have the cat smashing things and pushing things off shelves and desks, etc. Nice one.

Thanks! I er... didn't finish all the levels in time so there is only 8. I probably should have mentioned that on the game page - sorry!

Thanks :) A few people who played it initially wanted a back up/turn around feature. I did put both of these things in when building it but agree with you that it adds to the terror being limited to 3 moves. Also the original 3D Monster Maze only had those 3 moves.

Thanks for the good feedback and glad you enjoyed it. You will be pleased to hear I didn't have time for the other 9990 levels :) - I wasn't planning that many floors - just reused the door code object for the level numbers.

Thank you wonderbobs :)

Thanks, yes I need to sort out the camera :)

A mouse kill mode might be fun.

Thanks, glad you liked it. I need to work on the camera a bit, so some panning is a good idea. I did consider having the camera following the cursor, but really the mouse is the player so that should drive it - however adding multiple mice would be tricky with the current set up.

Nicely crafted puzzle game! I particulaly enjoyed the artwork and music.

Thank you :) I did do some very limited testing and saw other players struggle to grasp at first. Wish I had more time for some tutorial/guidance. Glad you persevered!

Thanks for the feedback - Yes it could do with some animation on the islands to show the direction of travel. I'm UK based so we always go clockwise :) but having clockwise/anti-clockwise would be good.

Love the manicness to it! Great presentation and graphics, and well executed for replayability. Think I would have preferred a simpler control to the actions, where you strike the direction you are facing.

A little gem of a game!

Lovely manic hopping game. Love the one button mechanic. Could see it working well as a Switch party title. Great presentation too. Nice one.

Really enjoyed this. Oddly compelling and relaxed. Nice risk/reward/explore loop. Good use of the theme and limitations. I'd like to have found more things when exploring, but appreciate there's only 72 hours! Would benefit from some sound, maybe ambient seascapes and ui sfx? Nice to not be in a dungeon!