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A member registered Apr 17, 2020

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(2 edits)

Just wanted to thank you for the Linux build :) I'll see now if the freezing issue got resolved.

Edit. Doesn't go past the "All you have to do is just walk.." screen unless I need to press anything. I can give you the Unity log if you need.

(1 edit)

Yeah I know that; that way I have to manually edit/create executables and launch each game, what I'm saying will be from within the Itch app itself. Much like Steam, I've tried to find the documentation on this for Steam without luck. They list all prefixes only.

(5 edits)

Thank you for considering it! I managed to run it with Proton 5.0-9, the only issue was around 2 screen freezes per level and the movement became extremely slow then picked up pace (don't know if it's by design). Since I played it I'm going to leave a review.

I liked that the game doesn't overdo the creepiness and avoids jumpscares so that's a plus. I liked the idea that it's based on The Shining. Overall mild to moderately creepy game but decent enough. Somethings to think:

1) Act I: the writing on the floor "ITS ME JACK" or something should be "IT'S", if I read correctly.

2) The last/penultimate act,probably: there's a visible gap between the axe breaking the door Unless it's meant to be hanging there, it should pierce it. Also some axes with blood would be better against a specific door maybe that can be opened or knocked by the player.

3) For its entirety the game is walking through the corridors and doesn't get creepy until Act 2/3. So to make it more interactive/increase the subtle creepiness it can use some:

  A) A mild background music for Act 1 or the parts that doesn't have any sound, for tension. Maybe varying the volume when the player doesn't expect is a good idea. Some footstep sounds since Danny is walking, a few more in the rooms maybe. Sound of the twin sister's/mom crying/scared/playing/chuckling. Knocking sound in the doors.

B) Make the player look back, maybe including creepy stuff as the player moves forward is a good idea.

4) Multiple clocks and Jack's old photos in the last act felt a bit overdone but the pages from printer against the doors was good. Also there was a repeated scene with frames rotating under red light, since the hallway already repeats and it's a short game, I think it would be better to change that to something else. Maybe flashbacks etc...!

5) It would be better if doors could be interacted (atleast knocking) with, maybe atleast some of them.

6) Rather than only Jack's voice after the credits if all the dead people appeared again (with voice in background), it would be better I think. Or atleast references to them, not just in pictures on the wall.

Things I liked: Flickering lights, the twin sister scene, room 237 (was it?) with bright light, the blood scene, references in the wall, subtle creepy undertone to it, progressing music to it.

Overall I enjoyed it, certainly good for a free game. I was mildly bored for Act 1 and 2, enjoyed 3 and 4,5 was okay. I thought this as Danny's dream, kind of Inception-y like, the hallway was repeating etc. like the maze in the garden.The suggestions are my own opinion from a player's perspective on what could improve the gameplay. Thanks!

(2 edits)

I watched the videos, interested in playing this. It'd be great if you made a linux port if it's possible.Can't seem to launch it via Wine. It's made with Unity, right?

(1 edit)

Mostly targeted at people using linux, is there a way to add a launch prefix to a game from the app itself or would it be possible? Currently windows only games cannot be launched from itch app, this would fx that. Also adding options like dri_prime, vblank_mode, mesa prefixes etc. or debug/game prefixes are always helpful. Currently butler handles the launching games I think and chooses the platform (?) :

func GetFilteredUploads(client *itchio.Client, game *itchio.Game, credentials *buse.GameCredentials, consumer *state.Consumer) (*manager.NarrowDownUploadsResult, error) {
 uploads, err := client.ListGameUploads(&itchio.ListGameUploadsParams{
 GameID:        game.ID,
 DownloadKeyID: credentials.DownloadKey,
 if err != nil {
 return nil, errors.Wrap(err, 0)

but I couldn't find any docs on how launching a game is facilitated. Can someone point it to me?  

I ran somethings in a terminal, seems itch creates a temporary runlock.json in the game directory : ~/.config/itch/apps/NAME/.itch/, detects wine 64 bit and 32 bit at /usr/local/bin, searchs for native game manfests- cannot find, can't run sandox, exits.

Sorry if it's not relevant here, I'm new :)

(1 edit)

Congrats on the new update! If I close the game after passing a checkpoint and relaunch it again it's supposed to start from that checkpoint not at the starting position again? Atleast that's what it used to do on the previous windows version but not now on the linux build, I start again at the starting point after exiting and relaunching.

Also right of first checkpoint, is there a level there, I see a platform?

(1 edit)
Steam keys are not given if you don't pay full price for any products on

Yeah I know but can I get one if I pay >=$14.99? I can't find a mention of this.

(2 edits)

This game shows up on even though there isn't a Steam key? Or is there with minimum payment? I couldn't find anything...

 I have the game for over 2 months now and I didn't have the chance to try it out. But the graphics look cool! Nice work!

>Please do not run scripts to issue 100s of request to the site.

>After the bundle hype has died down we’d be glad to look into adding a button to show everything in your library at once.

Seems it is delayed, maybe they have lot of backlogs.

(3 edits)

Oh I didn't realize that,lol, I thought the percentage was the progression and the checkpoint. Yeah I think there should be a exit button. I usually run it on a terminal so I can exit using CTRL C. Alt F4 works on linux too.

(1 edit)

>It was so low radar

It wasn't that low on radar. Media outlets that cover games quickly caught it up you can find it by just searching the name 1 3 ;they raised $2 million more than the goal, probably only bundle to have its own sub on reddit , was posted to 92 subs with almost 2-3K upvotes in 3-4 of them including comment And Youtube videos twitter

I think it did exceedingly well! But yeah if they brought back the bundle, it'd be great for people who missed it and want to support the cause. They can extend the goal to $10 million even! People post request all the time here and on reddit because they missed it 1 2 3 But at the same time lot of small creators gave their games away just for this and I'd imagine it will bear some financial loss for them if they wanted to do it again!

(2 edits)

Oh cool I thought you were wanting to use it but you want to make everything yourself and that's really great!

Edit. I tried the linux build and things look fine,the menu,pause icons etc. I like the yellow glowy thing you added on the grass. But there isn't an exit button to the game? I see only pause,enable checkpoint, continue and reset progress.

Pretty cool game! The soundtrack is really soothing and fun! 

1) Why are some choices in yellow, do they mean anything like default? 2) It can use some more brightness and a zoom in/out function on the journey screens.

Ubuntu 20.04 and arch works okay with Death and Taxes,Overland,Night in Woods etc. Any specific games you're having problem with?

Played 0.14 today, I like the texture improvements, nice looks now. You changed the shades of the grass too,cool! Eager for the linux build, save point and some music. Can you not use xGPL/MIT licensed ones or music/game assets made free on Itch? It'd be really cool! And the framerate issue got solved on Wine. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Cool! Thank you! It'll turn out great! I'll play some more now!

(5 edits)

Hi I managed to play it on linux using Wine. Your game runs almost fine but with some sudden frame skips that could be a Wine issue itself not sure about that. First impression is:

1) It can use some soothing music in the background, seems that you're going for that look/feel.

2) The box or dice I think should have more prominent edges.

3) The yellow portion looks really barren, if you can mix it up with hole/bricks of different shades of brown and yellow,it'd be really great; since it and the sky covers a major portion of the screen. Also some clouds or mixed grass shades!

4) The bubble that points the direction of the box needs to be more prominent because it's almost invisible against the light blue sky. Maybe a different colour perhaps.

5) I don't know if this is a wine issue or a texture issue but the game looks a bit blurry to me? Like the sharpness  should be more. And is there supposed to be some text in this part? (This could be due to a missing font if it's a Windows only font)

6) I might be missing something but is there a way to recharge the jump like boosting to make longer jumps?

7) The game is hard because it's hard to control arbitrary rotational motion of a box since the edges provide a diagonal force to it but I can only control motion on its centre of axis. There is certainly some mechanic to it like aiming straight up or slight deviation from 90 degree axis to make short jumps,aiming at edges to make longer etc. If you're going for the "all at one go" type level at least implement a save feature where one can save a particular state of the box and just return to it. Otherwise as it now is, it becomes a bit frustrating to do the same thing again and again just for a slight wrong jump. Again this would be fine if I could control more motion of the box. The "save game" feature,imo, will not compromise the difficulty aspect of the game and will keep it fun. The levels as is, are certainly doable, but needs many tries to get everything perfect. In my case I reached somewhat almost at the top after like 20 tries (>= half of them were random and not really trying,lol!) then just freely fell to the starting point. :)

Overall I enjoy pixel graphics game and soothing games like this. And it's a good project that came out in just 4 days! This comes from a player's perspective and in my opinion those improvements will be really great for the game! Thanks :) 

Btw can I post feedback here, I'm new to the forums?

Linux works fine here.

Yep great game! Enjoyed it so much 2 months ago when I was playing it each day. There's a multiplayer mod of it.

Get 'em evil reds...

Are games still being added to the bundle?

You need to download for that game to appear in your library I think.