I think it's an interesting idea, but I can't figure out how to actually get to the horror part of it, or really how to progress in general. On my last playthrough a few minutes ago, I found the ring that brought me to the place with the hearts, and I thought I heard other footsteps, but then I guess I walked too far, since I was brought back to the first area, except the teleport ring was nowhere to be found, and I think some of the objects were moved.
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It's an interesting game overall. The way it works reminds me a little bit of Violet Refractions (where you die in each area and respawn in the starting zome, but still having what you needed to collect)
I'm curious, is the protagonist already dead in the game, or just separated from their body and trying to find a way back?
This looks pretty interesting! I'd be interested in seeing it get developed further.
Though, I do think it would have been nice to have a message at the end to make sure the player knows the game is over, and didn't bug out (I assume the one where they were testing your patience is the last one, since the game just fades to black and stays black at the end of that level.
So, I just played this game, and I just wanted to say my thoughts on it.
So, I liked the atmosphere overall. I'm glad it doesn't rely on using a bunch of jumpscares. The gameplay doesn't really feel like Minecraft, but it plays pretty well.
The part with the green mob was very frustrating, though. My main issue with it was that, despite it running faster than the player, there is no sprint button, meaning that you're basically screwed if you aren't within a few feet of a hiding spot. It doesn't help that it's hard to tell when the mob is near the hiding spot when you're in it. There were a few times when I heard the mob's growling getting quiet, only for it to be right there when I come out of my hiding spot.
Also, this isn't a huge issue, but I feel like the developer could have been visible during the ending, maybe standing on that giant crafting table while he's talking to you, instead of only being present through the messages he sends.
I also thought it was a little weird that you have to craft a new pickaxe the second time you need one, considering you already craft one earlier on in the game. I feel like the first pickaxe could have broken after destroying the coal ore early on, that would justify needing to craft a new one.
Overall, though, I think this is a good game. It's short, but it's a well-made Minecraft horror game, even with some of the issues it has.
Nota: No hablo español, así que escribí lo que quería decir en Google Translate. Espero que Google Translate no destruya demasiado lo que intento decir.
¡Este fue un juego muy interesante! También creo que la premisa del juego con personas diminutas estudiadas por una rata científica gigante es bastante única. También me gusta el diseño del Dr. Rajoy, y creo que los diseños muy simples de los personajes humanos también funcionan bien.
Ver al Dr. Rajoy cada vez más enojado cada vez que me negaba a presionar el botón me hizo preguntarme si estaba tomando la decisión equivocada, especialmente cuando el personaje principal se sorprendía cada vez. Me gustó que los otros humanos en las jaulas izquierda y derecha tengan puntos de vista contradictorios, aunque interactuar con ellos no parece cambiar mucho el juego (a menos que me haya perdido algo).
Tengo un poco de curiosidad sobre el final. ¿Muere el protagonista y esa es su "libertad"? ¿O el doctor Rajoy simplemente los dejó ir después de que continuaron negándose?
En general, ¡disfruté esto! ¡Fue simple, pero interesante!
Alright, so I don't know if this project is still in development or not, considering it's been four years since the last demo, but I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this game! I kinda wish there were more retro-style cinematic platform indie games like this.
The only issue I had with the game is that the protagonist's movements feel a little too slow at times, even for a cinematic platform game, but other than that this was pretty good!
This was short, but it was pretty good! Though, the rating description on the "case" probably should have included "Language" or "Strong Language," since the character swears at the beginning. But other than that, I thought the game was pretty good! I also liked the way the game over sequence happens.