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Arda Kacar

A member registered Nov 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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I believe I somehow made it glitch by obtaining the recorder too early so I couldn't finish it. But it is a very well made short game that has a really beautiful art design and a concept overall. Congratulations on such a brilliant game!

Wow, thank you so much for trying our game and writing such kind words about it! Honestly I did not realize that happened with the audio but that seems like a great idea to implement it for real lol. I'm on the same page with you about music looping seemlessly, sound effects and UI acknowledgement. We needed to rush it a bit since we had so little time so we did our best to upload a playable version but we're thinking of developing it to a full-game soon! Also I'm glad you liked the aesthetics, that was our favorite aspect of the game as well :) Thank you again for taking the time to write a review, hope you could give it another go when it is completed in the future! Cheers!

Thank you so much for your kind words :) Credit for character art goes to Daisy, she did one hell of a job! We'll develop it to a full-game with a complete scenario as soon as possible, hope you can give it a go that time too to experience the originally intended/designed ending(s) :)

(1 edit)

First of all, thank you for sparing the time to try our game and for your kind words on the presentation and dialogues! It's not your fault at all haha :) , we couldn't implement the end screen because of time limitations. We had to cut out a lot of ideas but we're considering developing it to a full-game! Also thank you for your advice on making a WebGL build of it, as the only programmer of the team, I'll make sure to do it as well.