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Arcade Eleven

A member registered Jun 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi Madson,

Thank you for the feedback !

Input and basic gameplay should be improved in the major update I just released. To avoid interfering with the MGGJ8 submissions, I created a new entry 2 weeks ago.  You can find it here, named Touch 'n Ghosts

Currently, the game is still a bit repetitive, but offers a clearer objective with a record to break. A major game mechanic is still missing, and should be included in the next update. Together with levels and story, the game should gain some depth. (or at least, I hope so :D)

Hope you'll enjoy it !

Hi Rikugamez,

Thank you for the feedback, always appreciated !

Input and basic gameplay should be improved in the major update I just released. To avoid interfering with the MGGJ8 submissions, I created a new entry 2 weeks ago.  You can find it here, named Touch 'n Ghosts

Hope you'll enjoy it !

Hi Fabricio,

Thank you for the feedback !

I will check about the controls. Did you play on mobile or PC ?

At the moment, the only difference between small and big ghosts is the score granted.
Variation should be added in the next update, with multiple boss and boss skills implemented.

The house is currently fixed (one sprite). Some features around rooms should come a bit later. Some options have to be playtested.
I would be happy to have your feedback once these are available !

Hi GGBotNet,

Thank you ! :)

You're welcome.

I gave another try, and I actually did miss the almanac in first session.
Information is great. On the UX side, I personnally prefer to have tooltips close to the item being inspected, my eyes tend to ignore content when it's not on the focus zone :D

Hi PixelWeeb,

Thank you for the feedback.

Great to hear, the occasional short game sessions are the target.
Leaderboard and collectables should be the first addition to the game after completing the endless mode, to reinforce this short-session focus.

Fruit ninja was actually an inspiration, but more for the slide controls and combo on slicing. Combo points should be added in the next update of Touch 'n Ghosts, together with a rework of the slice input management. Combo is one of the two addition to the Endless mode I'm really impatient to test, curious to see how the balance score vs risk will improve the endless gameplay (forcing me to balance other mechanics, but that's another story :D).

Very immersive atmosphere, I like how the experience feels.
Nice job on the game, and on the page around the game.

Gameplay is very nice. Avoiding is sometimes nearly impossible, reducing sizes or increasing speed could help. Or an additional skill, like dash with a cooldown.

Very good game, very interesting to play.

On the crafting screen, I would find interesting to gray out items not possessed. It would make the information even more readable.

When playing, I experienced a very very slow death (from 100 to 0 with one zombie attacking for 4 hp every round), dying faster would be better.

Thank you for the game !

Very good retro feeling, and consistent game. Well done !

Nice concept, with addictive clicker controls.

Hi Humane Tiger,

Thanks for the feedback. Very happy to see that art is appreciated ! 
I'll take care about SFX and BG music in one of the next updates.

I totally agree with the need of a good tutorial, and it's very important to propose a smooth learning curve.
I usually start with kind of Story mode, where it's easy to ramp-up with some kind of demo-gameplay with story around, before serious business starts. Here, with Endless mode as first feature, I definitely need to find the appropriate way to teach features.

Hi Scratchermee,

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated !

The tests on Android (with an android version) gave pretty good results, also with some gameplay testing done by others.
Balancing phone/pc remains a challenge, especially since clicking is slower than touching when it comes to a certain amount of quick inputs. Slide input brings some balance, with input difficulty being nearly similar on PC and phones. 

Hi Penzilla,

The heart icon of this pack has been used for the Jam version of Touch 'n Ghosts. Thank you for the asset ! 

I'm especially happy since I actually did use some assets from another pack you released (house interiors), really liked them, but had to remove them due to consistency with assets I was already using. So, very happy to publish this game version with "something from Penzilla"  at the end ! <3

The game can be found here :
I hope you will enjoy the result, and maybe enjoy spending 5 minutes on the game ! 

Hi BDragon1727,

Some assets from this package have been used in Touch 'n Ghosts. The game can be found here :

Thank you for the asset ! 

I hope you will enjoy the result, and maybe enjoy spending 5 minutes on the game ! 

Hi GGbotNet,

For the second time, your font has been used for a game by Arcade Eleven. The game can be found here : So... I have to say : great font ! :)

I hope you will enjoy the result, and maybe enjoy spending 5 minutes on the game ! 

Hi JewelwithWings,

A major update has been done to the game. Since I was unsure about how updates are managed during voting periods, and since I also changed the name of the game, I created a new entry.  You can find it here :

The initial problem with the counter was a incorrect value (0 instead of 1) set in a difficulty scaling check. Going below 1/0 was unexpected.
Game mechanics have been improved, and counter management has been adapted.

After messing with the new ghosts, don't break the new counter ! :)
(of course, if you do, let me know :D)

Hi BraveKing,

A major update has been done to the game. Since I was unsure about how updates are managed during voting periods, especially since I also decided to change the name of the game, I created a new entry. 

You can find it here :

I hope you will enjoy some more clicks and the new sprites/graphics ! :)

Hi Invadererik,

A major update has been done to the game. Since I was unsure about how updates are managed after closure and I decided to change the name of the game, I created a new entry. 

You can find it here :

I hope you will enjoy it ! :)

Hi invadererik,

Thanks a lot for the feedback 👍

An update should be published this week, with major changes.
I would be very happy to have your feedback on the update too, it always helps 😊  

Hi JewelswithWings,

Thanks for feedback !
I will take your feedback about the game behavior into account in a potential future version 👍

Hi BraveKing,

Thank you for the feedback ! 😊


I just bought the bundle, and the Premium Pack is not included.
Should I proceed by email as well? Could you please mention your email address?
Thank you

Haha, thank you.
More pinatas should come in the future ! :)

Thank you for the message !

Improving characters physics / controls and characters uniqueness should be the focus of the first potential patch.
Very happy that you liked the atmosphere and the game.

(2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback. 👍

Totally ! Having some "Lost Vikings" mechanics would be a great addition to the game. There was a plan to add some mechanics like these, with doors, buttons and sneaky corridors (with the little guy), but this was too ambitious for a solo JAM.

Even if time was a bit short, this is what I like in JAM too.  Releasing fast and having feedbacks soon, like yours, are great. If feedbacks about the game are positive, there should be a patch released soon, with a focus on making every character really unique and better balanced, as well as some more levels.

Glad that you liked the art and music, creating a positive and rhythmic gameplay was the key aspect for this first version🎶🎶🌞🎶🎶

Thank you LaChapeliere.

You're right with the introduction, it was actually more work than I expected when I started. I did not track the time, but I'd say around 50% of the time spent. Additional characters and ideas are ready, and they should be added in one of the first patches, if feedbacks on the game continue to be positive.

Fullscreen seems to work, the button has been reactivated. Please note the only difference is that it's displayed on black background, there's some additional work to be done to have real fullscreen.

Again, thank you for the feedback. 👌

(1 edit)

Hi !

Thanks a lot for the feedback, it brings motivation and helps making the game better 👍
Balancing the difficulty curve and improving the AI should definitely be one of the main focus of a potential future patch.

Haha, true, true warrior spirit  ! 😁

Thank you for your great feedback !👍
I will take it into account for potential updates. ✍

Hi datagoblin !

Your font has been used for this JAM game :, for the dialogues.

I hope you will enjoy the result, and maybe enjoy 5 minutes on the game ! 

Hi GGbotNet !

Your font has been used for this JAM game :, for the game logo.

I hope you will enjoy the result, and maybe enjoy spending 5 minutes on the game ! 

Hi Chierit,

A recolored version of your asset pack has been used for this JAM game :

I hope you will enjoy the result !