I got 8... the angry cat is hilarious though! Great game, great music, great art.
So I also had an idea when I saw the cat
This is a space shooter that I made as a clone of asteroids. It has three gamemodes: Classic, Powerups, and Chaos. In powerups an enemy has a small chance to drop one of two powerups(double bullets or speed boost). Chaos makes the bullets loop, and classic doesn't add/change anything.
Robots are attacking your small ship and you must defend yourself with tiny bullets!
If you actually want to play, you need python and pygame.
Arrow keys/WASD to move and left click to shoot in the mouse direction.
Ok NOW I have a vault
V3;16;16;{(0(FL)!)aaq)NCi)25(14)o8I)098(1h)b(15)sii(15)q{q(15)a(14)BAAUUUU00(15)qq)04!!!(15)k(2^)jAUYYU(14)p{qI!8)05(15)m(2^)iAUoo(15)v!!!!(15)k(2^)k(3h)y!8!..(15)l(2^)mSSSS(5t)s(15)t(2^)jS)25(3h){)0w(5t)u(2^)u(15)n)07(15)l(2^)t(9R).(c?)w(b&)P(c^)s(d )c(2b)D(c^)u)0M(6T)Q(16)u(c^)u(15)P(c^)t(3h(1T)(9})P(15)v(9})l(7$)u)0O(7$)n(1s)T(4J)p(9i)U(7$)m(60)W(7$)n(9i)U(1!)o(9i)W(7$)l(9i)X(h$)n(9i(1s)(0(e5);;
Try to break this vault V3;1q;1q;{(0(T{)I)04(1o(1l))5b(0(1c)8I{UCCCC{I8(1o(1e)q{{UI)04U)b5(1p(1d)UI2)04IU(1p(1e)q{U!28!!!82q(1q(1d)(1o)6{888{82qC{!(1p(1f)qeeeq82qU(1p(3=)(5t)8(1p(1c)(87(1q){{q{U82)048(1o(1f){q{{U8)04(dB(1h){8I{U)04(gf(1h)(i-(1r){{{8)04(13N(T})(0(1z);;
Its my first vault so plz dont judge
NVM i did it myself XD