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Me parece extraño que la anomalia de la puerta en cualquier otro piso diferente al 0 te devuelva al piso 9.
Seria interesante que algunas anomalias pequeñas (gusano en el agua, reloj, camaras, personas en las fotos) se juntaran con anomalias grandes (el manager en el techo, golpeandose la cabeza, las marcas de "sangre" en las paredes).
Debería de existir alguna forma de confirmar que las fotos si captaron la anomalía, en varias ocaciones tuve que volver al piso 9 pero no sabía si era porque me salte alguna anomalia o si la foto no había captado las anomalias.
I would like to see the trilogy of this game :D
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Here some tips that i think could help improve the game:
- Each enemy should be harder than the previous one, personaly the first one were harder than the second or third.
- Option to lower the music and the effects, not to turn it off.
- Don't use white text over light colors (White, yellow, pink, etc.) is hard to read.
I really like the game, here are some tips that i think could help improve the game:
1. Show the EXP that the hero needs to lv up, is hard to know when to stop farming when you don't know how long it will take you to lv up. Also, the lv could increase other stats asides "attack", like accurasity, obiously in the higher floors, the enemy will hace higher accurasy too.
2. Add a desciption to the spells as well as the MP that each one cost (Even when all spell cost 1 MP, it will be more interesting if the earthquake or the fireball could cost 2 MP in higher levels ).
3. Description of the objects, when i got 2 crystal balls i tried to equip it to the wizard to recoverd 2MP per battle, but that didn't work, you can make this items "unique" if you only want that this effect only activates onces.
4.I get that the "tombs" can be use to farm, but it could be more interesting if you could purify them, with some object of the shop or some skill of W/C.
5.I didn´t end to understand the used of "The pool of charm" i know that it can kill you if you step in after the game have warned you, and that you can cross it with the rope, but you could make it a zone between floors 25-30, in wich you will need a pair of "boots" that can make you walk on it, and create new enemies, but this is only a suggestion, you don't need to include it.
6.The objects "Belt, helmet, cloack, etc" can also be used to improve other stats than defense and attack
7.Give the bosses more attacks, i only tried it in hard, but the first boss only have physical attacks, the second boss only summon wisp, and the Dragon i only saw him doing fisical attacks, furthermore, the dragon is affected by venom, this made the fight more easy that the second boss.
8.As we can go to the camp thanks to the portal in the boss room, you can make the bosses harder, especially because we'll come with full health and full Mp.
And i think that is all, hope to see future updates :D