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A member registered Apr 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Gracias :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the video game. 

I was surprised by so many playable characters, that´s nice. Also I noticed that some of them can´t grab weapons, some others can do It, It´s like if the character is too strong It won´t grab the weapons, or the character is too weak, with less brute force (ok, a girl character) can´t rise for example the great ball of steel. That´s a nice touch!.

Also the game moves are very good, without slowness, nice moves, I need to learn all the moves, I only uses punches or kicks or a kick with a jump, I can advance with that, but having more movements available I think I must learn a pair more of movements! The gameplay will improve I assume.

And well, the sounds, the maps, all is great!, I appreciated your hard Work.

 I was born in 1978, and back in time I purchased the Double Dragon video game for the 8 bit computer MSX. And I liked to play It!. I never played the Arcade, and recently I played the Amiga Version with an emulator.

I don´t know nothing about programming, I just like to play. Thank You again maggas. :) 

I am having problems in Windows 11, it freezes, in the main menu, I click whatever option and the the loading screens appears (2 hands exchanging dope for money) and It stucks there.


Great Rogue game, i liked It, the first time i rumbled a tombstone, and a zombie appeared! just two hits and I was dead, lol! I only moved 6 spaces in total Great start. The second play I reached level 17, not bad! I liked overall, It´s somewhat addictive. I only miss the save key binding for later. All the rest is great! Thanks for this video game Godo Rogue, and for the manuals, I appreciated them!


Hello, How is going the video game?


I donwloaded It and as many games before I didn´´ t try It, just collecting the games in case one day I try them. But since the author of the game asked me politely via email to try It, I will try It.

Man, the end is traumatic :)

Hello, The game is still in development?

29 MB between 1,44 HD floppy 20,13 disks! But with some compression It will occupy between 15 and 20 disks...(Insert Disk 17, please).

I tried, after the first waves there are no more enemies, it´s stuck in the first level.

Hello, from Barcelona too :)

How is going the Rawal Rumble Game? We, our fans, needs some news from time to time, Don´t matter if It is a bit stopped, but tell us something, We, our fans, We will apreciate any comment from You, thanks Team.

Not bad, first time I saw I t I though, urg! what is this shit? But I gave It an oportunity, since I can judge a game by It´s graphics, I am and old one, I have an MSX since 1987, so played a lot. 

Well, was worth It, not bad video game, it makes me play again and again for maybe half an hour, then I get bored and I change the game.

It has nice metal music.

It is a game that I have in my collection since maybe 5 months? Sometimes I see the icon and I don´t remember what game is, so I play It, and after I see It I remember, I will keep It in my library, occupy few megas and It´s not bad, It´s a challenge, I play It in normal mode.

How is going the game? You did some improvements or is the same? I will be happy to hear some news.

Don´t worry, the game is like that, :)

:( the end.

Coño, yo vivo en el Raval de Barcelona :)

Hello AdamStrange.

I was playing your Axonite video game (great!)  and when I reach certain boss, I don´t remember if It´s boss number 4 or 5 (It has 4 like domes in green color, I upload an image for better understanding) after I destroy the domes nothing happens, I mean, I need to destroy the last bar life that remain of the boss but no matter where I fire nothing happens, I suposse It´s a bug or I don´t know, but I am stuck there and I only can exit the program and that it´s a pitty. Any suggestions? Thanks ins advance.

By the way, I am enjoying your Axonite homage to Xenon 2!

I have installed It like maybe since 4 months ago, It´s pretty simple in controls, like move, eat, fire, examine and a few more, but because of the easy controls everybody can play It for a few minutes each time. I recommend It.