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A member registered Sep 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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I can't wait to play chapter eleven! 🤩

Really love the first chapter: how it was written and the atmosphere! Thanks for making me discover to The Downtown Lights by The Blue Nile, it's a really nice song!

Anyways, can't wait to read what's to come and to meet the ROs!

Ooh seems interesting! Can’t wait to try it !

Looks promising, can’t wait to try it! 

Yw! It was the same for me, but honestly it's not noticeable enough for me ha ha

Love the game so far! Love the dialogues, they're so funny 😆 

And obviously love Grim! 🥰

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Click on "Download" and then on "Claim Steam Key"

I'm on mac too and I played using the PC version using Wine Crossover to launch it!

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Just finished the demo and I really like it! The UI and the art style are really nice as well as the music and I like the multiple dialogue options! Can't wait for the full release of the game :D

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Update: It works! I got to see Payton's ending and I really love it! Thank you for making this game (I really enjoyed reading your Author's Footnote). I took the opportunity to support you (it's not much) and I can't wait for your next project(s) and meanwhile I'm going to check your previous game :)

Sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for your reactivity! I'm on Mac but I'm going to see if I can launch the PC build with Wine Crossover first before asking you for a Mac build :)


In case, you still want to play the game, I'm on  mac too and I managed to play it by using Wine Crossover!

Oooh thank you for your quick answer and for a possible solution! Fingers crossed it'll work 🤞

I really love the game so far but after having triggered Payton's scene when he gave me the flower, the flower isn’t in my inventory so I can't examine it in order to reach the true ending, help 🥹

Happy anniversary~!

Thank you for bringing this game, can’t wait to ready the next chapter!

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Wilder is officially an abandoned project. Full explanation here. Ran's Story and Bahadur's Story remain available as individual purchases but be advised that the overarching narrative of Wilder will no longer be forthcoming. Thank you for all your support these difficult past few years. My sincerest, sincerest apologies.
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Me too i wasn’t expecting this ending...😭😭😭








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So happy! I'm downloading it right now! 🤩

I tried to use Paypal but it didn't work either...😭

Can’t wait to play it! 😭😍

Thank you for your hard work! 🙏


I used the last method but I typed "chmod 777" and it worked thank you!

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Hello !

Je viens tout juste de finir la démo et franchement j'ai été agréablement surprise ! Déjà j'adore le design des personnages que tu as choisi. Ensuite en ce qui concerne l’histoire,  je m'attendais à quelque chose d'assez "classique" mais tu abordes des sujets sérieux et d’actualité et ce côté engagé rajoute réellement de la profondeur à l'histoire. Sinon j'ai vraiment réussi à me mettre à la place du personnage principal tellement elle me rappelait mon propre caractère ha ha. Bref, je suis de tout cœur avec toi et j'attends avec impatience la version finale du Paresseux 🤩🤩🤩