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64-Bit Spike

A member registered Feb 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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I sort of figured that coming back to Arsonate would be like when I came back to Buckshot, I'd play again, and manage to win. But man, the Host is MUCH more difficult than the Dealer is! The game has been updated and added a "graveyard" for the cards, and updated the "Fair" gameplay, but I played normal again so I can't speak for the "Fair" difficulty. Now if you can count cards, maybe you'll have better luck with this update, personally I can't, but I did manage to get closer to beating the Host! 

I will come back to the game again, I still haven't defeated the Host, and I am determined to see the rest of the game! Thoroughly enjoy it even if I haven't beat it yet!

I was looking through for some new games from Devs I follow and saw this was uploaded, I really enjoyed Haunted Mine, so I jumped into this one! Ive gotta be honest, you nailed the atmospheric horror once again, even in a game I felt I could defend myself in, I was still creeped out (especially those spider skeleton things). Definitely enjoyed this one, and hope you keep up on the atmospheric horror, because this genuinely sets a tone of despair even with being armed to defend yourself!

I was looking on GameJolt for games last weekend but I have wanted to play Arsonate, I did find it there as well. Whoever uploaded used the same name as yours, I didn't think much of it since I've seen game devs have their game on both stores ( and GameJolt) with a different handle. I'll put a link to the GameJolt page here if you haven't already looked into this. I had no idea it wasn't your upload. My next video then I will be playing the version here, as I'm not going to promote someone copying a game. I'll update my logs as well. Glad I could at least bring this to your attention.

(1 edit)

Arsonate is a game that was inspired by Buckshot Roulette, and it genuinely shows. The animations, play style, and pacing all felt familiar after playing Buckshot for a while now. Not to mention the unusual turns in the story, and the Host's "fairness". Somehow I think I managed to get a glimpse of quite a bit the game has to offer, but I'm not done with this one yet! I may have become the new Host, but the garden has yet to prosper! 

Thoroughly enjoyed this and I will definitely be coming back to get the other endings! (I played the GameJolt version (which is apparently a copy), but I'll probably be playing the version on my phone in spare time!)

[I was informed that the GameJolt version is not the original, so don't go to that one, the one here on is the original Arsonate]

I think it'd be an awesome addition! I heard the sound but didn't see anything happen, so it threw me off for a second, lol. Hopefully you can figure out how to make it work,  it'd make a great Easter egg! Can't wait for the rest of the game or the next level to be announced! 

So I saved this game a while back, and I kept debating playing it for my channel (didn't play it on my own til I was sure), and I'm really glad I did do a video on it! The game is super fun, very simple, and honestly it's really unique. I don't think I've ever seen a bullethell with mouse only controls like this, which is honestly what made me check the game out to begin with. Easy to get into, awesome soundtracks, and I love the upgrade options you can get! I've honestly played it a handful of times since I originally recorded the video, lol.

In trying to finish a few games on the channel, I definitely wanted to come back to this. It's a unique take on the FNAF formula, but without animatronics (which is nice to see, because they don't all have to be about animatronics/mascots that got haunted). I definitely like the addition of being able to feel like you're defending yourself with more than doors and lights, but I do wish you could hear the creatures approaching (I had a different headset this time and still couldn't hear them). Regardless, definitely loved how this game played, if there are secrets, I just wish I could've found them in my second attempt.

I have been wanting to get back to this for a long time, but with a couple games I had lined up and life happening beyond my channel, I only recently have got the chance to get to it. But I am so glad I did! I thought the first level was an awesome experience, but playing level 2 brought on so much more! I know I said it before, but SofaSwordsman, you have put so much love into this game to make it a beautiful recreation, and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for it! I love how you implemented the sniper rifle, not quite what I was expecting, but with limited control inputs, I love the shooting gallery feel to it! 

(Also, not sure if it's an Easter egg or random chance, but I managed to get the Grunt Birthday Party Skull effect when I had to replay some of the first level, very nice addition!)

So I've been absent a while, life in general happening, but for my first video back, I wanted to return to Zombotron. Genuinely loved the game enough that during the time I was away, I played the game completely through on both my phone and PC! But I wanted to play it once more, because I thoroughly wanted to give this game more screen time and to get the game out more to grow. I'd love to see more levels/chapters come from the game, I'll definitely be back to play the next major update when it's released!

I enjoyed this on my 3 Android indies video, so I decided to dedicate more time to it. It is different on PC for me as it uses arrow keys instead of mouse controls, but I did get the hang of it eventually. To be fair, it uses touch on Android and I was using mouse and keyboard last time, wasn't sure when I hopped into it on PC. The surprise at 3AM definitely made the game more interesting! I'll be back to finish the game out!

I didnt get the chance to finish the game yet, but from what I did play, I definitely enjoyed it! Im not a claustrophobic person, but this set the tone for it very well. Ive played some other mine exploration horror games, but this one set itself apart to me. The limited movement and mechanics gave it a different aspect. You can't back away from the creature, only scare it away and hope it doesn't loop back behind you. (BTW, really liked the creature design, sort of like the Rake if he was more spider-like).

So honestly, I wasnt sure what to expect with this one. It was under horror games but seemed colorful and simple. Admittedly, it did surprise me when the tone changed in the game. Sometimes there doesn't need to be monsters or jumpscares to make someone uneasy/unsure of what to think. Definitely like the concept! (The bit I talk about it at the end may be completely wrong, but it is what came to mind in the moment. Because when I checked my second monitor, things seemed shuffled, but my recording software does tend to minimize itself and come back up different sized. Third game in the video!)

Honestly a good experience, everyone has certain fears at any age, and to turn one into a game can be helpful. I like the simplicity and design as well. Great work on the game! (Jokes in the video aside, it did change my tone a bit, I was halfway expecting a robber, not a demon, lol. Second game in the video!)

Death "Trips", didn't see that one coming, lmao. Honestly that was a genuine surprise to me, I looked up short horror games for the video (a few seconds average session) and ended up with a great one to set the tone off the bat. Horror doesn't always have to be serious, great work on the game!

I haven't played the Steam version yet as I'm not worried about leaderboards or anything til the Multi-player update. I'll definitely get it then though! If the update makes the game equal to the Steam version besides that and achievements, that's still perfectly fair to me. I love the new update though! The new items add a whole new layer of gameplay mechanics, and I feel like the Dealer's AI was tweaked more fairly, because I actually had some luck for once! (Not just counting my previous videos, but even playing in my free time I didn't do great, lol). Amazing work, and congrats on getting the game published on Steam! I'll be keeping an eye out for the multi-player update!

Of course, glad I could help! I am following you on Itch, so if you release anything, I'll take a look!

I love that this took the FNAF mechanics into its own game, something besides animatronics and doors. Definitely enjoyed a fan game that broke the typical mould in that sense. It may be my lack of attention, but I didn't hear any steps/ambience when the alien approached, so relying on the monitor is an interesting touch, made me wonder "do I blast it or is it even there?...", especially with limited fuel in the flamethrower. Definitely playing more in my free time! (Third game in video)

I haven't played a twin stick shooter in a while besides Enter The Gungeon, but I definitely love the 8 bit charm in this game! Personally I probably would've done better with a controller, but the controls were accurate for touchscreen (even though I wasn't, lol). I'll definitely be putting more time into this on my own! (Second game in video)

Great little puzzle game, I like the mechanics of it, even though having to cut off hands was an unexpected turn of events, lol. Played a few levels, but I'll probably be playing more in my free time, it was definitely fun! (First game in the video)

Here it is, the finale of my Deadspace Nokia mini series! Fighting my way through the belly of the Ishimura (multiple times as I struggled a bit, lol). I finally bury the Marker, and the Necromorphs with it. I thoroughly enjoyed playing through this! Another great example of why I love fan games, a major game made down to something well before its time. Considering the limitations of the Nokia, you did amazing on the designs and mechanics throughout the game! I hope to help get the game out there a bit more, this was a great experience overall.

To be fair, Ive always imagined things like this as a kid, and even now as a self taught techie, Im near illiterate on the software side in some cases, especially coding. So for you to make something like this a reality is amazing. Again, Halo on something like the GameBoy, I never would've thought of due to limitations on inputs and mechanics, but you did an awesome job of making it happen! Definitely coming back for the next level when I can! And I will come back for each level as you put them out. Keep up the fantastic work!

It did take me a minute to figure things out, lol. Part 3 will be up this Wednesday! I may just do a fail counter in the video so it's no too short, it did take some trial and error for me to get right.

And thank you! It slipped my mind entirely. Been a while since I watched any gameplay of the first Deadspace (original or the remake) since I never fully beat the game myself yet. At the time I was trying to remember his actual name from the experiment logs.

I dont even know where to start with this, for a fan demake, this is absolutely beautiful. The music being true to tune even in GBC limitations, the details in the sprites, the choice of mechanics like adding strafe in a 2D space, the adaptations in some scenes, the whole thing is just amazing. I've been a fan of Halo myself for years, one of the first major games I played as a kid, but I never imagined it being designed like this. You were aiming for a faithful recreation, and you have nailed it! I'm excited to get into the second chapter, and to see more updates in the future! I'd love to see how you design the Flood and Hunters for later levels based on your other sprites!

Part 2 is up this week! I really like the design for Mercer's experiment (his name escapes me right now, lol). And I do get to the Marker, though the section before the final boss kept giving me some issues. Took some trial and error to get through on my part. Check it out!

If this is only in demo stages, you are doing amazing work. The gameplay was smooth, graphics were beautiful, it's a whole new game compared to what I remember from the Flash days! I genuinely enjoyed the experience. Keep up the awesome work! I'll definitely be playing the android version in my free time.

UZG comments · Replied to nex in UZG comments

Thanks for making an awesome game! I love wave survival zombie games like this, but after Black Ops 2, I got out of CoD because things just started to turn into microtransactions and other BS. But this is zombies to its roots, and as I mentioned, big fan of the small weapons details you added. Keep up the awesome work! See if I can convince some friends to try out UZG 2 with me since it's multi-player, lol.

I came across this a ways back admittedly, but after playing it, I genuinely think this is a game I played a lot back in the Flash days. Obviously this is a standalone with some major work done to it in comparison, but it felt almost nostalgic. Regardless if my memory is correct, I genuinely loved this game. Combining a few of my favorite genres to one with the awesome cartoonish style, absolutely awesome. Im definitely going to be playing this more in my free time! Probably give the android version a try since Im not always able to sit at my desk. Amazing work. (It's the third game in the video)

I stumbled across this looking for another game on my video, and Im honestly glad I found it. This is a really unique twist on a SuperHot style game. I started to get the hang of the rewind, but my FPS skills are still rusted, lol. I figure with some practice, there's a lot of quick manuevers you could pull off. But even just to hop into it and play, I really enjoyed this. Love the soundtrack and style too!

I used to play a LOT of CoD zombies during the Black Ops and Black Ops 2 days, also back when I had better FPS skills, lmao. Playing this was familiar, but the small details you added made a difference in my opinion. Like having to manually reload over an automatic action (more realistic and challenging), adding a fire mode selection is something usually blocked behind an "upgrade" when realistically most guns have that anyways, and the mag check and inspection are nice little details. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this as part of my Awesome Indies 2 video. I'll probably play more in my free time, and checkout UZG 2.

I know it's been a while, but I did get back to the game after the update. Honestly, the instructions added in helped clarify a few things for me. And it may just be me, but the game flows a little better now than my previous experience. Regardless, awesome work on the update! This is only part one of a mini series I did for the game, I wanted to give some thoughts throughout the game, and it did take me a few attempts to make it on some parts (same as the original Deadspace, lmao). 

[Ignore previous comment, somehow text got screwed up so I reuploaded the comment]

Im pretty sure I knew what to do for the ending, but after trial and error, and trying to conquer keyboard controls, I kept making mistakes and got flustered. May show off the ending in a short if I manage to get it in my free time. Overall love the PS1 and VHS style combined with the slasher theme. Made for an awesome horror game! Hopefully I can get the ending and not leave it the way I did on my next attempt. 

I love the atmosphere this game sets up, absolutely awesome! Very eerie and makes you wonder. You can feel the whole tone shift towards the end though, caught me off guard a bit.

I've played some of it back when it was popular, never finished it personally, but there's a fair bit of inspiration from SuperHot in Red Handed to say the least. I personally like the puzzle aspect in Red Handed  better, it's not often you see puzzle shooters, but this one is awesome!

So I'll admit, I got nowhere near where I was expecting to, I didnt expect the controls to act how they did and I struggled a bit (to my own fault as Im not the best with similar keyboard controls regardless). However, I thoroughly enjoyed what bit of the game I could explore, and I know theres a lot this game has to offer that I got nowhere near in the video. Hopefully y'all can forgive my poor gameplay, and if you enjoy PS1 style horror (which is what it made me think of personally), definitely give this a chance! Another great game from Vidas!

This is a very unique twist to me, its sort of like a puzzle game that puts you on a timer, but it just gets more difficult as time goes on, not exactly impossible. I got so close the second try I gave it in my video, had 2 keys done and the third in hand, but after you get so small, you start to slip through things apparently. It's the 3rd game of my 3 indie games video. Very fun game, but you'd think a scientist would know what a coffee pot is, lol.

Im not much of a puzzle platformer kinda guy, but I honestly loved this. I tried making a video on it previously but had a technical issue, so its part of a 3 games video. I will say though, for some reason after I came back into the game, it gave me the ending a few levels early, and I also had like a teleport bug happen twice. Regardless, had a lot of fun with this, who knew all you needed for a flying cat was buttered toast, lol.

I've honestly tried making a video on this a few times, but had issues on my end (nothing to fault the game), so it's in a 3 games video I did. Honestly extremely fun puzzle shooter, sort of its own thing in a way. Id love to see more levels added, I haven't seen many games take an FPS route on a puzzle situation like this. Awesome work!

This took a few turns I wasnt expecting. Rounding corners after a while kept my suspicion up, I wasnt prepared for being teleported back and forth though. Definitely had great atmosphere and a good change in pacing to keep me wondering what was next. Great work!

Thank you for making an awesome demake! I never would've expected to see Dead Space on the Nokia. I'm glad the video could help, I did realize a few things on my own (later than I should've, lol). If you do decide to update the game after the Jam, I'd definitely do a full video. I feel like I barely got through any of it due to time on my end.

I'll be honest, I played this as a backup because one of the games I planned to play for my Nokia Jam video wouldn't start for me, but I'm so glad I found this instead! I love demakes, and this is an amazing combination. I got lost a few times (to my own fault not paying attention), but this is definitely a challenge I'm going to tackle in my own time, or probably dedicate a video to it! Awesome work, especially with the limitations of the Nokia!