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Can't wait for MV compatibility!

( 1)

won’t have to wait for long friend. Working on it rn.

Here it is. You can download the plugin for MV :)

Thanks! I'm having trouble making it work though. If I follow the example exactly, the placeholder text is only "Enter", and the message closes before I can type anything. If I reduce the placeholder text, same thing happens. Also, why does the example have 5 parameters? (what is "John"?).
If I remove the first parameter I get a blank window in which I can type and it doesn't close, but eventually I get the missing image error and I can't leave that window.

Waiting for fixes :)

Thanks for the feedback.

Working on fixing it right now.
It seems that manual configs are leading to that behavior in some cases.

However if you use the plugin command with no config it should work fine with the party leader image.

The "John " in the example is misleading and i forgot to remove it. It  was ported from the origin plugin cause MZ has a speakerName displaying on top of the Text Window.

Will let you know once i upload the update

Hey Calunio.  I just uploaded a new file with the plugin that should be working as expected now. Let me know if that's not the case.

Sadly, it still doesn't work. The text box appears and closes itself immediately. I noticed I still get the "Enter your message..." place holder if I use the plugin command with no parameters, which means there are specified parameters in the plugin's own code, which shouldn't happen.

Regarding the params - yes, there are default params: Party Leader image and placeholder text.

It might make sense to remove them to create a default empty window as it seems to be the most prevalent use case of the community.

Regarding the issue you described with the window opening. I can't replicate it in my environment so i might need a little help to debug it. Are you on a Windows or Mac? Which version of MZ are you using and what is the version of your core script?

Thank you so much for supporting the project with your feedback

I'm using RPG Maker MV on Windows.

Please download the updated version of the plugin (1.1.2). 

I changed the default params for no actor image and no placeholder text.

I also tried to fix the bug you report by changing the logic of the synching window displays that could be affected on windows but i have no way to test the plugin in a windows myself.

Would be awesome to knoe if this worked for you

So, same problem, kinda.
I tested it closer and I noticed something: it actually works if I use either the ENTER key or the gamepad button. But it autocloses if I use SPACE or Z. And when it autocloses I can't even interact again (it's like the confirm key is disabled).

Ohhhh gotcha. Now i see what's happening and i can reproduce the bug in my everinoment as well. Working on it rn.

Will upload a new file with the patch soon

Calunio, finally i think all those issues are solved now.

The problem was in fact the event triggering with the space or "z" keys. That s fixed in latest patch (v 1.1.3.)