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( 2)

This game felt like a sleight of hand. From the game page to the long apologetic intro, you create a mindset of "this is going to be a rough, shitty game," and when I actually got to play it, I was faced with the opposite.

This game is surprisingly polished, well written, and well structured. It's not only visually and aurally quite charming, but very effective in reproducing the psychological experience of Benny making that trip and meeting Riggy and DZ, which is what I think is the whole point. I understand you were not able to properly design the dialog system you wanted, but what you did worked in terms of differentiating the overt experience (what was being said) from the covert experience (what was being thought), and that created immense empathy with the character (you!), which I loved. I also think it did a great job creating connections with the NPCs - it's not easy making Riggy and DZ awesome in game as they are in real life!

There are just two things I'd change about this game: to remove all the info dump about what the game is not, because it's honestly good enough; and add a hug sprite for when you meet DZ and Riggy (I can make that), because the scene called for it! XD

Socks = been knocked off.

( 2)

Thank you! Indeed, I felt the need to apologise that given the circumstances, I could only create something so short. Of course, given how much a fan I am of your work, any positive praise from you is quite welcome.

And yes, the hugging sprite for DZ and Riggy would be very welcome. I'd almost have done it if I had prioritised it. I very much appreciate that your socks were knocked off, and I would like to knock them off again in future - perhaps even the shoes, too!

Thank you for playing, dear friend :)