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(1 edit) ( 3)

I had a lot of fun with this one! Really great presentation and a unique idea. A lot of the jumps were challenging in a fun way and you can tell a lot of thought was put into the puzzles. 

My only criticisms would be that there were some jumps I had to figure out completely via trial and error, because the next cliff or ledge was out of view. It wasn't a huge deal but those were definitely frustrating because it didn't feel like I missed them because of my own mistakes, but instead for what basically amounted to luck. I also got lost a couple times and would've appreciated some way to know I was on the right path or not, especially when I was descending the mountain or doing something else counter-intuitive.

Overall, really great entry! I'd love to see what this looks like if you continued to develop it further.

( 1)

Thanks a million for playing and for your feedback. Completely agree with what you've mentioned, and we're sorry for the frustration. We didn't manage the time to polish those aspects and we'll release an update soon that fix a lot of those issues, but  happy you still enjoyed it. We will continue with the development and your encouragement means a lot! :D