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(4 edits)


Yairm, I see that the 32 bit version of Unciv are quite behind :/ honestly I feel that my avenues of gaming have shut down lately due to most games(that I liked beforehand) are 64 bit. Don’t want to pressure you to update a year old version though.

From a 32 bit loser


(4 edits)

Try to install Java 17 and run the 64 bit version’s Jar.

You can get Java 17 from Azul Zulu.

Java 8, 11, 17 applications always work for 32-bit Windows.

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Oh really? Damn. I’ll test this out tomorrow (or whenever I’m free really) and reply if this worked. Sorry if I was a bit pretentious/aggressive in my comment, I don’t usually type like this.

Kind Regards,