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Wow, excellent game. Definitely the best game I've played for the jam so far. Tutorial is well done, concepts are easy to grasp in isolation but make for excellent puzzles in combination, and the polish is immaculate. Well done!

I only encountered one issue: when restarting the level, I had one instance where the goal node disappeared and I had to reload the level to get it to reappear.

I really don't have anything else to say -- I honestly think you should keep going with this game and try and publish it for real. I would definitely pay for a fully fledged version of this game. Bravo!

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience!

That's a very specific bug your having, and I've not been able to reproduce it. Any way you could give me a step by step of what you did so I can troubleshoot the issue?

I'm currently working on version 2 and setting up a Steam page to start taking wishlist, so make sur to follow me to get informed of when the game will actually be released ;)

I just tried to repro the bug, but couldn't. Maybe it was a transient issue? Anyways, here's what I remember when the bug occurred:
- The stage was 3x2
- The goal node was in the bottom left
- I think the level was level 7 or 8?
- When I reset the level to try again, the goal node in the bottom left turned into a singular conveyer with no connections
- Resetting the level again caused the goal node reappear

Hope that helps!