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Some bug reporting:

1) Playing the Halloween event to any extent and then resuming Story/Sandbox/Infinite permanently breaks signal retrieving, resulting in every signal being the "spooky" signal. Tried resetting signals for my saves, but it still just keeps popping up.

2) Framerate appears to be booty blasted in the signal scanner and radar. It REALLY hurts to look at considering most players are suddenly inundated with an extremely low framerate right after playing mostly at 60 FPS.

3)!!! Might be spoiler related !!!

---Hazmat suit appears to be completely bugged. I was injured by the pond, thought the pond was radioactive, and bought the suit so I could venture it. The suit wasn't preventing damage, and I let myself die, curious what would happen. I loaded back up after dying, and the hazmat suit was just gone.

To add another bug to your collection, I can't save my game anymore after the new update. Auto and manual saves are permanently borked on my game.

Are you sure you're not just drowning in the pond? Also click on the white circle in you equip menu and it'll update and show everything (and unequip what was in the white circle's spot)