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(2 edits)

I gotta write again to say ya know, this game could be a full fledged release if it had more levels and was expanded a bit.
It really is the exact kind of game I love, extremely fast and dead on controls, retro style Atari 2600, great playability and very easy to just pick up and play and get into. It's a shame that there isn't more however, I would gladly purchase a more full version. 8)

(1 edit)

I'm gonna keep sayin' it... I got a new job that pays great but is very stressful and this game is perfect to come unwind to!
If you made a sequel or made it larger and more epic it's something I would gladly pay full price for. It's that good.
Already paid for this version even though it's free, just wanted
to show my appreciation. The SPEED and CONTROLS are DEAD ON.
The aesthetics and sound? PERFECT. I just keep feeling sad that
it may not ever be anything more and that you might not know what a gem you have. 8) I feel the same about the game "Bobo
Robot" which I loved but it's like it's just 1 level of something that
should be an entire game! You got my money man if you ever wanna enhance it or make a sequel! Like maybe make it HUGE so you have to save games and take lots of hours to complete?
Just do everything you're doing but bigger and better?
Weapons maybe? hehhe I love even that it has swimming sections!