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Hi, thanks for pointing this out!

It looks like somehow the script got deleted, before I uploaded it. But it should be simple to add back:

In the bounce scene, there are two trigger areas on the right hand side. The top one has an On_Enter script. If you copy that, and paste it on the scene's OnInit script after the minJumpVal = 8000 event, then the bouncing should work again.

Hello. Sorry for asking. The two triggers that you say are the yellow rectangles on the right, correct?. When I click the top one, in the events "box" it shows an event called "PM_event_platplus_state_script". I click on it and nothing happens. How do you see scripts in gb studio?. Also, where can I find the Onlnit script?.

Thanks. I should say that Im new to gb studio and I dont know much.

I Just recently found that you dont edit the background in gb studio, you make a png image and then paint the collisions.

So two notes:
1) To answer your questions, it sounds like the project didn't get fully unzipped, and that some of the plugins are missing or in the incorrect folder. Make sure you extract everything and keep the file directory the same. Rather than PM_event_platplus_state_script, it should read "Attach a Script to a Platformer State." You can find the OnInit for the scene by clicking anywhere in the scene that isn't an actor or a trigger.

2) Some of the techniques for the bounce are a bit advanced, I'd recommend you play around with GBStudio a bit before trying to replicate that particular bit. The Discord is a great community for learning the ropes, and also a really good place to ask questions!

Thank you.