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Missing the Gallery, but I still love your games. I wanted to save pics of the hugs and head pats.

I still haven't found anyone else who does BL games as cute as yours. Love the art, love the relationships, love the weird personalities. 

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I'll keep in mind to not skip making the gallery next time TwT Anyway, it's been a while. How have you been? ^^

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Been pretty good, just busy working. Decided to catch up on your games I missed and replay my favorites. 

What about you? 

So far so good. I moved to a rural town so life has been pretty peaceful XD

Luckyyyy!!!! Wish I lived somewhere quieter. I'm technically in the suburbs, but I'm not sure my area counts as suburbs anymore. Too many buildings and people now. 

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Yeah, places get industrialized way too fast. I used to live in the outskirts of the city and it used to be filled with nature. Now it's just filled with construction sites and noise pollution.

Rural towns are peaceful but it's frustrating when you break a piece of technology and it's hard to find parts to get it fixed. I also miss not seeing a convenience store every 5 minutes. If only we can teleport between a city and a town anytime we want XD

Yeah literally around the corner from me there's a convenience store, gas station, fast food and coffee shop all on the same intersection. It's nuts. 

I'd love to live like a 15-30 minute drive outside a town. That way there's still the convenience of being nearby without the annoyance of so many buildings and people.

I can fix a lot of tech gadgets so that's not a problem for me. Sucks for you though, gotta be super careful. 

That sounds ideal X3