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(2 edits)

While I love the attention to detail artistically and eventing wise, I had to give the gameplay 1 star, on account of my game softlocking on a white screen after saving the game. As nice as the intro cutscene was, I'm afraid that it's not something I would watch a second time.

Maybe im getting old, but the potty humour didn't get to me. 

I was also not a fan of the inconsistent dialogue boxes. Some parts you can skip, other times it skips for you and I missed the dialogue a few times due to this.

Psychronic Gaming has always impressed me with their design and narrative, but unfortunately the characters and narrative was not well fleshed out enough in this instance for me to pay much attention. 

My advice for next time; focus on making the premise of the story absolutely crystal clear in the first 5 minutes of the game, otherwise the player will lose interest or be left confused. 
Kiyasu, you did a great job otherwise :)

EDIT: I was playing on a previous submission, which I am told is the bugged version. Review subject to change soon.
I basically stopped playing once the toilet humour reached a point of absurdity.