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I get what you mean about social media stuff.  I also despise it personally but I see it as a tool just like anything else.  Just post something and encourage people who want updates to follow you.  Right now, if anyone wants updates they have to follow you on itch and hope that you update things.  If you had a central website of some sort then that might make it easier (promote your itch and not have to play by the rules of 'regular' social media.

It is the delicate balance of using social media as a platform to get the word out and hopefully make some money versus having social media end up using you as another user to sell advertising space via metrics and data.

It is a crutch though, just thought I'd throw it out there as a potential way for people to consider for marketing/promo purposes.
You make niche games so I'd say it may end up being that you get someone IRL you know (maybe family) to help you with the marketing stuff.

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I will definitely be attempting to make a website at some point with the place you mentioned to me when I get a chance. That is something I actually can do at least :3 Just gotta wait for my stupid arm to heal up before I can really do much of anything >.<

I'm outta luck for irl help from anyone when it comes to social media though cos I don't have many people that I interact with face to face, and the family I do see (and the one irl friend that I have) are all social media averse same as me xD All of em autistic the same as me, and all refuse to even make social media accounts, haha. It's one of the reasons my old therapist put me on a waiting list for a helper cos she said it would be good to have someone who can enable me to do more in the areas that my autism restricts me. It's a proper scheme they have to help folks with ASD just get an extra helping hand, but I've been on the list for so long now without any word of if I'm ever gonna get the help that I can't actually remember how long it's been. Over 2 years at this point at the very least >.< I have a feeling its probably not gonna happen cos funding was cut for mental health services where I live. 

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For those reading the convo here and wondering which free web hosting was one I'd recommend, it is this:

#notsponsored btw just saying it seems pretty good and I know many who use it without major issues; for a free web host it sure beats Geocities back in the day ^_^

As far as your other challenges, I wish you well and hope things work out.  My DMs are open if you ever decide to want to leave a message.
I appreciate the opportunity to help as many indie game devs as I can; more awesome indie games means a lot more choice in avoiding the big-budget garbage spewed by hostile hateful major game publishers that typically abuse their workers/employees.  I feel the indie gaming market may be the best way to go forward as far as supporting awesome games going forward.

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I did finally check out Wix and it does seem like a really useful site for free web hosting! I didn't manage to make anything that looked decent while having a brief fiddle around with it, but I'm gonna have a proper go at it when I have the use of both my arms again, haha. It certainly looks promising :3

You're always so kind and wise! It means a lot that you made the effort to reach out to me in the first place. And you've certainly given me a lot to think about, as well as arming me with a whole bunch of knowledge I wouldn't have otherwise had :3 so I can only thank you for that!

And I totally agree with your last paragraph there! Indie stuff can be so incredible ^-^ Not just saying that cos I happen to make things, but as a player, I've found that most of the games that have given me the most enjoyment in recent years have been indie games that were either free to download or ones I supported here on itch or via Kickstarter!