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Spoilers and whatnot:

Words aren’t coming that easily as I try to write this comment so just know there are many things left unsaid, all good, but difficult to write. I played through a few times–each time going to Daren not Ted after the outburst so I never knew what Jeffry’s diagnosis was (in story). At the same time I’ve never (evar) felt as close to a MC before and my spidey sense was telling me BPII which is what I live with IRL. Having just chosen to go to Ted instead of Daren and find that out in-game really put me through it, tears for all of the best reasons. Thank you for such a thoughtful portrayal of not only someone with BPII, but also a nuanced life and cast of characters who are (if not in-the-know specifically) understanding and caring for their friend. Even just a VN like this is enough to make the world feel a little less lonely and make some struggles feel less insurmountable.