spoiler warning!
what an amazing game. :,) god, i hated ezrebeth throughout. in a manner both endeared and annoyed. for one, her attitude towards her "family" grated my gears, yet how it softened towards charta... and eventually i learnt, ezrebeth is a woman who has been hurt very, very gravely - and it moved me deeply. she felt human. despite my (fond) frustrations with her, that's what kept me engaged in her story.
it took me a while to recognize our vol. i think it's around ezrebeth praising vol for being a hero that i realized. he's adorable!! it's so interesting to see how his branch of the family is like, especially since we had that in the painting for astrid. and ohhhh, that twist at the end - i've forgotten if ezrebeth had her name revealed in pitstop; so i was very surprised!! it explains how vain she is.
i loved the character designs and sprite art. beautiful, as per usual!! it fills my heart with joy to see visual novels with older characters taking the spotlight. it's not something you find often. so happy to have seen more of our fellow deities. very, very interesting! guide assigned little brother, lmaoo.
apologies for this spew of thoughts. happy new years, dev team! <3 i wish you all the best for future projects. keep creating, i'll be cheering you on!